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Guest jin979

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Most of the time, I think I understand my wife. However, sometimes I'm baffled.




Being married changes many aspects of day-to-day life. But, in mature people, I think the marriage doesn't really change a person too much. The biggest change is loving someone and being loved everyday.



so how is she changing your live. be honest

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Amanda, I infer from your forum name that you and Ping were born in the same year. I infer from Jin's post that "us" means Chinese women.


Now I may be wrong on both counts, but I dare anyone to say yes to Jin's question if I am correct. ;) :)


But one day at a time, there are two Chinese ladies who I understand better and better. It will take a lifetime to understand them more. They have promised me that they will give me that long. :)


But I think that Jin's question might be more specific. She may simply be asking each of us guys if we understand our respective fiancee or wife, and how they will change our respective lives.


I have come to know the answer to the second half of that question quite well. It is an amazing transformation that Ping has brought to my life. I am quite happy with those changes. ;) :)

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First part: No, even after 8 years I am still learning. At first I think that anyone would being stretching the truth if they said yes. Exception: Those of us that have spent extensive time in China.


Second Part: I did not know to what extent my wife would change my life. I didn't think that it would be much of a change but in fact has been quite a lot change. Most for the best but some not so good. Is that not what love and marriage is about? Someone has to adapt better both of you rather than one doing all of the changing. If that were so then I think that person would be very unhappy.



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