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Is DOS the same as The Visa Information Center?

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Just to give an overall view:


The petition starts with the USCIS and then goes to the NVC; NVC is a part of the DOS.


While the case is briefly at the NVC, you can call NVC... but it will only be there about 7-10 days (barring no delays) and be passed onto the US Consulate in Guangzhou.


Usually, once it leaves the NVC, the DOS line is called for case updates. THis is usually the most reliable information, although more than one call may be required since different people seem to have different experiences and motivations.


The Visa Information Center is in Shanghai and is a fee based call. This is equivalent to calling the DOS for information but appears to be less reliable both in getting someone on the line and the information.


One should probably only use the Visa Information Center in the case of an interview denial. In this case, one must use the Visa Information Center to purchase a pin number and then call the Information center to setup an overcome appointment...

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I see and hear about DOS and a phone number.

But what is this Visa Information Center? They want you to pay online

for 12 min of help. Number they give is 86-21-3881-4611.

Can anyone clarify this? :(



The DOS has been my best source of info, even while it was at the NVC. I was at the NVC a long time and they would not say anything. The DOS seemed to at least tell me the last time an info request was made. While it has been GZ, the DOS has given me good info. It is dependent upon the person you are speaking with. Plus, for me Monday has always been the day to get the info.


A little thing I have notice while calling the DOS (I call a lot after the long wait at NVC, i wanted to make sure it was moving thru the system. ) It seems if the person says they will put you on hold while they look up you info, than they will not tell you anything. They do not seem to understand what their systems can tell them. If no placing on hold than you can ask them anything and they might answer.

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Yep, Gordon is right. 202-663-1225 then as soon as the guy starts talking hit 1, then 0 when the next guy says "main menu". Now you will get thru to a....ahem... "visa specialist".


Chawles, give them a call a minute or two before 9:00am. The wait will usually be 3-5 minutes, sometimes less.


I have started calling them with specific questions in an attempt to find out what the heck GUZ is looking at. I called Friday and was told "generally, when in administrative reveiw a background check is being conducted". Yesterday, I asked if the name and security checks had been made and was told, "yes they have been made, it's not the checks, now they are looking if see if your girlfriend qualifies for the visa".


It is like a game, I know they can see on the computer just why GUZ has given us a blue slip, as when I ask specific questions I can hear the "visa specialist" cough, stutter, or clear their throat as they seek time to formulate the correct dodge to answer me with. So I happily play the game and I politely hammer away each call with one or two questions, knowing that sooner or later I'll zero in on the answer. This morning, I'll ask if a third party has e-mailed or called GUZ.


Hey, it's free, takes 5 or 6 minutes of my time, and it's just a word game.


The "visa specialists" are cagey and well trained to be evasive, that's where the word "specialists" best pertains to them.


In two weeks my letters seekin' official inquiries to two Congressmen and ol' George dubya will go out. I was told at ACH that "probably in a month, month and a half a letter will be sent to your girlfriend"....well, partner, we've passed that time and I'll wait till the 26th to send the letters.


The truth is out there...LOL...maybe this is all just another chapter of "The X-Files".


Good luck to everyone,


tsap seui

X man from planet X Ray seekin' the X file on why we were give the X ....MOOHAHAHAHAHA

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when you say to call at 9:00 am, do you mean China time, or 9:00

am here in Michigan?

Thanks Everyone!

Same time zone as you in Mich. EDT.


I used to live in Midland, so just an hour or so away.


Good luck.

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