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Dear Senator/Congressman

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Kenny and me have been talking about the immigration issues and he write to US government using Lee's letter. (Thank you Lee!) He ask if I want to say anything, so I asked him to help me write letter too. Here it is. I am sending to Colorado congressman and senators. Please, encourage your SO to write too, the more voices heard, the better for us all. You have my permission to use the letter.


Also, see Lee’s post. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16827


You citizens have rights and freedoms we don’t have in China: you can freely write your government. In China, this is very difficult to do. Please, use your freedoms and write!


Here is my letter, if you dont like, you can change it.

House representative: http://www.house.gov/writerep/

Write your Senator: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_info...enators_cfm.cfm


Dear (Senator/Congressman),


I am not a US Citizen, but the fiance of one. I hope one day to be a citizen. I respect American immigration laws, and I am here legally. I am learning about government and am deciding which party I will one day be a member of. The issue I am writing about may one day be the deciding factor which party to join when I can vote.


I am writing about current immigration issues you face. As a new immigrant, I am acutely aware of the difficulties involved with immigrating legally. Paperwork, time, being apart from spouses and fiances, expensive medical exams and immunizations, and of course, a lot of money to your government in fees. In addition, when I am legally able to work, I will pay you my fair share of taxes.


America is not like my former country, I understand is it is supposed to be a land of laws. But, I have been hearing about many citizens and government representatives who want to reward immigration lawbreakers by making it easier for them to stay here.


If America is a land of laws, why do representatives who should support those laws, want to allow amnesty for the illegal people here? When I become a legal taypaying worker, why should these illegals who do not pay taxes benefit from taxes and other fees that I have to pay?


I don’t understand why those representatives feel lawbreakers should be given something so easily, or why citizens and legal immigrants should pay for them. I thought breaking the law meant punishment.


Let me ask you: if laws are passed that do anything BUT send these illegals back to their country, then would you suggest I become illegal too? Wouldn’t it be fair that I should stop following the immigration laws and stop paying all this money and get the benefits the other illegals get? Do you see it as fair that I should pay all these fees to the government, doctors, attorneys, etc, as well as become a tax-paying worker, while others are given, as you Americans say it, a ‘free ride’?


Is American citizenship that cheap?


Of course, that is not my wish. I will do my part, pay my taxes, obey American laws including immigration laws, and contribute to this country. But you should let everyone else that wishes to come or stay here pay the price that myself and millions of others have to pay to be part of what I hope is still a great country of law abiding citizens.


Please, stop illegal immigration now. Pass and strongly enforce tough legislation that sends illegal aliens already here back to their home country. Don't let them come here until they do the same thing I and millions of other do: come here legally, morally, and ethically.


Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Edited by amerikens jie (see edit history)
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Kenny and me have been talking about the immigration issues and he write to US government using Lee's letter. (Thank you Lee!) He ask if I want to say anything, so I asked him to help me write letter too. Here it is. I am sending to Colorado congressman and senators. If your SO wants to write this too, you have my permission to use my letter.


Also, see Lee’s post. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16827


You citizens have rights and freedoms we don’t have in China: you can freely write your government. In China, this is very difficult to do. Please, use your freedoms and write!


Here is my letter, if you dont like, you can change it. 

House representative: http://www.house.gov/writerep/   

Write your Senator: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_info...enators_cfm.cfm


Dear (Senator/Congressman),


I am not a US Citizen, but the fiance of one. I hope one day to be a citizen. I respect American immigration laws, and I am here legally. I am learning about government and am deciding which party I will one day be a member of. The issue I am writing about may one day be the deciding factor which party to join when I can vote.


I am writing about current immigration issues you face. As a new immigrant, I am acutely aware of the difficulties involved with immigrating legally. Paperwork, time, being apart from spouses and fiances, expensive medical exams and immunizations, and of course, a lot of money to your government in fees. In addition, when I am legally able to work, I will pay you my fair share of taxes. 


America is not like my former country, I understand is it is supposed to be a land of laws. But, I have been hearing about many citizens and government representatives who want to reward immigration lawbreakers by making it easier for them to stay here.


If America is a land of laws, why do representatives who should support those laws, want to allow amnesty for the illegal people here? When I become a legal taypaying worker, why should these illegals who do not pay taxes benefit from taxes and other fees that I have to pay?


I don’t understand why those representatives feel lawbreakers should be given something so easily, or why citizens and legal immigrants should pay for them. I thought breaking the law meant punishment.


Let me ask you: if laws are passed that do anything BUT send these illegals back to their country, then would you suggest I become illegal too? Wouldn’t it be fair that I should stop following the immigration laws and stop paying all this money and get the benefits the other illegals get? Do you see it as fair that I should pay all these fees to the government, doctors, attorneys, etc, as well as become a tax-paying worker, while others are given, as you Americans say it, a ‘free ride’?


Is American citizenship that cheap?


Of course, that is not my wish. I will do my part, pay my taxes, obey American laws including immigration laws, and contribute to this country. But you should let everyone else that wishes to come or stay here pay the price that myself and millions of others have to pay to be part of what I hope is still a great country of law abiding citizens. 


Please, stop illegal immigration now. Pass and strongly enforce tough legislation that sends illegal aliens already here back to their home country. Don't let them come here until they do the same thing I and millions of other do: come here legally, morally, and ethically. 


Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Very well said! You should be very proud of your SO as I know you are.

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Kenny and me have been talking about the immigration issues and he write to US government using Lee's letter. (Thank you Lee!) He ask if I want to say anything, so I asked him to help me write letter too. Here it is. I am sending to Colorado congressman and senators. If your SO wants to write this too, you have my permission to use my letter.


Jie, I am sure that Ken is so proud of you and I thank you for your kind words.


Do not be discouraged if the ideas you have shared are not acted upon by our Congress. We each have a voice but even the best ideas are not heard by our government, but we must always continue to try to make our voices heard on important things.

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Senator Salazar is our big problem in Colorado. The best law HR4437 has already passed thru the House and has been in the Senate since Dec. with no action being taken.


Senator Allard opposes amnesty.


You can read the content of Bills at the Thomas website:http://thomas.loc.gov


The really bad part of all of the Senate bills is the fact that no one there has done any research on the effects of the Bills they propose. I am sure that if an amnest Bill passes, many of us would rather be living in China where they have a good immigration policy.


Thanks for writing and taking part in the democratic process.



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A great letter, Jie.


So far, I haven't found my own point of view. :roller:


It is very important to note, there are already tough immigration laws at present. The enforcment is underfunded, overworked and way way under man powered. It is important to note, the rich elite class of america will continue to try to allow mexican people into the country so they can pay them way way less than they would pay a law abiding and proud american. There is no job that is too beneath any person, provided it pays decently. Only someone who is legally in america who is lazy or just unmotivated would get welfare just because they wont scrub toilets if it pays the bills. My mom raised me and my sister busting her arse in 2 jobs and always fed us and sheltered us. Of course, my dad helped by paying child support, he was a man of honor. Not like many dead beat dads out there, who also wont take a job if its beneath them to do it. As far as the laws around immigration issues. I am only interested in a lessening of bureaucracy in the entire process, and a speeding up. A government job shouldnt be some cushy cozy lets not bust a sweat job.

Edited by hunter (see edit history)
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I certainly hope that Americans are more tolenant of all people and races, the problem is enforement not more bureaucracy


I agree Red, if you felt that by me saying mexican people that i was being prejudiced, that is not so. It is fact that it is the usa/mexico border we are talking about after all. So one could only assume the bulk of the problem is coming from there. black , brown, yellow , if you break the law you are the same, a Lawbreaker. You need to be thrown out of the country and not allowed to apply for 5 or whatever years they say. Another thing one should consider. The elite rich of the country that are wanting so badly the cheap labor that is streaming across the usa/mexico border would call prejudice as a way of using the Race Card to impeade rule of law. All things being the same, if someone is illegally and feloniously in the country, securing a fake SSN is a FELONY, look it up, why cant I have immunity from one FELONY myself? Nobody in the USA who is a felon is ever excused from prosecution.

Edited by hunter (see edit history)
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