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Off to see the wise men!!!!

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Got me Bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could care less there these &$%#&$ 's live. Don't want to know.

Everything else Yanlan had the information in her hands, would't even look at it.

Thius is a tactic that should not be used if they want to stall. It is real bulls$#t. This is ignorant on their part!!

The video I understand somewhat. Yanlan speaks english. So I am confused on this too. She did the interview in english.

So what the hewll.

JRick at Tian Yu Gardens.


Really sorry to hear this.


Now is the time for calm action. You can provide everything that is needed. The combination of things they asked for indicates to me they have a concern about Rick's finances and whether there may be a visa scam including money exchange from the beneficiary's former husband.


Just do what is asked and get the visa in a couple weeks. These things happen when the income tax returns don't look so good.


Very good observation, Mike. It makes sense considering the strange reasons given for rejection. Rick, now is the time to fight hard.

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Sorry to hear about that.Hang in there!

True love will make you over it, try to get everythign they asked, somebody add more stuff 2-3 times after get blue slip.Finally got red.

Try to go to the american cityzen hour on Friday, I heard a man went to there 5 times and finally got red!

Good luck !!!

Edited by mama bear (see edit history)
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Well, put all the information together for Guz, I hope! Will make the video tomorrow. Will go to the ACH tomorrow too. I doubt any help will come from there, but believe me, I will try!!

Our overcome date is April 24th. at 2pm. I MUST leave on the 27th, right or wrong. So if there is a rejection again, I will need to do this from the US.

What a headache. The 2 years I have known Yanlan, I have never known her to be depressed and unhappy. BUT today I have seen it.

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Well, put all the information together for Guz, I hope! Will make the video tomorrow. Will go to the ACH tomorrow too. I doubt any help will come from there, but believe me, I will try!!

Our overcome date is April 24th. at 2pm. I MUST leave on the 27th, right or wrong. So if there is a rejection again, I will need to do this from the US.

What a headache. The 2 years I have known Yanlan, I have never known her to be depressed and unhappy. BUT today I have seen it.


Wow Rick!!! I am very very sorry to see so much trouble for you two!! One can certainly feel the pain. But, please try to stay focus and positive for her and for you. Remember from adversity, comes good things! I believe when th dust settles, you two will be even much stronger!! So, as was Harry's Truman's model, "Give em hell!!" Please give our best to Yanlan and let her know that all of her Candle family member are pulling for you two!! We will not give up until you two are here in the US together....and I believe that will be soon!!! :angry:

Edited by chef4u (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew
Well, put all the information together for Guz, I hope! Will make the video tomorrow. Will go to the ACH tomorrow too. I doubt any help will come from there, but believe me, I will try!!

Our overcome date is April 24th. at 2pm. I MUST leave on the 27th, right or wrong. So if there is a rejection again, I will need to do this from the US.

What a headache. The 2 years I have known Yanlan, I have never known her to be depressed and unhappy. BUT today I have seen it.


It's a damn shame that those of us that are trying to do this the right way, the legal way, the American way are treated in such a manner. I think it would be a good idea for you to journal your thoughts during this time. Write the time of day, and the date, your feelings, your partner's feelings on paper. Then, when you win, and make no mistake about it, you will win, you should send a copy of that journal to any and all elected official within the borders of the US!

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Rick I sure hope you will succeed at the overcome interview. I don't understand why the VO's make us jump through hoops over and over. Not to mention the huge added expense involved.


How were you able to get your overcome interview so quickly? When you called the pay line did they give you the interveiw date?


Good Luck Rick!

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Yes, the guy here at Tian Yu Gardens Tower 2 has been a tremendus help to us. Can't say enough thanks to him. He is the one that called the pay line over and over, and helped us get the date for the overcome.



A polite HELL is what I plan. Quietly and respectfuly done. I know that the person I will be talking to has nothing to do with my case except only what I tell him. I hope he can at least give me some good advise.




I can't beleiive it either. I guess I should have walked over the border in Mexico and exclaimed amnisty for her because she is in need of a job huh? Legal law abiding citizens are treated like trash. They know I am on a fixed income, and now expect for me to borrow more money to pay for their idosyncrecies. What gets me is, ALL the evidence that they Blue slipped us on, was in Yanlans hands, and the VO would not even look at it. The only thing we did not have, is the video.

Now instead of buying my much needed medicene that keeps my life going, I am forced to buy and pay for a video to be made and pay for extra days at the rooms and food and so one and so on.

Hey what the hell I'm American I have the resorces to go broke and in debt Huh?

Oh well so goes life.

Tomorrow will be another day.

Again, sorry to vent people, but this whole adventure from the very start of my trip, has truly been trying for me.

Thank god for lexapro and xanax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rick at the end of the rope.

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I will be a little blunt here. They are not telling you the real reason for the blue slip. What’s in their mind, I guess, is your financial situation (employment status + income) and prior divorces. They suspect any money changed hands. What your SO said during the interview might have also affected their decision.


While you cannot raise your income and employment at this moment, you can go to ACH to convince the VO that you do have a genuine relationship. There are other ways to prove a solid relationship. As I do not know your personal story, you have to find convincing evidences as relationship proof.


Good luck to your overcome.

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You really need to work hard and use all your available resources during the next several days for overcome. You do not need a thousand pieces of evidences. You just need a few real, concrete and solid evidences, because once GUZ sends the case back to USCIS, subsequent overcome procedures will become really protracted and could drag over years. Of course, you need to answer all their questions on the blue slip first.

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Rick and Yanlan: I can only say that you will be successful in the end. I agree with what the others have said. I have a question for you and others: As I work in a government office I know that every worker has a supervisor. Sometimes we will have a case manager get out of hand and treat a client like crap if you know what I mean. They have to go by rules. When they get out of hand, they have to meet with their supervisor and possibly be written up. Some are even fired. I am sure these VO's have a supervisor. I wonder if they ever get disciplined? It is very probable that some VO's should be fired. How you get them fired is unknown. I know they play "God" but they still have to answer to somebody. Who knows? Hang in there Rick. I know you will. I send you my best wishes. Ron

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Guest pushbrk
Rick and Yanlan:  I can only say that you will be successful in the end.  I agree with what the others have said.  I have a question for you and others:  As I work in a government office I know that every worker has a supervisor.  Sometimes we will have a case manager get out of hand and treat a client like crap if you know what I mean.  They have to go by rules.  When they get out of hand, they have to meet with their supervisor and possibly be written up.  Some are even fired.  I am sure these VO's have a supervisor.  I wonder if they ever get disciplined?  It is very probable that some VO's should be fired.  How you get them fired is unknown.  I know they play "God" but they still have to answer to somebody.  Who knows?  Hang in there Rick.  I know you will.  I send you my best wishes.  Ron


I'm pretty sure they'll be successful too and I know this first blue slip to an active CFL member in a couple months is upsetting to everybody, but I don't think it is productive to talk about discipline for the VO.


I would expect that at each step of the process, notes are made to the file. Those notes are available to the VO at the time of the interview. It is reasonable to expect that there is a policy in place to more closely investigate for bonafide relationship, whenever certain criteria are present. Unfortunately, when financial information is marginal, and divorces are recent, it is reasonable to consider the possibility of a fraudulent case. Those factors could be exacerbated by finding one or more recent Chinese immigrants with the same name as the beneficiary's former spouse, already in the USA.


The information asked for on the blue slip indicates nothing more than a desire to further investigate the bonafide nature of the relationship.


I fully expect there are established guidelines for issuing blue slips and find it completely reasonable for this case to fall within those guidelines, particularly if the former spouse has a common name, used by a recent immigrant. That may well be why they asked the beneficiary to confirm the present location of a former spouse, to rule out potential fraud. Everything else requested is standard relationship proof material.

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Well here it is. We were blue slipped!!! Not for any of the reasons given before. Here is the list.

Evolution of relationship and how met.

Who bought my tickets.

Need video tape

Provide x's SS numbers

Need X's places of resedences.


The relationship proof they would not even look at according to Yanlan

This information they would not even look at.

I expectied the video tape.

Social Security numbers were on the divorce papers. Wouldnt even look at the papers.

I have not seen my x's for years how do I know where they live.

Well the the for the old (timers of woodstock) the brown acid continues!!!!

Me thinks this will never end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any information from anyone about this?

What is their problem?

Rick and Yanlan


You can get your ex's SS# from your old tax returns but the last question could be a trick question.

Unless u have kids together there is no reason to be in contact with her so maybe it is a sneeky way to find out if you are still in contact with her.

But if you do have kids with her then u can get her addresses through your kids.

But if you don't have kids with her then I can't see any good reason to be in contact with her, so maybe if you just explain it to them that way they will understand.

I know that if I was the VO and you didn't have kids and you were still in contact with your ex I would question your motives.

I have no kids with my ex and I have no contact with her eather, if I could stand to be around her we wouldn't be divorced so that last question is a bit puzzling to me.

We have not gotten to that point in our visa process yet so I can't speak from experience but from what I have read and heard they just want to make sure it isn't a arranged marrage, your s.o. isn't a terrorist/spy/communist infiltrator, and that she won't be a charge of the state.

And I have heard of cases where they requested something and they were unable to aquire it but gave a good explaination and were approved for the visa.

From what I have read and heard this is a crap shoot, all you can do is be honest and don't give up eventually you will get a 7.

Good luck!!!

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