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Name Checks

Guest Long_strider

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Guest Long_strider

So I'm feeling frustrated and need to rant and rave. So my apologies for the negativity.


Today I recieved a letter from Mr. William J Martin, Acting Chief, Consular Section in Guangzhou in response to a letter from Congressman Wu of Oregon.


The letter was simply....crap! (Whew, Now I feel a little better!). It contained mistruths and slanted information. It also used the B.S. of homeland security as a defense for their continuing screw-ups. (Hmmm, can you tell I am a little frustrated?).


Wu's office has also been less than helpful. I told them to stop being involved in my petition as they have offered no tangible help.


If any of you are from Oregon in Wu's district, I would encourage you to consider carefully any future vote for him in the next election. (yes, I really am frustrated!).



Ok, Sorry, 5 months is a long time for the name check process and still no end in sight....



:( :o


I'll be in a better mood tomorrw :D



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dont feel bad me and my fiance have been waiting for over 6 months and there are more out there that have been waiting longer ! yes, alot of people who applied after us have recieved their visa before us ; the mian thing is to concentrate your energy on the positive side of these issues that we all face. good luck and keep hope alive !


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This is killing my fianc¨¦e and me> we started in August and they finally sent (resent) our file to DOS in January 8, still waiting. Two weeks ago I spoke to a nice lady that agreed with me that it was taking soooo very long for the name check. She said to call in 10 days as she was going to submit our file onto her supervisor¡¯s desk. I have been calling back and now only seem to get the first lady I used to get before talking to the ¡°helpful¡± lady. Not to worry it will come, just that it is taking its toll on our nerves.


Anyway all I wanted to say was I tried the Congressman route too and received a frivolous letter from Guangzhou that tried to be intimidating, and I too asked them not to help me anymore (small world.)

Finally I got the idea from this website to call DOS, and that is what I do now. Stay strong Good luck to everyone.

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i haven't posted for a long time, have had better things to do. after 9000+ e-mails back and forth - 29 months waiting - now we are finally together so the internet is farthest from my mind.


with every over-due case that is cleared, one truth has proven self-evident: you must push your visa through every single step of the process. know where it is, who has it, and what comes next. make sure those who have it are aware that you will not leave them alone until your paperwork is pushed off to the next phase. and then lean on the next group just as hard.


there are a few good people out there who will go to bat for you, keep calling and writing letters until you find them. don't rest on the fact that one of your government reps is digging on your behalf, because if that one is weak they will get no farther than you did. make them ALL dig. and all the while, you keep digging too.


you don't have to be abusive, but you must be aggressive don't rest. if they feed you BS - tell them flat out - "that's BS!" and demand legitimate answers. meet with your congressmen if you can, and remember all of them are your congressmen - even if you are not from their district - once elected they work for the whole state.


i'm not so much in the battle anymore, but this stuff still makes my blood boil.



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