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Applying For K-1 Soon, Any Suggestions?

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On the other hand, I do have many things to show such as boarding passes, hotel receipts and the receipt from the engagement ring I bought for her while I was there...And we do have quite a few photos of us taken during my trip out there...


To me, these are the more important documents at this stage. Pictures of you together in China and, if possible, pictures with her and her family, are very helpful.


Also, don't forget the "intent" documents - "...original statements from you and your fianc¨¦(e) whom you plan to marry within 90 days of his or her admission, and copies of any evidence you wish to submit to establish your mutual intent.." (from the I-129F instructions). For this, I used correspondence. Some people created a special "intent" statement.


Also good at this stage are any recipts from things you both did together. Train tickets showin two seats at the same time, etc. All you need to start is some e-mails or other correspondence showing the relationship and proof you both were together in China.

A more detailed list will be needed for her interview but you have a lot of time to generate this while the process crawls along.

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pushbrk--Hey, thank you very much for the link!!...I'll be sure to use that when I get started on this...Yes, I never realized that PDF forms were like that until I filled one out for my China visa...That sure does make things SO much easier!...I am probably going to fill out the G325A for my SO and sent it to her to review and sign because she does not have a printer...And while I was there I could not even open the forms on her computer because her computer didn't seem to recognize the PDF format...It really was a bummer because I would have loved to have started that while I was there with her...


Feathers268--From what everyone is saying here it does make me feel much better about the "proof" that I have to provide to them at this stage...I will also have two boarding passes showing us on a plane together because I had her meet me in Beijing before we flew back to Nanning together!...And I think I have tickets when we went to one of Nanning's parks together also...So I guess I'll be fine...I just keep worrying about all this...


I'm dying because I'm stuck working long hours on the night shift this week where I work and haven't been able to start this package...But I'm glad I waited a little bit because I've been learning a lot reading the info from you guys!....But this weekend I'll be starting and will probably be back with a million more questions!...Thanks so much fellas!!...

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I can feel your sincerity in your post. My heart is with you in getting your fiancée here. My wife, daughter, and baby are visiting China now after being here for almost 3 years. It's going to be a long process but your determination will get you through it. And you definitely found the right place here on Candle. Most everyone here are very helpful and even if someone get something not exactly right, another member will post a correction or suggestion. I know I could not have stayed sane throughout the process without Candle. Our process took a little over 3 years total from our first meeting in China to Jen getting her Green Card. The longest stretch to us (it seemed like eternity but it was about 11 months) was between the I-129 submission and the visa interview. I have to tell you it was all worth it! Jen and our family are the most precious things in my life.


My general recommendation is to get and keep everything that may be even remotely relevant to proving your ongoing relationship. Take lots of pictures with you two together, with her friends, and especially with her family. Quadruple+ check everything in your applications and make copies of everything you submit. If you can have a second or third eye to help you look at it, the better. Go to the interview bringing everything and the kitchen sink. Do everything you can to be there for the interview. Have your fiancée put your passport on the top of the stack of evidence she carries to her interview so the VO can easily see it. The VO will likely ask if you are there when he/she sees your passport.


Feel free to post as you have questions or just need a talk about things. Wish you two the best!

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Tom & Jen--Thank you SO much for the kind words man!...Yes, it has only been about a week and a half and I'm already going crazy without her!...*lol*...I swear if I didn't have bills here and I could find a job there I'd move there until she got her visa...hehehe...But I knew what I was getting into before I even saw her...I knew if things worked out like we thought they would that we'd have to go through this...I will definitely look the forms over very well...I also got pictures of us together and with her friends and family too...A couple days before I came back home, I took her family, her friends family and some of her friends out to eat...I got a few pictures of ALL of us afterwards as well as some more with just her family...It was really nice!...And I wrote her an email today to tell her that I will try my very best to be there for her interview...In fact, there will be very little chance of me NOT being there!...Hehehe...Coming back to New York with her will be like a dream come true!...You're advice is really appreciated (as is everyone else's) I will try to remember the things you said as I get things started here...And I do wish you and your family all the best too!!...


Feathers268--*lol*...Yes, I'm worrying now and I'll probably continue to worry until the moment they tell her she's been approved for the visa...Hehehe...And I am hoping you are right, I hope I do have a handle on everything I need to do here...This forum has really prepared me well I think for what I need to do and for the patience I will need to have...


rosyanne--I THINK I have everything!...I don't feel like I do, but I think I'm ready to start this!...*LOL*...



Thanks everyone!!!...

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I just sent my I-129 to Vermont today, so you and I will be great guinea pigs on the effects of IMBRA


I went to my SO's brothers wedding in Nanning, a very nice clean city, but is it my imagination that Nanning seems to be overly represented on the board, must be something dark in the hearts of the men of the "green city" :P

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evansfan--I do not like the sounds of that!...hehehe...But I do hope that we can show that as long as we have the proper forms things will move along as "well" as they did before...I'm hoping to have my package sent out before the end of next month...It would be out much sooner but I did not prepare them ahead of time to take with me when I went to China...And when I got there her computer would not open any PDF files so now I have to fill them out for her and mail them to her to have her sign and send back to me...


And yes, I have noticed a lot of people with SOs in Nanning...I have asked myself how come nobody in the Green City had stolen my Yan before I met her!...The men must be crazy there!...hahahaha...

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Signal: You sound like you got things well in hand.

We didn't have hardly any phone records but she did have an inch thick bundle of daily MSN and/or Yahoo chats showing a page with the date and time the chat started, the middle of the chat cut out and the closing chat with time and date, arranged in bundles of months.


I would plan on being there for her interview. It shows commitment on your part and you can get a lot more photo opportunities - take plenty of photos of the two of you together in different places and with different clothes. Take pictures with her family members if you can.

Save all your train, plane, hotel, tourist receipts and everything else relevent to the two of you being together. This will be helpful at the interview if the relationship were to be questioned. I think it is also helpful if your SO goes to the interview with a substantial pile of "supporting documents".


When you have gathered all of the forms for the I-129F, read and read the instructions several times. Read the instructions first thing in the morning when your mind is fresh. It's difficult as the form covers many different circumstances and not all of the questions even apply! Read through each form a few times over the course of a few days to be sure you put what you think they expect or intend! I read them over several times and made a few changes after I thought I had everything perfect. A month after I mailed in the forms, I realized that there were still 2 errors in them! Luckily the errors didn't get caught or were not significant enough to throw a wrench in the works.


Good luck! :angry:

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With respect to phone calls and records Skype is very inexpensive (about 2 and a fraction cnets per minute to China) and provides an excellent call record that you can print from the Internet.


With Skype you call from your computer to her cell or fixed phone.


Me and my SO talk on phone everyday along with time spent on webcam at night. I use:



It's cheap and you can easily print out all your phone records. I call her from my landline and my verizon cell phone.

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