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Guest ShaQuaNew

After 25 hours of being half asleep on the planes, I got a good nights sleep, now I need cash machine, coffee and breakfast in that order more or less.


I will post more later.



Depending where you are, the cash machine and breakfast shouldn't be a problem. Coffee can be a challenge, especially if you like it American style. Have fun. When you wake up, post again and let us know how it's going.

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I sure hope my reply is not too selfish, but ... what sort of procedure did you go through at the airport in China in regards to flu? I have a trip coming up at the end of June and am still wondering wether to postpone or not ... I just dont want to go and be put in a week long quarantine simply because I am American. Although someone in my family told me this would be considered 'medical emergency' and I could postpone my return flight by a week. Any truth to this does anyone know? Again, so sorry to be thinking of myself while you are on your first wonderful adventure in China (You will have a great time!) but I am very concerned about this.


Anyways, Grats on the trip and take LOTS of pictures ... some nights thats all that gets me through to the next morning are the photos I took while I was there.

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I sure hope my reply is not too selfish, but ... what sort of procedure did you go through at the airport in China in regards to flu? I have a trip coming up at the end of June and am still wondering wether to postpone or not ... I just dont want to go and be put in a week long quarantine simply because I am American. Although someone in my family told me this would be considered 'medical emergency' and I could postpone my return flight by a week. Any truth to this does anyone know? Again, so sorry to be thinking of myself while you are on your first wonderful adventure in China (You will have a great time!) but I am very concerned about this.


Anyways, Grats on the trip and take LOTS of pictures ... some nights thats all that gets me through to the next morning are the photos I took while I was there.

When you get on the plane, you are given a health form to fill out, wanting your name, contact info, where you will be staying, if you've had any contact with people having the flu, any contact with pigs, and if you have any of a list of symptoms.


When the plane arrives at the terminal, you are told to stay in your seat until further notice. Then a crew of people in Tyvek bunny suits, masks and goggles go around taking everyone's temperature with a hand held device they aim at your forehead, and some people go through a short interview, presumably because they have symptoms of some kind. What was funny was all the people taking pictures of the health services crew, I think every westerner was doing that. My skin temp seems to be a little warmer than most peoples, so I took a couple of ibuprofen and pointed the aircon nozzle at my head about 30 minutes before landing.


After they let you off the plane, you are routed to a quarantine checkpoint where they take the health form. They will insist on full contact info. I did not have the number for my hotel or the young woman memorized, so I wrote my work number in the US down, and the girl waved me through.




PS. I am told that if one person on the plane has flu symptoms, everyone on the plane will be stuck in a nice hotel until they either rule out type A-HIN1 or some period of time passes.

Edited by Christopher (see edit history)
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So today we went to the Jinsha Site Museum and looked at the stuff from the Shu kingdom thy dug up: bronze masks, other bronze sculptures, jade daggers, earthenware pots and so on. You have to get on this little dinky bus, and ride for about an hour through the countryside to gert to a village, then you get on a taxi and ride anoth 10 km or so and you get deposited by the front gate. They want 80 yuan to let you in, and they give you a bar coded ticket they scan in at every door, so you can't enter the same building 2X. We inadvertently left one building without seeing all what was in it, and my girl totally dominated the other woman tending the door into letting us through. I spent most of the time getting snap-happy with my kickass digicam, and made sure someone got a picture of both of us together.


When we got back to Chengdu proper, I took a nap for about an hour,vand then we went out to dinner. I deferred to her instincts, and we demolished some pickled something-or-other, stir fried celery, a carp, peking duck, and then duck soup with seaweed. All of it was excellent.


Today, Ni has to work, so I am left to my own devices, I will try to contact some people from the board who are in Chengdu now. And I really need a decent cup of coffee: there's a Starbucks fairly close by, but I have no clue how to get there, and google maps does not seem to work here. Next time I will bring my own ...

Edited by Christopher (see edit history)
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So today we went to the Jinsha Site Museum and looked at the stuff from the Shu kingdom thy dug up: bronze masks, other bronze sculptures, jade daggers, earthenware pots and so on. You have to get on this little dinky bus, and ride for about an hour through the countryside to gert to a village, then you get on a taxi and ride anoth 10 km or so and you get deposited by the front gate. They want 80 yuan to let you in, and they give you a bar coded ticket they scan in at every door, so you can't enter the same building 2X. We inadvertently left one building without seeing all what was in it, and my girl totally dominated the other woman tending the door into letting us through. I spent most of the time getting snap-happy with my kickass digicam, and made sure someone got a picture of both of us together.


When we got back to Chengdu proper, I took a nap for about an hour,vand then we went out to dinner. I deferred to her instincts, and we demolished some pickled something-or-other, stir fried celery, a carp, peking duck, and then duck soup with seaweed. All of it was excellent.


Today, Ni has to work, so I am left to my own devices, I will try to contact some people from the board who are in Chengdu now. And I really need a decent cup of coffee: there's a Starbucks fairly close by, but I have no clue how to get there, and google maps does not seem to work here. Next time I will bring my own ...


tell the taxi driver to bring to you Chunxi Road, there are alot of coffee shops there aswell as starbucks...

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So today we went to the Jinsha Site Museum and looked at the stuff from the Shu kingdom thy dug up: bronze masks, other bronze sculptures, jade daggers, earthenware pots and so on. You have to get on this little dinky bus, and ride for about an hour through the countryside to gert to a village, then you get on a taxi and ride anoth 10 km or so and you get deposited by the front gate. They want 80 yuan to let you in, and they give you a bar coded ticket they scan in at every door, so you can't enter the same building 2X. We inadvertently left one building without seeing all what was in it, and my girl totally dominated the other woman tending the door into letting us through. I spent most of the time getting snap-happy with my kickass digicam, and made sure someone got a picture of both of us together.


When we got back to Chengdu proper, I took a nap for about an hour,vand then we went out to dinner. I deferred to her instincts, and we demolished some pickled something-or-other, stir fried celery, a carp, peking duck, and then duck soup with seaweed. All of it was excellent.


Today, Ni has to work, so I am left to my own devices, I will try to contact some people from the board who are in Chengdu now. And I really need a decent cup of coffee: there's a Starbucks fairly close by, but I have no clue how to get there, and google maps does not seem to work here. Next time I will bring my own ...


tell the taxi driver to bring to you Chunxi Road, there are alot of coffee shops there aswell as starbucks...


Another thing that i did for the coffee issue was go into a grocery or even a seven eleven and by a box of instant nescafe coffee it is just about as good as a regular cup just boil the water before you drink the coffee but if you are in a hotel there should be an electric hot water boiler....just a though usually i like regular coffee as compared to instant but this seems to do the trick sometimes double strong too lol have a good trip i wish i could be back in china right now but i got another few months till i can go back

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Found the Starbucks. That felt like an accomplishment.


Next job is to get Ni to drill me on essential Chinese phrases, like: I need to use the toilet, right now! Damn near got caught out about a mile from the hotel this morning after breakfast.


Also, I keep losing stuff. Need to get another tourist map, and to replace the electronic dictionary I lost (stat).


There's much to like about Chengdu. The town reminds me of Buenos Aires in many ways, but mostly with all the trees, small sized cars and how people turn their balconies into gardens. Also all the skinny hotties walking around, not the least of whom't like is Ni. I'll upload a picture as soon as I figure out how to make the gallery work (figuring it doesn't like 2.5+ MB images)

Edited by Christopher (see edit history)
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Guest Pommey

Found the Starbucks. That felt like an accomplishment.


Next job is to get Ni to drill me on essential Chinese phrases, like: I need to use the toilet, right now! Damn near got caught out about a mile from the hotel this morning after breakfast.


Also, I keep losing stuff. Need to get another tourist map, and to replace the electronic dictionary I lost (stat).


There's much to like about Chengdu. The town reminds me of Buenos Aires in many ways, but mostly with all the trees, small sized cars and how people turn their balconies into gardens. Also all the skinny hotties walking around, not the least of whom't like is Ni. I'll upload a picture as soon as I figure out how to make the gallery work (figuring it doesn't like 2.5+ MB images)



toilets are easy to find, just follow your nose <_<

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