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received this reply today from GZ - not the usual answer....



Ms. XXX's name will automatically be resubmitted by the DOS every ninety days.

To resubmitted her name at this time will only complicate the processing

time with duplication. The namecheck clearance process takes one month, two

months or MORE. I emphasis the more because there are names pending

clearance since July of 2002 and their names have been resubmitted every

ninety days. The average timeframe for an fiancee visa issuance from

DHS/INS petition approval date to visa being issued is twelve months or

more. By law our officer can not / not adjudicate a visa without the

namecheck clearance being approved.


As for the SARS:

The U.S. Government has not issued any recommendation for the evacuation of

American citizens from SARS-affected areas such as Guangdong Province,

China. We do currently recommend that people avoid unnecessary travel to

these areas. The Consulate is in a state of 'authorized departure', which

means that family members and staff may ask to be sent back to the United

States if they are concerned about the SARS situation. We are, however,

open to the public and performing all usual services. We cannot recommend

whether a private citizen in Guangdong should leave the area. This decision

should be made by the individual, based on the available information

including that provided at our website <http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn>,

the World Health Organization website <http://www.who.int> and the Centers

for Disease Control website <http://www.cdc.gov>.


I hope this information will be helpful.

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At least we got some information on how things are currently being processed. We now know that the resubmit is automatic and occurs after 90 days.


Man! Still some people waiting from July?! Anything causing that serious of a delay, the petitioner should be contacted and told why it is taking so long. But then that would require some empathy and initiative. :P

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From your letter it doesn't sound like GZ is taking this sars too serious. If their people have the chance to leave and don't, I think this is a good sign. But this 90 day business is pure BS. It seems to me that if GZ has to have this process done more than two times, that they should inquire about the holdup and notify the petitioner.

I can only wish you good luck,

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