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Ok, Boys and Girls. If I sound pissed, it is because I AM!!!!!


I'll skip all of the preliminary crap and cut to the chase. I am not a believer in conspiracy theories (quite the opposite) but I have seen things happen during the visa process that has convinced me that games are being played behind the scenes. And now I am convinced.


This is how Manyun's interview went:


Manyun: Good morning

VO: May I see your passport?


(At this point, she handed over 3 passports...hers, her daughter's and mine. And with the passports went an "Index of Documents" listing everything that Manyun had with her. I believe that AmeriKen did this. I thought it was a great idea. It was pushed back without a glance)


VO: Do you have pictures?

(She passes through the nice folder of pictures separated by date and location).


Not a further word came out of the VO. Manyun is waiting for the questions that we practiced so much. She had a 6" thick pile of folders containing evidence on her lap.


The VO passes through the paper...Blue Slip...and calls the next number. Manyun is totally bewildered. I am waiting in the coffee shop when she comes down. With me are some people I met during the morning's wait. I am overjoyed, until I see her face. She pulls out blue, and I am stunned. We were so well prepared. I read the slip for what is required:


"A handwritten, signed statement from the petitioner explaining why he was willing to come meet and stay with a married woman."


What the F**k are they talking about. I am LIVID at this point. On the back of the attached peachy-colored slip if the following requirement:


¡°The consulate has insufficient evidence about the residency of the following people marked with an X... Your ex-spouse ..... You.¡±


¡°Provide evidence to verify residency for a significant length of time and as close to the current date as possible¡­¡­¡­such as, Lease/mortgage statements (they do not live in a house), Utility bills (paid for by his wife¡­the guy can¡¯t keep a Yuan in his pocket), Bank statement, (yeah, right), Household Registry (proves nothing as far as I can tell), Driver¡¯s license¡±.


Now I am on FIRE¡£I cannot believe the stupidity, and sheer, blatant ignorance. They are hitting us with a blue slip for evidence we have right in front of their faces. They are thinking FRAUD, for god sake! We search out any help available, but everyone is at a loss. We go back to the hotel in a state of enraged shock. Upon reaching the room, I hit the ¡°Library¡±. For those of you who don¡¯t know, I am an Engineer, rightly accused of deep thought and flagrant over-analysis. In the peace and quiet, my mind begins to chew through what my anger prevented me from seeing.


Way-back-when, Manyun sent me the required documents for the I-129F. One of them was the Certificate of Divorce. I received these items after I returned from my first visit in late September-early October 2005. I remember seeing the date of October 27, 2005 as the date of Manyun¡¯s divorce. It struck me funny, but when I asked the guy who was our interpreter at the time, his response was that it was the date the Notary was able to certify the document. OK. The ONLY place this date appeared was in the 129 submittal.


After today¡¯s events, I pressed Manyun for further information. It turns out that her ex is a real bastard. He would not agree to a divorce from Manyun for several years, but in the meantime married another woman and has a child by her. Manyun thought that this caused her marriage to be dissolved after two years. Nope! She found out after she met me that she was still lawfully married. She threatened the guy with exposure, and he relented. And so, her actual, recorded, legal divorce date is October 27, 2005. I indeed went to Nanning in September to meet a married woman. We are talking a matter of a few weeks. Someone, somewhere (NVC, USCIS) caught this, did the math, and flagged it for GUZ to find. We all know that GUZ will often ask for the same documents that were already submitted with the 129, so I don¡¯t think they caught it. If it was caught at GUZ, it wasn¡¯t by the VO. He didn¡¯t have enough time. Someone had to dig deep by reviewing the file ahead of time.


Manyun called the bastard ex today, and he refuses to help her in any way. He laughed and hung up on her. So now we have a blue slip that cannot be overcome. The evidence to prove his residence, and when they actually separated is unavailable, and Manyun doesn¡¯t really know for sure where the guy lives. All she has is his cell phone number. Tomorrow afternoon is the ¡°Ask the VO¡± session. I will write a statement, take whatever we have, and ask if there is any way to overcome this.


I know that this was long and whiney. I guess what I am trying to say is to expect the unexpected as best you can. If something does not seem right, investigate it until you are sure that it is correct. If I can¡¯t straighten this out by early next week, I will be heading home alone to regroup. I realize that this problem pales in comparison to other on CFL, but I needed to vent somewhere. Thanks for being here, everyone. We¡¯ll figure something out.


More as it develops.



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Mike, I'm sorry to hear this. This is horrible. It would have been nice if someone had mentioned this to you before the interview. I'm sure they knew for a while. Try to stay calm, but I know this is difficult, but keep in mind being angry won't make the problem go away. I guess the only thing Guz did wrong was not immigrations did was not give you a heads up before the interview. Can't your SO report her former "partner"? DOn't feel bad for venting, that's why we are here. I feel your pain and I mourn with you. Hang in there. IT will work out.

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After today¡¯s events, I pressed Manyun for further information. It turns out that her ex is a real bastard. He would not agree to a divorce from Manyun for several years, but in the meantime married another woman and has a child by her. Manyun thought that this caused her marriage to be dissolved after two years. Nope! She found out after she met me that she was still lawfully married. She threatened the guy with exposure, and he relented. And so, her actual, recorded, legal divorce date is October 27, 2005. I indeed went to Nanning in September to meet a married woman. We are talking a matter of a few weeks. Someone, somewhere (NVC, USCIS) caught this, did the math, and flagged it for GUZ to find. We all know that GUZ will often ask for the same documents that were already submitted with the 129, so I don¡¯t think they caught it. If it was caught at GUZ, it wasn¡¯t by the VO. He didn¡¯t have enough time. Someone had to dig deep by reviewing the file ahead of time.


Manyun called the bastard ex today, and he refuses to help her in any way. He laughed and hung up on her. So now we have a blue slip that cannot be overcome. The evidence to prove his residence, and when they actually separated is unavailable, and Manyun doesn¡¯t really know for sure where the guy lives. All she has is his cell phone number.



This was a definite pre-determined outcome. If they had notified you in advance, it would have given Manyun time to get the information together, and you could have gone to GUZ for the real interview, instead of this farce.


Stick to the facts, and be very matter-of-fact about them. She knows when they separated (doesn't she?), and around when he married his second wife, and when they had the child (or at least when she heard about it). If she has any idea where he is (hopefully at least in a different city or province), provide that. And state that he refuses to answer any questions.


And, make the case that she thought she was divorced (and so did you) and didn't find out otherwise until after that first trip.


This is an especially nasty curve-ball, but it sounds like an easy overcome. Hit them over the head with the simple facts - that you both thought she was divorced, that the ex re-married before the divorce, and that he refuses to cooperate - and then explain the details in a paragraph or two.


They don't ask for the impossible - they simply ask. You provide the information that is available.


Good luck - we'll be watching for the good news.

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After today¡¯s events, I pressed Manyun for further information. It turns out that her ex is a real bastard. He would not agree to a divorce from Manyun for several years, but in the meantime married another woman and has a child by her. Manyun thought that this caused her marriage to be dissolved after two years. Nope! She found out after she met me that she was still lawfully married. She threatened the guy with exposure, and he relented. And so, her actual, recorded, legal divorce date is October 27, 2005. I indeed went to Nanning in September to meet a married woman. We are talking a matter of a few weeks. Someone, somewhere (NVC, USCIS) caught this, did the math, and flagged it for GUZ to find. We all know that GUZ will often ask for the same documents that were already submitted with the 129, so I don¡¯t think they caught it. If it was caught at GUZ, it wasn¡¯t by the VO. He didn¡¯t have enough time. Someone had to dig deep by reviewing the file ahead of time.


Manyun called the bastard ex today, and he refuses to help her in any way. He laughed and hung up on her. So now we have a blue slip that cannot be overcome. The evidence to prove his residence, and when they actually separated is unavailable, and Manyun doesn¡¯t really know for sure where the guy lives. All she has is his cell phone number.



This was a definite pre-determined outcome.


I agree this was a pre-determined blue slip but a blue slip is only a temporary outcome. There may also have been third party correspondence, probably from the rat bastard former husband. It tracks with the additional name check that delayed your P4.


I'm real sorry to hear this and I'm not looking forward to explaining it to MY wife who will also be heartbroken for you.

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I'm sorry to hear this. This was a pre-determined. Goes with the whole story that things are finished by the time the VO gets it in their hands. They are there just to see if she can answer their questions in a sufficiant way.

Some blue slips can be overcome at the first submit of eveidence. Sounds like yours is going in the same direction as mine and Yanlans. I am sorry to be the only bearer of bad news here, but you will have a long wait. Good luck,

Gods luck.

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I am sorry to know what happened to you both.


When Manyun found out she was not divorced when she was engaged to you, she could let you aware of it and then you submitted a statement with additional evidence to USCIS and GUZ. The GUZ is only reviewing it.


As to find out the exspouse's residency, Manyun could ask for help from the police department in the city where her ex's residency was registered (Hukou). I am not sure the ex's address was mentioned in her divorce paper or not. Only the police department can help her on this issue, according to my knowledge.


Hope you can overcome it soon.

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Wow Dude I'm so sorry to hear about this!

Keep you head up and do all you can to over come this.

The VO knows or should know that some EX's will not give you

the time of day.


I would sit down and write him a nice letter "are as nice as you can"

Go and talk to this VO and try to explain to him the problem

But rememeber always smile to him while talking to him, but in the back of your mind keep thinging what a sorry ass hole he is.


I can't for the life of me understand how these pople have so much power to screw with peoples lives....but they do and it not fair to us.

And there's not a DAMN thing we can do about it but, try to give them

what they want.


Maybe offer your SO ex some money to sign the paper you need to

over come this...... "just a thought?"


I'm wishing you the best and I'm sorry for you and and your SO!

Take care and keep your head up


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Is it possible that Man Yun gets someone (friend, relative of friend) to bribe the woman of her ex, to get some evidence that the ex has a child with that woman??? Just to prove her marriage was over long before you met Man Yun in person.


Some petitoners did the same thing: they just left the divorce with an attorney and met a Chinese woman before his divorce paper came out. They passed finally.


It's not the right time to piss anybody off. Explain sweetly to the woman of her ex and try to get co-operation: it's for this woman's good that Man Yun leaves China for good.

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Mike, I am shocked! I am so sorry. One would have to be in your shoes to know what you are going through. I know you are a determined man and I know you will overcome this. Please know that my thoughts are with you. Ron

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How can a Chinese ex extends help to his ex while knowing she's got someone better and is going to have a better life?


Work on his woman. It's time to challenge your SO's interpersonal skills. His woman thinks she benefits if your SO leaves China for good. Try to get a birth certificate copy of their child which means your SO's divorce with her ex is not a fake.

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Michael -


Only have a minute but wanted to say I'm empathying with you. With patience and calmness you can and will overcome. Your initial thoughts may have indicated to you that is it an impossible situation but it's not. Get them what they ask for and it will be a done deal, ok. Use your engineering head to think this out. We like the others will be waiting for the good news !


And don't forget - we are here for you and Manyun anytime you need us .....


Wheel Man



Ok, Boys and Girls. If I sound pissed, it is because I AM!!!!!


I'll skip all of the preliminary crap and cut to the chase. I am not a believer in conspiracy theories (quite the opposite) but I have seen things happen during the visa process that has convinced me that games are being played behind the scenes. And now I am convinced.


This is how Manyun's interview went:


Manyun: Good morning

VO: May I see your passport?


(At this point, she handed over 3 passports...hers, her daughter's and mine. And with the passports went an "Index of Documents" listing everything that Manyun had with her. I believe that AmeriKen did this. I thought it was a great idea. It was pushed back without a glance)


VO: Do you have pictures?

(She passes through the nice folder of pictures separated by date and location).


Not a further word came out of the VO. Manyun is waiting for the questions that we practiced so much. She had a 6" thick pile of folders containing evidence on her lap.


The VO passes through the paper...Blue Slip...and calls the next number. Manyun is totally bewildered. I am waiting in the coffee shop when she comes down. With me are some people I met during the morning's wait. I am overjoyed, until I see her face. She pulls out blue, and I am stunned. We were so well prepared. I read the slip for what is required:


"A handwritten, signed statement from the petitioner explaining why he was willing to come meet and stay with a married woman."


What the F**k are they talking about. I am LIVID at this point. On the back of the attached peachy-colored slip if the following requirement:


¡°The consulate has insufficient evidence about the residency of the following people marked with an X... Your ex-spouse ..... You.¡±


¡°Provide evidence to verify residency for a significant length of time and as close to the current date as possible¡­¡­¡­such as, Lease/mortgage statements (they do not live in a house), Utility bills (paid for by his wife¡­the guy can¡¯t keep a Yuan in his pocket), Bank statement, (yeah, right), Household Registry (proves nothing as far as I can tell), Driver¡¯s license¡±.


Now I am on FIRE¡£I cannot believe the stupidity, and sheer, blatant ignorance. They are hitting us with a blue slip for evidence we have right in front of their faces. They are thinking FRAUD, for god sake! We search out any help available, but everyone is at a loss. We go back to the hotel in a state of enraged shock. Upon reaching the room, I hit the ¡°Library¡±. For those of you who don¡¯t know, I am an Engineer, rightly accused of deep thought and flagrant over-analysis. In the peace and quiet, my mind begins to chew through what my anger prevented me from seeing.


Way-back-when, Manyun sent me the required documents for the I-129F. One of them was the Certificate of Divorce. I received these items after I returned from my first visit in late September-early October 2005. I remember seeing the date of October 27, 2005 as the date of Manyun¡¯s divorce. It struck me funny, but when I asked the guy who was our interpreter at the time, his response was that it was the date the Notary was able to certify the document. OK. The ONLY place this date appeared was in the 129 submittal.


After today¡¯s events, I pressed Manyun for further information. It turns out that her ex is a real bastard. He would not agree to a divorce from Manyun for several years, but in the meantime married another woman and has a child by her. Manyun thought that this caused her marriage to be dissolved after two years. Nope! She found out after she met me that she was still lawfully married. She threatened the guy with exposure, and he relented. And so, her actual, recorded, legal divorce date is October 27, 2005. I indeed went to Nanning in September to meet a married woman. We are talking a matter of a few weeks. Someone, somewhere (NVC, USCIS) caught this, did the math, and flagged it for GUZ to find. We all know that GUZ will often ask for the same documents that were already submitted with the 129, so I don¡¯t think they caught it. If it was caught at GUZ, it wasn¡¯t by the VO. He didn¡¯t have enough time. Someone had to dig deep by reviewing the file ahead of time.


Manyun called the bastard ex today, and he refuses to help her in any way. He laughed and hung up on her. So now we have a blue slip that cannot be overcome. The evidence to prove his residence, and when they actually separated is unavailable, and Manyun doesn¡¯t really know for sure where the guy lives. All she has is his cell phone number. Tomorrow afternoon is the ¡°Ask the VO¡± session. I will write a statement, take whatever we have, and ask if there is any way to overcome this.


I know that this was long and whiney. I guess what I am trying to say is to expect the unexpected as best you can. If something does not seem right, investigate it until you are sure that it is correct. If I can¡¯t straighten this out by early next week, I will be heading home alone to regroup. I realize that this problem pales in comparison to other on CFL, but I needed to vent somewhere. Thanks for being here, everyone. We¡¯ll figure something out.


More as it develops.



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OMG!!!!!!! I am very very very sorry to have read this news today. Please know that Yan and I hope this will end in a very postive note for you and Manyun. Mike, if ya need help finding this scum bag ex and getting the info you need....please PM me as I know some people in Nanning that can track down this puke and get the evidence you need

Edited by chef4u (see edit history)
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