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Got It Today In The Mail - YaaBaaDaaBaa Do!!!

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:angry: :blahblah1: :lol: Yeah Whoo! ;) :redblob:


Well, the wait and test of patients is finally over! Lao Po received her LPR Card (Green?) in the mail today! Both of us hugged, kissed and jumped for joy....all at the same time together. Looks like we have a little room to breath now! Looks like we'll be taking my parents back to Beijing to meet Lao Po's mother and family! We're so happy! :lol:


We have to thank everyone here at CFL for lending their support and help during this process. The long wait, lengthy stay in security/namecheck, and patients tried had us pulling out our hair every now and then.....but the end result was so worth it all!!


Thank you CFL and everyone here! To everyone who is waiting for Visa or Green Card, keep up the faith!! I know how dissappointing the wait and separation can be! Hang in there!! There is hope for a beautiful finish!! :D


PapaBear B)

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Great news papa bear. You're done with them for ten yers.


Thanks to everybody for your well wishes and congratulations! This couldn't have come at a better time. We had already shelled out $170 for our Avanced Porole Application and were ready to shell another $200 for a visa extention.....of course her dirver's license and EAD were ready to expire with her visa. So.....our green card hadn't cleared, we would have been out a whole lot more money! Whew!! :huh:


Oh yeah...Dansm, we bought our airline tickets yesterday to take my parents back to meet Lao Po's family. They better like hot-pot as it is our favorite dinners while in Beijing, also the Peking Duck! Yummy! It's all good! :P


Anyway, we're happy and blessed! Thank you again to everybody here at CFL. Without your help and support it would have been a real nightmare! Thank's to all! And good luck to those still in the beginning throughs of this process.....the wait and the effort will be rewarded!! ;)


PapaBear :D

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:P :D :D Yeah Whoo! :redblob: :redblob:


Well, the wait and test of patients is finally over! Lao Po received her LPR Card (Green?) in the mail today! Both of us hugged, kissed and jumped for joy....all at the same time together. Looks like we have a little room to breath now! Looks like we'll be taking my parents back to Beijing to meet Lao Po's mother and family! We're so happy! :D


We have to thank everyone here at CFL for lending their support and help during this process. The long wait, lengthy stay in security/namecheck, and patients tried had us pulling out our hair every now and then.....but the end result was so worth it all!!


Thank you CFL and everyone here! To everyone who is waiting for Visa or Green Card, keep up the faith!! I know how dissappointing the wait and separation can be! Hang in there!! There is hope for a beautiful finish!! :abduct:


PapaBear :unsure:


Congratulations you must be relieved!!!

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