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I think when a woman stays single, she should treat herself nice so she won't regret.

I spent two thirds of my money on myself: regular skin care, weight losing program, shampoo, foot massage, clothes (buy a lot but wear T-shirts only :roller: ), shoes, restaurants...

(With $1,000 per month, one can have a comfortable life in China)




I would think $1000 per month US would buy a lot of T-shirts in China. $1000 US per month is considered more than just a comfortable life isn't it? I thought the average income in Nanning equals around $100 US per month. Is this not accurate?

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I think when a woman stays single, she should treat herself nice so she won't regret.

I spent two thirds of my money on myself: regular skin care, weight losing program, shampoo, foot massage, clothes (buy a lot but wear T-shirts only <_< ), shoes, restaurants...

(With $1,000 per month, one can have a comfortable life in China)




I would think $1000 per month US would buy a lot of T-shirts in China. $1000 US per month is considered more than just a comfortable life isn't it? I thought the average income in Nanning equals around $100 US per month. Is this not accurate?


Based on what my SO makes, I think that's correct. However, she did tell me of some "wealthy" friends of hers in China that make around 3k to 4k Yuan every month. Still no where near $US 1,000. But I also know the economy is crazy all over the country. In Chongqing, I'm sure one can live like a millionaire on US$ 1,000 per month (When I was there I litterally remember paying around 5 yuan for huge delicious meals in decent restaurants) but US$ 1,000 may only buy you an average living in places like Shanghai or Beijing.

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Ya my LP wanted new house, nice car but god forbid when I spend $3 on a laser pointer for the dog to chase around, she says I waste money while she sits on couch using laser pointer to play with dog :D  go figure.


A laser pointer, you cannot eat it, you cannot wear it, you cannot live in it like a house, so it's something you want but you don't need. It's for entertainment purpose so it's a waste of money :D


Since you have already bought the laser pointer, it would be a waste of resources if she doesn't play it with the dog :D

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I would think $1000 per month US would buy a lot of T-shirts in China.  $1000 US per month is considered more than just a comfortable life isn't it?  I thought the average income in Nanning equals around $100 US per month.  Is this not accurate?


In coastal cities like Guangzhou, Shenzhen, $1000 per month is considered comfortable, not wealthy.


$3.2 for foot massage, 70 minutes

$4 for regular facial skin care, 2 hours

Price for T-shirts varies from $2 to $20.

$450 for losing 10 pounds.

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In coastal cities like Guangzhou, Shenzhen, $1000 per month is considered comfortable, not wealthy.


That is probably a fair statement, considering the average wage in Guangzhou is between 4000 - 5000 yuans per month (excluding the low-end migrant workers and high-end business owners). There is a growing "middle class" in Urban China, where many people in their 30s or 40s work their ass off to make a decent living. Their productivity is very high, considering the long hours they put in their work, as well as their skill sets.


I am surprised how many people here have underestimated the high cost of living in the Chinese urban area. Many people in China have to pay rents if they do not own an apartment.


Many Chinese, whether in the U.S. or in China, do not like high debt. That is a distinct culture. Even the Chinese government has a small budget deficit. When Chinese come to the U.S., I guess they have to learn "Borrow and Spend" culture. Look at the U.S. budget deficit and you will understand the culture difference.

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We Chinese women can be frugal if we need to, but we also know how to spend money. 


You may ask your Chinese SOs whether they have routinely visited beauty salon to have facial done while in China and have completely given up this habit after moving to US. :blink:


My wife is very thrifty a bargain hunter which is fine with me since we have similiar views when it comes to spending money. She will occasionally indulge in a pedicure/toenail polish and perm/hair cut. Since I don’t need to utilize my wife’s income she sends most of it to her family in China for education and family needs, which for her is very satisfying and brings her happiness. When we return to China early next year she plans on purchasing her clothes since she not real pleased with the fashion or prices here.

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In coastal cities like Guangzhou, Shenzhen, $1000 per month is considered comfortable, not wealthy.


$3.2 for foot massage, 70 minutes

$4 for regular facial skin care, 2 hours

Price for T-shirts varies from $2 to $20.

$450 for losing 10 pounds.




I agree with your comment in the previous post concerning want vs need. To many people confuse these and that is what gets them into financial trouble.


If the photo shown in your post is one of yourself, you do not need to spend $450 on weight loss. Even if the photo is post weight loss, I can not see where you would have needed to lose 10 pounds. You look great.


If you are not now in the US or have not been to the US yet, you will find that 10 pounds equals the amount of food some Americans will eat at a buffet of a Saturday night. :)

Edited by Rakkasan (see edit history)
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If the photo shown in your post is one of yourself, you do not need to spend $450 on weight loss.  Even if the photo is post weight loss, I can not see where you would have needed to lose 10 pounds. You look great. 


Cantonese women are sort of crazy about their weight. All of them are skinny. They called me "fei po" (fat woman). My ex is skinny and he is only 162cm in height. He fooled around those skinny women, which made me kick him out.


I feel comfortable when standing by big westerners :)

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If the photo shown in your post is one of yourself, you do not need to spend $450 on weight loss.  Even if the photo is post weight loss, I can not see where you would have needed to lose 10 pounds. You look great. 


Cantonese women are sort of crazy about their weight. All of them are skinny. They called me "fei po" (fat woman). My ex is skinny and he is only 162cm in height. He fooled around those skinny women, which made me kick him out.


I feel comfortable when standing by big westerners :D




Is that why there is a big buffalo standing behind you in your avatar? :lol:

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Is that why there is a big buffalo standing behind you in your avatar?  :lol:


Oh, yeah. I don't feel comfortable if I stand before a pig - I'd look too big.

I feel great when standing among elephants :D

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HER: Don't spend a single penny on anything that is not absolutely necessary, or can't be postponed until after the house is paid off.


:bangin: You gosh dang right about that. The hell she put herself through once she fully realized how much I owed on my house. Whew. Even on 12 yrs left on a 15 year note she gets beside herself if she thinks about it.


But then when it came to her wanting this MBA she allowed me to barrow the Western way so she can go to school and get a better job here to help pay off the school and house.


Sending gifts? Man never ever. It isn't mop slapin, more like chasing me with those great big knives they have in the kitchen. Good thing I was over hear when the last care package arrived. I can't buy her anything, other than school or visa related, and that gets HIGHLY scrutinized.

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Guest pushbrk
The money she makes from working part-time goes to lotions and clothes.  The money I make goes to everything else. :lol:


Kewl, so Tony's wife buys all his lotions for him. Such a deal. :)

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The money she makes from working part-time goes to lotions and clothes.  The money I make goes to everything else. :sosad:


Kewl, so Tony's wife buys all his lotions for him. Such a deal. :sosad:


I did use her sunblock once but when she told me it costed around $25, I only used a little of it. And she told me I have better skin than her. Thus, I don't need expensive lotion.

Edited by tonado (see edit history)
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