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Mexican food for us tonight - the Chinese restaurants are all too crowded.


I took Li on a vacation to New Mexico for Christmas. I took her to one of the finest Mexican restaurants in Albuquerque.


I found out the expensive way: She doesn't like Mexican food. :D



Mexican food and cheesecake seem to have taken hold around here for all holidays/birthdays.

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! My wife just made a pickem up truck load of jiaozi!! ;) Also don't forget, NO ARGUMENTS DURING SPRING FESTIVAL!!! :D



Same here, she is preparing them as I write !! ;) No Chinese restaurant in CA can duplicate her Guangzhou recipe dumplings, either boiled or pan fried. Not only taste great, they are little works of art, from her sweet little finger tips, which shape and seal the dough.


And yes, she is another one, who does not like the taste of Mexican food. I must 'sneak' a shreaded beef taco or an enchilada, while running errands (alone). :P


Charles, I am so happy for you two !! Nice photo !!


Happy New Year !!! :D

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Happy New Year to everyone!


I am so happy that I can finally celebrate New Year with my husband this year. My parents made lots of Chinese goodies for him. We made him taste every kind, since each symbolize different good fortune and wishes for the year.


When looking back at two years ago, I thought we could never come to today.

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