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It might be a good idea to know who all the "on hold" people are. These people need to band together and get this fixed. We need to know what is this hold and how to fix it. Rfsun has posted a letter that he is drafting. Probably all the "On hold" people should send their version of the final form to their contacts.


I really believe the other cases are sitting in a pile in GZ just waiting for the employees to get to processing process them. :unsure:

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Yeah it would be nice to know how many cases put on hold on candle :unsure:

We haven't heard any good news on our case or anyone give us a reason why my case is on hold. it is really getting harder and harder for both of us being apart like this. :o :unsure:

all people whose case is on hold should stay together and strong. We need DOS pay more attention on this group

we want AN end for this nightmare.. it has been too long to us... i want my honey, i need my honey!! :(

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i have been concerned about this as well.


of the colorado black-hole group: one case cleared over a month ago, three of us have been united with our brides in the last 2 weeks, and the final case is "on hold for at least 6 months".


it doesn't seem right to give up the fight just because i've gotten what i wanted.


what direction is this battle going in? give me some ideas, and i'll try to direct my colorado compatriot to apply pressure where needed.

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Just wondering:  does this thread specifically refer to people who have received an email with the infamous "on-hold" paragraph at the bottom?  Or does it generally refer to anyone who has been waiting a long time?

Specifically to the people who have received an email with the infamous "on hold" paragraph. This is something we must not be kept in the dark about.

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"On hold" means a namecheck has generated a "hit" in one of the Dept of Justice computer systems. In virtually all instances, this is caused by the name being identical or very similar to a name of someone of interest to the DoJ, such as someone who was deported in the past, refused entry, and so forth.


In the same manner as the American Consulate in Guangzhou stated in the now infamous "white paper" that a case could be delayed for "up to eight weeks or longer" pending the namecheck, the Department of State is telling applicants a case is "on hold", which could be for up to six months.


Inasmuch as the DoJ checks are totally out of the hands of the Dept of State, the DoS folks don't have any idea how much additional time a "hit" will add to the processing of a given clearance. Subsequently, they issue a blanket statement of delay. Recent experience by others who experienced a "hit" shows the delay to be less than six months, usually much less.

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I spoke with a visa officer in Guangzhou Monday morning (3pm in China). We discussed at length what the "HOLD" status means and arrived at the conclusion that nobody knows. This conclusion seems to be supported the quoted report that Ms. Harty doesn't know which department is holding the request for more processing (ref: Lurker, March 17 post).


The consular agent demonstrated genuine concern and is investigating it for us (all of us). I expect a follow-up email this week.


Here's what little I do know:


DOS is sending dispositions to Guangzhou in an Excel spreadsheet. One worksheet may contain many case dispostions. It sounds like (don't quote me on this) each line item on the spreadsheet may contain at least a column for name, case number, effective date, and summary status. The actual basis for the summary status is (supposed to be) documented in a different system: Some kind of interdepartmental memo tracking system [An Oracle or mainframe based solution? Or is this just a fancy term for "email"?]


There apparently isn't a clear link between the memo systems and the excel spreadsheet. Our visa officer tried searching for the memo that triggered our February 19 status change from "Pending" to "Hold", but couldn't find it. The memo dates may not necessarily coincide between the memo tracking system and the excel spreadsheet... and there is apparantly little or no search facility. The method (using my case as an example) to search the menu tracking system is to manually browse memo headers on or shortly before February 19th. The memo linked to my status change wasn't found... yet. The visa officer was going to spend more time looking further back... into January if necessary.


Now, back to what happens with the data in the excel spreadsheet after Guangzhou receives it from DOS. I don't know if it's standard procedure or not, but it sounds like what should happen is: For each line item on the spreadsheet, a consular representative should locate and print the corresponding memo and file a hardcopy in the applicant's casefolder. In practice, this may or may not actually happen consistently. Checking for the memo in the physical casefile is apparantly a cumbersome task. I sincerely believe that's true and did not ask the agent agent to check for it while we waited. (The agent already committed to follow up with me later in the week.)


The excel spreadsheet is ALSO used by consular agents to update online case-status in a 3rd system - the same system (i believe) that DOS Visa Office public inquiry department uses to tell us what's going on when we call in. This would explain why, for example, my case status didn't say "On Hold since Feb. 19" when I called March 6, but it did when I called on March 14... it would take time for agents to manually transfer the spreadsheet data into the status-reporting system [An MS Access based solution?].


Here's where things get complicated: Apparantly, these excel spreadsheet line items contain a disposition field that provide some clue about the case's processing status: "Pending", "H", and if I understood the agent correctly, the disposition field will also indicate if a department has flagged the case as having an issue.


I specifically used "H" as an example because THAT is what's reportedly in the excel record related to my fiancees case. It is not "Hold"... it is "H".


I won't elaborate on my discussion with the agent about the difference between "Pending" and "Hold" except to say that, by the end of the conversation - neither of us was certain if there was a difference, and the consular officer was particularly concerned that there may very well be a difference. The consular officer is going to investigate, because "if 'H' means that the embassy is supposed to be doing something with your case, then it's sat for over three weeks and we haven't touched it." He's going to investigate and get back with us.


Fast Forward to just moments ago... As I've been writing this, I've been on hold with DOS... and got through!! The agent I've recently been asking for wasn't working today so I discussed my case with the one who answered the phone. (Inquiry agents really do know more than they let on... it becomes apparent when they argue about what you know.) Here's what I was told today:


The Public Inquiry agent first insisted that "Pending" and "On Hold" mean the same thing... something I now believe to be "true" when separated from context. After rounds of asking the same question from every angle, it's my current understanding that "Pending" means it's with with D.C. and "On Hold" means it's with Guangzhou (Cleared DOS name check). What I was told went something like this abreviated version:


"Sir, your case is ON HOLD, pending final clearance and printing". [Does that mean it's in Guangzhou or still waiting on a department in Washington D.C.?] "It's with the embassy". [so there's nothing left to be done in Washigton?] "No." [And the only step remaining is that the consulate needs to finish up their end and clear it?] "Sir, I assure you the consulate understands the process." [Well, the agent I spoke to clearly doesn't and was concerned. The agent I spoke to is worried that the consulate has been waiting for action from DOS.] "Sir, that's not true... the consulate understands the process." [And they know the ball is in their court.] "Yes." [And the ball is clearly out of Washington's court?] "Yes." [And Guangzhou understands this?] "Yes." [Well, I'm telling you... the agent I spoke with was genuinely concerned.] "Sir, they know the process."


So, based on all I've heard since March 14 (and keeping in mind that I'm still waiting on a follow-up from my contact at the embassy) I'm hopeful that the excel spreadsheet "H" status ("On Hold") really does mean that the ball is in Guangzhou's court... that Guangzhou at some level already realizes the ball is in their court (or that they are about to realize it through the help of one very concerned officer), and that my fiancee's case may be reaching the light at the end of the tunnel.


All that being said, please keep the past eight months in perspective: Who knows what we really know? I'll keep y'all posted on what I find out.

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DOS is sending dispositions to Guangzhou in an Excel spreadsheet. One worksheet may contain many case dispostions.  It sounds like (don't quote me on this) each line item on the spreadsheet may contain at least a column for name, case number, effective date,  and summary status.  The actual basis for the summary status is (supposed to be) documented in a different system: Some kind of interdepartmental memo tracking system [An Oracle or mainframe based solution? Or is this just a fancy term for "email"?]


There apparently isn't a clear link between the memo systems and the excel spreadsheet. Our visa officer tried searching for the memo that triggered our February 19 status change from "Pending" to "Hold", but couldn't find it. The memo dates may not necessarily coincide between the memo tracking system and the excel spreadsheet...  snip///

Good grief !

And we sent men on the moon ?? :blink: :blink:

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So, based on all I've heard since March 14 (and keeping in mind that I'm still waiting on a follow-up from my contact at the embassy) I'm hopeful that the excel spreadsheet "H" status ("On Hold") really does mean that the ball is in Guangzhou's court...

Here is the "on-hold" paragraph:


Unfortunately, your fiancée's clearance will not be processed as quickly as

most others are. A government agency has placed a hold on the process. We

are working with the other agency to resolve this issue so that we may

process the case to conclusion. However, we expect that a significant

amount of time may be required to do so. When Ms. xxxxxxs clearance process

is concluded, the Consulate will notify her.


It certainly doesn't sound as if the ball is in GZ's court. Rather, it would appear to be bouncing around Washington somewhere.

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Lurker, I do remember seeing the letter you took that "On Hold" paragraph from... I'd really like to forward that back to Guangzhou and ask:


How does THIS figure into your investigation?


I'd be pleased if anyone could post a link to the original post that contained the full message.



PS - :unsure: :( :blink: Thanks for raining on my day. :D :lol: :P

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So, based on all I've heard since March 14 (and keeping in mind that I'm still waiting on a follow-up from my contact at the embassy) I'm hopeful that the excel spreadsheet "H" status ("On Hold") really does mean that the ball is in Guangzhou's court...

Here is the "on-hold" paragraph:


Unfortunately, your fiancée's clearance will not be processed as quickly as

most others are. A government agency has placed a hold on the process. We

are working with the other agency to resolve this issue so that we may

process the case to conclusion. However, we expect that a significant

amount of time may be required to do so. When Ms. xxxxxxs clearance process

is concluded, the Consulate will notify her.


It certainly doesn't sound as if the ball is in GZ's court. Rather, it would appear to be bouncing around Washington somewhere.

I WILL seek clarification from Guangzhou on the "On Hold" message quoted above. I didn't challenge my consulate contact on all the different status' that might appear on the excel spreadsheet, but I'm currently under the impression that: If a government agency forced a hold on the process, that the disposition column would indicate it specifically... not with a generic "H", but something more specific... like maybe a reference to WHO is holding it.


Maybe "H" means "Homeland Security".


I guess the real issue is DoS does't define terms like "On-Hold" and "Pending" as clearly as, say, DoD. Without context, "on-hold" could represent any number of things.

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