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What separates us from others?

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I think we are special, certainly lucky, as far as those which things worked out.


What qualities do you have that attracts Chinese/Americans to you. What special features do you have that made it OK with you to pursue someone from China or America? So many would never think of China here in the states and even if they did may think of all the reasons to not go or even look. Something special is here with most of you in CFL. I think also for the Chinese who looked, or accepted the idea of hooking up with an American. Any thoughts on what seperates you from the crowd regardless of which country you are from or what gender you are?

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In strangers eyes:

- I have an American husband

- my husband looks younger than I

- I have a incredibly cute daughter (in contrast)


In friends' eyes:

- I am sincere and considerate

- I treats my friends well and equally disregard of his/her position

- I don't biase against others

(They commented that since I came back, there is more justice in our work environment. Go figure. I guess I just don't bend to the official power.)

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For those that know me :

1. I am FUGLY!

2. I was adopted by my wife! She thinks of me, not unlike a stray mongrel. I needed a good loving home and a bit of TLC. She wanted a pet! However, I did have to humble myself somewhat. You know...scratching at the door, whining a little bit, looking at her with sorrowful puppy eyes, etc.


For those that don't know me :

1. Same as 1 & 2 above, Except with them, when they don't take me in or give me a hand-out, I "cock" a leg at their doorposts! Then I leave!


In all seriousness, honesty, faithfulness, empathetic and most of all very acclimated to the Far East and it's mannerism's. At the risk of sounding like I am American woman bashing <BTW, I am not> I am just not very compatible with American women. I simply could not be married to a Western woman! The differences are too huge.



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My old Sam never thought of dating someone half the world away. He said when he saw my photo on webdate, he felt something right, which I think I looked like his mentor and teacher but I'm totally different from her. I met all the requirements he listed on his profile.


I picked him up from a dozen of people who wrote to me cuz he sounded decent, and he is the one that my sharp tongue cannot scare away.

Compared with my ex or any guy I can find in Guangdong, Sam is taller, bigger, better-educated, wealthier, so what can I complain?

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My old Sam never thought of dating someone half the world away. He said when he saw my photo on webdate, he felt something right, which I think I looked like his mentor and teacher but I'm totally different from her. I met all the requirements he listed on his profile.


I picked him up from a dozen of people who wrote to me cuz he sounded decent, and he is the one that my sharp tongue cannot scare away.

Compared with my ex or any guy I can find in Guangdong, Sam is taller, bigger, better-educated, wealthier, so what can I complain?

One thing is that any USC who goes for a gal in China IS special in my book. There are so many in the USA who just wouldn't do it. Never cross their mind. If told why I am doing it, there is this blank stare of no comprehension. Or they seem to be thinking...... WHY?


We are not suppose to critisize our native ladies, but I tell you, there is a streak in I bet 99% of us who are looking for values that run true to our sole. I could get out on a limb and compare it to the small percentage who did all the fighting and dieing for this country to be established in the first place. The others don't bother or wonder....... why? I compare it because there are usually some ideals we want, and it aint bad ones, and we are willing to hunt and find it and do what is necissary to have it.


Others of us have done business over there and discovered something. Just to be in a position of going to China is amazing to me.


So we are a rather unique bunch here in CFL. For various reasons we are a bit pioneering. We hold to some ideals and have gone to great lengths and some expense to have them in our lives with you SOs.


Just wonder what the others think? If nothing else of yourselves and why you did it?

Edited by SheLikesME (see edit history)
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I kind of stumbled into it by mistake. Yah, that's right I screwed up and got lucky.


My story is quite simple.

I blew off my first thoughts of looking for a foreign wife. Then I had a short term, but really screwed up relationship with an American lady. This helped me make the decision to look for a foreign wife. Like all American males looking for a foreign wife, I started looking seriously in 2002 in Former Soviet Union. I made several trips, 3 to be exact, looking for Ms. right. One to Belarus and two to Ukraine. The last trip I thought I met Ms. right. Turned out I was higly mistaken. Once I got back to the States, we kept in contact. I even booked another trip which I cancelled later. The more we talked the more help she needed. Her idea of help was money. So I broke it off, before I lost too much cash and self respect. About the same time, I had a friend who was engaged to a Russian lady. They had gotten all the way through the process within a month of her visa interview. One time he was talking to her on the phone. She said, "give me 400 dollars a month or leave me alone." He promptly hung up.


I was heart broken for at least a month. Then one of my friends from the Phillipines asked if I had thought about Asian ladies. Wow, not really. The more I thought about it, the better it sounded. So I looked at the asianeuro website. Got several responses from girls in the Phillipines. I do mean girls cause they were way too young for me, being 47 at the time. They were all younger than 25. Looked through the ladies in China, noticed quite a few were from Nanning. So I looked a little more and one just seemed to jump right out at me. Wrote her a letter. The more letters we exchanged, the more connection we felt. Somehow I knew she was the one. I sent her flowers, which she says no man ever sent her flowers in her life. This captured her heart. Her friend had a fiancee in Portland of all places. What a small world. So I met Carl (warpedbored) and we talked about Chinese women, Candle for Love and the process. Then I went to meet her. Man, was I ever lucky. This was definately the woman of my dreams. Two more trips and ten months later she got her visa. We got married, have had Garrett and we are quite happy.


Special?? Not sure.. Lucky, you betcha ya baby.


Oh, it gets better. My friend is set to go next year to met a Chinese lady he has been conversing with. He was finished after what happened to him with the Russian lady. After meeting Lisa he changed his mind. Of course, it helped that Lisa liked him enough to encourage him to look in China.

Edited by C4Racer (see edit history)
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Your special enough to go way out of your way for what you wanted in life. And special enough to try something, not exactly knowing what the outcome will be.


I know quite a few folks who are afraid they will be duped if they try something new. It is as if they have little faith in their own judgement or self discipline. I have seen this from religion to women to even try driving on the highway.


Enjoyed your story.

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My old Sam never thought of dating someone half the world away. He said when he saw my photo on webdate, he felt something right, which I think I looked like his mentor and teacher but I'm totally different from her. I met all the requirements he listed on his profile.


I picked him up from a dozen of people who wrote to me cuz he sounded decent, and he is the one that my sharp tongue cannot scare away.

Compared with my ex or any guy I can find in Guangdong, Sam is taller, bigger, better-educated, wealthier, so what can I complain?

Same goes for you Eunice and your Sam. You have done a lot of trying I see in your posts. Your special. How many ladies do what you are doing? Don't answer that. But the ladies here, the good ones are the same.

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Where is that turd eye comming out?


That avatar about describes you I would say. You only have ONE CHinese wife? I mean your REAL special.



Very soon, just have to do the conclusion. Bit of writers block there. This is in combination with discontinuities that we have been finding in rebuilds of Challenger aircraft, for Canadair < Dehavilad Aircraft Engine Systems >


Lately, my "queen¡± has been on my butt about sleeping 4 and 4.5 hours a day. This has been going on for the last three weeks. Thank God for this! Alice, made subtle comments, to my VP of Engineering about my schedule. He backed off a bit. At least her anger is not prejudiced! Everyone can have a shot of it.


As an afterthought to your question: Yes, only one Chinese wife. Had 2 Korean ex-wives and spent a large majority of my life in the Orient. The writing I do, is IMO keen observation I have made for over 19 years + of cultures, habits, women/men in general and being married. All at once! A person HAS to be able to see the funny side of Life. That was one of my main points. IMHO, many men/women in this forum have this humor around them every minute, everyday. Having their wives/husbands is not unlike to having a child for the first time. Both the wives/husbands and babies, are in an evolutionary learning process. Think of all the times that you see them stumble, fall, make mistakes, say something cute, etc! If you can't find some humor here: IMHO, then you are pretty much blind!



Edited by Cerberus (see edit history)
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As an afterthought to your question: Yes, only one Chinese wife.

Well you are so outragous I was joking that maybe you deserve 2 Chinese ladies at the same time. :o


But I see they are keeping you too busy. It is GOOD your wife is going with you. I would like the same when she gets here. Hmm, maybe she will like not working. But then why the degree? Oh boy. I'm sunk. OK so she can buy herself a new car or something. B)

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so where should i start bragging about myself first....




just joking.. :happy2:


i created a thread like this a while back asking about astrology signs...

but turned out everyone was different....maybe it took a certain type of person to go through the motions to throw it all out on a line.....


hang everything out there to take a chance on love clear across the pond...

you couldnt do that even 15 years ago..

the other side of the world has become much closer...

you wonder if in 50 years how much more easier then it already is with communications going the way they are now.


as far as a certain type of person....

i think we all believe in ourselves and we all have a certain amount of patience.

for me i have always wanted to be different, ive never liked the plain jane blond american chick.


ive always have fallen for the exotic dark skinned or asian girl...

boy oh boy did i win the grand prize :bangin:

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It seems I have always been more attracted to Asian women. The first one I ever dated was in high school. She was from Taiwan and was living with her brother in Idaho while he was an exchange student at a local college.


I met my first wife in college, She is from Japan. After a 4 year courtship we married. 21 years later we divorced. After about a year of being single I finally jumped back into the dating pool. I met some very nice American women a few of which I dated several times. Soccer mom types mostly that seemed to have no life outside their children. Problem was they were just not interesting enough. I found that I missed the exchange of cultures.


I got some spam in my inbox from Asia Friend Finder and on a whim filled out a profile. I received a deluge of letters from women in China. Mostly accompanied by glamor shot photos and text that was probably the same sent to many other men. I exchanged some emails with some of them but most of them didn't really seem sincere. Then one day I got an email from Bing. The letter was sincere, written directly to me and didn't profess undying love from merely looking at my profile. The photo was just a simple home photo of her wearing normal clothes standing by a pond. We were only 3 years apart in age and after studying her face I felt she looked like the kind of woman I could spend the rest of my life with. We wrote back and forth and talked on the phone for a year before I finally went to China to meet her. When I stepped off the plane and saw her for the first time I knew she was the one. I haven't looked back since and after 2 1/2 years of marriage she still makes my heart go pitter patter.

Edited by warpedbored (see edit history)
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It seems I have always been more attracted to Asian women. The first one I ever dated was in high school. She was from Taiwan and was living with her brother in Idaho while he was an exchange student at a local college.


I met my first wife in college, She is from Japan. After a 4 year courtship we married. 21 years later we divorced. After about a year of being single I finally jumped back into the dating pool. I met some very nice American women a few of which I dated several times. Soccer mom types mostly that seemed to have no life outside their children. Problem was they were just not interesting enough. I found that I missed the exchange of cultures.


I got some spam in my inbox from Asia Friend Finder and on a whim filled out a profile. I received a deluge of letters from women in China. Mostly accompanied by glamor shot photos and text that was probably the same sent to many other men. I exchanged some emails with some of them but most of them didn't really seem sincere. Then one day I got an email from Bing. The letter was sincere, written directly to me and didn't profess undying love from merely looking at my profile. The photo was just a simple home photo of her wearing normal clothes standing by a pond. We were only 3 years apart in age and after studying her face I felt she looked like the kind of woman I could spend the rest of my life with. We wrote back and forth and talked on the phone for a year before I finally went to China to meet her. When I stepped off the plane and saw her for the first time I knew she was the one. I haven't looked back since and after 2 1/2 years of marriage she still makes my heart go pitter patter.



amen brother....

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