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Focus on Black-hole case

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Hi everyone,

I know that most of you have gotten out of the black hole and are looking
forward to spending time with your fiancees and spouses. But I hope that
everyone who has been through this situation will remember what it felt like
to be in that situation, to be constantly writing and calling government
officials, the sense of frustration and hopelessness.

Even though this may feel like the past, I know that there are still many
on-hold cases. So I would encourage everyone here on Candle, even if your
loved ones are already here, to help each other. Please step back and try
to remember what it felt like during those days of uncertainty. Would it be
another week? Another month? Another year?

I would like to implement a weekly rotation system where we post at the top
of this forum the story and case of one black-hole person and his/her
contact information. And anyone who is willing to write to a government
official on that person's behalf, contact that person and ask for the case
information. Of course, this will require trust on both sides, but I hope
we have a trusting and caring environment here with people who are committed
to helping each other.

I have already written the following letter on behalf of one of the on-hold
cases that has had a hold since the start of the security checks:

Dear Ambassador Harty:

I would like to sincerely thank you for the attention you have given to the
delayed family visa cases in Guangzhou, China. You are a very accomplished
and compassionate leader who has brought about so much positive change.

Many families have been reunited thanks to your efforts. Many people who
were once waiting indefinitely now have had a lot of positive news to share
with each other on our Candle support forum.

Unfortunately, there are a few people that have managed to slip through the
cracks. I am writing this letter on behalf of my good friend, <WOMAN NAME REMOVED>, who
has been waiting 12 Months to be reunited with her husband <MAN NAME REMOVED>.

Their information is as follows:

It is my sincere hope that you might be able to help them, as you have
helped so many other families through the visa delays.

Respectfully yours,

Philip Tenn, Jr
Candle for Love Founder/Administrator



Anybody who would be willing to write similar letters on behalf of Lei and
Sean, please contact them through Candle, user ID: SBS and OrbitalPunk.

As I mentioned, I would like to rotate the on-hold members of Candle, so
this post will remain pinned from Sunday, 7/20 to Sunday, 7/27.

Any other on-hold cases who would like the assistance of the Candle group
and have similar letters written on their behalf, please contact me, candle
User ID: PJ.

I know that all of you are busy now that your families and loved ones are
here, and it often does not feel convenient to write or call, but I
sincerely hope that everyone who has been through this will remember the
words of the great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ... "Injustice anywhere is a
threat to justice everywhere."


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Count me in PJ!


I feel strongly that we should leave no one behind.


This board has been a source of information, inspiration, and support for me during my long wait. I feel indebted to the members of Candle For Love who supported our letter writing campaign. I believe that our combined efforts helped to bring about my fiancee's recent name check clearance.


I will continue to do my part until all of us are reunited, and I encourage everyone else who has benefited from Candle For Love to do likewise.


Best Wishes

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Hi everyone,


I know that most of you have gotten out of the black hole and are looking

forward to spending time with your fiancees and spouses.  But I hope that

everyone who has been through this situation will remember what it felt like

to be in that situation, to be constantly writing and calling government

officials, the sense of frustration and hopelessness.


Even though this may feel like the past, I know that there are still many

on-hold cases.  So I would encourage everyone here on Candle, even if your

loved ones are already here, to help each other.  Please step back and try

to remember what it felt like during those days of uncertainty.  Would it be

another week?  Another month?  Another year?


I would like to implement a weekly rotation system where we post at the top

of this forum the story and case of one black-hole person and his/her

contact information.  And anyone who is willing to write to a government

official on that person's behalf, contact that person and ask for the case

information.  Of course, this will require trust on both sides, but I hope

we have a trusting and caring environment here with people who are committed

to helping each other.


I have already written the following letter on behalf of one of the on-hold

cases that has had a hold since the start of the security checks:



Dear Ambassador Harty:


I would like to sincerely thank you for the attention you have given to the

delayed family visa cases in Guangzhou, China.  You are a very accomplished

and compassionate leader who has brought about so much positive change.


Many families have been reunited thanks to your efforts.  Many people who

were once waiting indefinitely now have had a lot of positive news to share

with each other on our Candle support forum.


Unfortunately, there are a few people that have managed to slip through the

cracks.  I am writing this letter on behalf of my good friend, Zhu Lei, who

has been waiting 12 Months to be reunited with her husband Sean Brown.


Their information is as follows:



It is my sincere hope that you might be able to help them, as you have

helped so many other families through the visa delays.


Respectfully yours,



Philip Tenn, Jr.

Candle for Love Founder/Administrator









Anybody who would be willing to write similar letters on behalf of Lei and

Sean, please contact them through Candle, user ID: SBS and OrbitalPunk.


As I mentioned, I would like to rotate the on-hold members of Candle, so

this post will remain pinned from Sunday, 7/20 to Sunday, 7/27.


Any other on-hold cases who would like the assistance of the Candle group

and have similar letters written on their behalf, please contact me, candle

User ID: PJ.


I know that all of you are busy now that your families and loved ones are

here, and it often does not feel convenient to write or call, but I

sincerely hope that everyone who has been through this will remember the

words of the great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ... "Injustice anywhere is a

threat to justice everywhere."



:D  :P  :P

Add my name to the letter, PJ. She would just love to see it again!!! :P :P :P

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I think that is the one reason we got together to start this flame, although you are quite young and have a lot to learn, we both believe in America and the American spirit. We all need to take our country back, people, and that means working together as one. :D :P

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Glad to see everyone's responses here. :D


SBS and orbitalpunk, please contact the Candle people who have responded on this post and let them know the information they need and whom you would like them to write to on your behalf.

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What many do not understand is that by helping others, you are helping yourself in the long run. This is a system that is being changed only to help the people that do not wish to streamline the process but wish to slow it down for their own reasons. Unless you are an American Indian, you are considered an immigrant regardless of generation. Change will come about only by demanding change, as an American citizen. Since this is a Republic, start by contacting your representatives. :D

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Hi All,


Okay, better approach. Please keep in mind that I am refining the process as we go. Please post here if you would be willing to write a letter on behalf of SBS and orbitalpunk, and then they can go through this topic and all the responses and contact you through your Candle ID. I believe this would be the most efficient.


Hehe, I wish the government would hire me as an efficiency consultant for the visa processing. Streamlining processes is something I believe I can do well and enjoy doing. :D :D



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Hi All,


Okay, better approach.  Please keep in mind that I am refining the process as we go.  Please post here if you would be willing to write a letter on behalf of SBS and orbitalpunk, and then they can go through this topic and all the responses and contact you through your Candle ID.  I believe this would be the most efficient.  


Hehe, I wish the government would hire me as an efficiency consultant for the visa processing.  Streamlining processes is something I believe I can do well and enjoy doing.   :D  ;)



Clay writes very good letters. I volunteer him to write a form letter that can be sent to a number of Gov appointees. :o :D :P :D For that matter, PJ writes very good letters too. :P

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You can throw me into the mix PJ, our interview is next week, so we're not home free, but I like our chances. Also, I'm not sure I can be that nice to Ms. Harty, after all this process is taking more than twice as long as it should, but if it will help, I'll bite my tongue. :D

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Count me in, I don't know how much help I can be with Harty, because I have had some words with her, but I know what delay are,I lost 6 months when mine petition of 1/09/02 was shredded by Ca. service center.

R2D2, I am a American Indian and believe me, we Indians feel more like illegal immigrates than you could ever imagine. Enough said!

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Count me in, I don't know how much help I can be with Harty, because I have had some words with her, but I know what delay are,I lost 6 months when mine petition of 1/09/02 was shredded by Ca. service center.

R2D2, I am a American Indian and believe me, we Indians feel more like illegal immigrates than you could ever imagine. Enough said!

Know what you mean. We are all one and strive for the same for our families-a better life. :P :D

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