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unbelievable :(

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Just got off the phone w/dos and my wife's security clearance is still pending, its just unbelievable, called my congressman's office, who are in the process of inquiry, and still no word as to why such an unnecessary delay.


Words can not describe my aggravation and frustration. I'm beginning to doubt if my wife and I can have a future here in the states. If she is being treated this poorly now, how badly can we expect to be discriminated against once she is here. At this point I am giving serious thought to leaving the country, if I do I will not look back for sure.


If my congressman can not do anything for me w/in the next 30 days or so the decision will be made.

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I would just say try not to let the b*st*rds get you down now.. :D You are close to finally being together. The whole process really is demeaning and dehumanizing for all of us. Some of us have had to put up with an even larger protion of their cr*p... :P :angry: But you know it will be worth it in the end...whether you are here or in China YOU WILL BE TOGETHER... :wub: :wub:

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Just got off the phone w/my congressman's liaison he said it should take w/in 3 months to complete. He said I can call again in several months and they will make another inquiry. Every 3 months I'm telling myself only 3 months more. He did say that he has only one case that he worked on that did not get passed the process, he said an 80+ year old married a girl in her very early 20's.

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The good thing is you married a shi girl...... me too!!

hang in there...


good luck

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I have not followed your case, but, have they given you any reasons at all why they are dragging their feet? Certainly a Congressman or Senator could shake it loose. I can only add that my heart goes out to you (and her).

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Hey man, My heart goes out to you and yours. I want you to know that My wife also went thru that BS. She actually had her name checked and then before she could get her interview, the namecheck expired and she had to do it all over again. The namecheck is only good for 6 months. Anyways, She has been here now for almost 2 years. And now she is going thru the Namecheck crap again with her AOS. BUT, At least shes here with me.


Cuss, cry and scream, but above all, try to be patient.



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Wow! That is one crappy timeline. I will pray for your case.


Also, write a letter to Maura Harty, Director of Consular Services.

You can find her info by doing a search here on CFL. If you persist, someone will notice and help you. It is not that the people are trying to mess with your head, it is just govt. paperwork and the fact that among other things, GUZ processes 6000 adoptions every year. This is with a staff that is maybe prepared to do half of that. So, the real problem is that GUZ is short staffed.

If you do get a personal contact there, you will find they are very helpful people doing jobs.


Good luck!



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Guest ShaQuaNew
You may want to try:


June O'Connell


Public Inquires Division

Visa Services



Sorry I don't have the phone no. but I think there is a directory someplace. I think she reports to Ms Harty and the only help I ever got was from another of her assitants.

Good Luck!


I feel great sadness right along with you. Frank also gave some good advice in one of Joanne's threads for you regarding mandamus. There are times that the powers that be simply try holding a process in abeyance rather than making a ruling. They do this for their own political reasons. I, and I know many others are behind you in your efforts. Keep us posted. Good luck...



Can you predict when my wife will get past the security clearance?????


maby, one day short of never  :mad.gif:


Your case represents some of the worst that can happen, and I am sure you've done everything in you power. I ran across this link today, but I didn't know if you've seen it. http://www.coplandandbrenner.com/news/fullstory.asp?id=103


I am not big on mandamus actions, but, in this instance, it might help expedite the namecheck. Also, there's a phone number in the link that you might try.


Good luck.

Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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Dang eeyore, this sucks.


I remember starting this process about the same time as you, but I've been spending most of my time in the AOS forum, and haven't been following your case. I'll be thinking of you both.


Don't give up or lose hope. Keep calling DOS, your congressman, and consider a mandamus action - it's taken far too long.

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