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Can't Do Anything Right ...

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When I was in school there was an ugly girl. She had enough internal issues and was harrassed frequently. She caught the most hell at dances when she tried to look her best.


The Olympics: China ain't no ugly girl yet for all its power, history (good and bad) and wealth, she does have a bit of an inferiority complex. This is Her coming out party. And damn it if she can't do anything right (to some people). The openings were "faked", the prettiest girl lip-syncd the best singing girl's voice, the wins are with children, etc... The bashing amongst world news outlets is relentless... and pitiful.


(By the way this is more a blog and not an opening to some damn debate. Start your own thread!)


Pollution. Yes, it's bad, they know it and worked hard to improve it. BTW: How was it in Mexico City?


Human Rights: How is it in Mexico? Greece?


Presentation: Yes, there were standards for everything; including the appearance of the ladies you see at the presentation ceremonies, etc... Just like in every business. But China's catching hell for it. Think Hooters... Think Las Vegas... how many fat, ugly show girls work there?


Participation: China has worked damn hard for the past 20 years to get a competitive field of athletes. But people are casting dirt on every accomplishment.


Begrudging the accomplishments and focusing more on the negatives is childish and a form of bullying. It should be beneath us.

Edited by Yuanyang (see edit history)
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I'd throw a different slant - some of these big american 'sportscasters' sent over to do the voiceovers are filling it up with 'color commentaries' when they should be hitting it as 'play by play' during the 'action times'. I wind up cursing at the broadcast, wondering just what it would look like if *I* did the voiceovers instead. I've got the talent and background (Ya, Oscar and me share a similar talent in that area) and it absolutely chaps my backside .


I wound up watching TheGame on the Spanish Channels, just to get better play by play...



Edited by Darnell (see edit history)
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As for the opening, just think what Steven Spielberg would have produced if he wasn't protesting. :cheering:

Why? Zhang Yimou did superb job - equal, some say better, to what Spielberg could have done.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

The Olympics: China ain't no ugly girl yet for all its power, history (good and bad), wealth does have a bit of an inferiority complex. This is Her coming out party. And damn if can't do anything right. The openings were "faked", the prettiest girl lip-syncd the best singing girls voice, the wins are with children, etc... The bashing amongst world news outlets is relentless... and pitiful.


Begrudging the accomplishments and focusing more on the negatives is childish and a form of bullying. It should be beneath us.


I think many of us wish we could take back some things we've said in life; especially when it was designed to improve personal self-worth at the expense of another.

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China is the underdog right now and she is taking the lumps of an underdog like a pro. But some day China will not be that underdog and will be able to step out on the stage without being bashed and bashed.


I just hope that I can see it in my life time because I feel China is now part of me also.

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China is the underdog right now and she is taking the lumps of an underdog like a pro. But some day China will not be that underdog and will be able to step out on the stage without being bashed and bashed.



This is being a little melodramatic and silly.

OK, maybe it is, what's the big deal of being a little melodramatic and silly.....


I feel there for I shall say........

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The second reason I stopped watching the Olympics, is quite simply the way they are broadcast in the United States.


Back in '84 I was sent out for the summer so that I wouldn't be exposed to the insanity of the Olympics, or something like that.... Anyway, the family friends I stayed with had one of those six foot satellite dish deals. We preferred watching the Australian feeds as they we the best coverage, and not horribly biased towards the US and against everyone else.


I watched a bit of the current Olympics on CNBC, or CBC, or whatever it is. It's fairly reasonable in it's coverage.

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As for the opening, just think what Steven Spielberg would have produced if he wasn't protesting. :angry:

Why? Zhang Yimou did superb job - equal, some say better, to what Spielberg could have done.

The word is Glamourous! This is China's Coming Out Party and a helluva show it is!


China's not the little, subservient people in funny looking Mao clothes chanting from the Little Red Book, not a bunch of bowing eunuchs or even Charlie Chan. China stands equal to The West and above most of them. Get use to it.

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As for the opening, just think what Steven Spielberg would have produced if he wasn't protesting. ;)

Why? Zhang Yimou did superb job - equal, some say better, to what Spielberg could have done.

But then the western media wouldn't have called a Spielberg show a fake, even under the same circumstances the would have called it what it was a great show. :angry:


The opening ceremony was impressive to say the least, we're having family get us the DVD.

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Guest WenDylan

As for the opening, just think what Steven Spielberg would have produced if he wasn't protesting. ;)

Why? Zhang Yimou did superb job - equal, some say better, to what Spielberg could have done.

But then the western media wouldn't have called a Spielberg show a fake, even under the same circumstances the would have called it what it was a great show. :angry:


The opening ceremony was impressive to say the least, we're having family get us the DVD.

I'd like the Lucasfilm's Indiana Jones and Forbidden City Birds Nest!


I'll buy that on DVD... :harhar1:

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It's like I always tell my wife when she gets all angry about the negative image of China in the media;


When you start playing with the heavyweights, people stop pulling their punches. You should take each insult as a form of praise. In the past, people may have said, "China is a polluted sh!thole but what do you expect from those poor oppressed people?" Now, people are saying, "China is a modern superpower. It's one of the strongest nations in history. Why is it still so dirty?"


You have to read the complement in the criticism. Even when they complain about China, people are still showing their respect for it as a powerful, modern nation.


I mean, Wow! The Olympics are going so well, seven days into the event, the only thing they've found to complain about is a two minute song in the the opening ceremony?


Honestly, I have to say, as a citizen of the other superpower, I'm honestly a little embarrassed by the way that China is nearly-flawlessly pulling this off. (And that's even with my slightly increased level of "inside knowledge" about what an inconvenience the Olympics have been to the average man on the street over there).


And that's the truth.


And here's a tip, guys... No matter how angry she gets about China in the media, it is never advisable to say, "Yeah. If it's so freaking great there, why do people work so hard to get out?"


That's a LONG TERM ticket to the doghouse. :angry:

Edited by Minister (see edit history)
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Guest lilac6451

As for the opening, just think what Steven Spielberg would have produced if he wasn't protesting. :lol:

Why? Zhang Yimou did superb job - equal, some say better, to what Spielberg could have done.

But then the western media wouldn't have called a Spielberg show a fake, even under the same circumstances the would have called it what it was a great show. :blink:


The opening ceremony was impressive to say the least, we're having family get us the DVD.


me too.

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