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Jealous Colleagues

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I am looking for some advise regarding jealous colleagues of my SO. This also fits in with the prevous posts on keeping things quiet over in China. If you are seen over there hy people your SO knows it is best, if asked, to say you are Australian.


A little background. My SO was a teacher at the local elementary school. When her female colleagues found out, they made things extremely difficult for her (all the guys wanted was for me to hook them up with American women). Her colleagues told lies to the principal and treated her extremely bad to the point where she quit. She is doing well tutoring presently. Eventually a new principal came to the school (female who worked there was promoted and a male vice principal) and fired the women who were telling the lies because they knew they were bad. However, they have relatives at the school who are now mad at my SO. Her male colleagues told her that the women there took great pleasure in talking about doing things so she would never go to America.


Now we are worried that her colleagues sent letters to GUZ claiming she is a bad person and a member of the communist party. She is neither and she has many students presently to prove how good she is. The parents of her students know she is leaving for America and because she is such a good want her to stay.


My question then:


Should we write to GUZ explaining the cercumstances of leaving her employer and that there are people making up stories so she will not be able to go to America? She was reviewing a Chinese site and a recommendation to a similar situation was to write GUZ and explain this. Otherwise when they are doing the background you will run into problems. Our P3 for the K-1 was already sent in. What do you guys think?




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I am looking for some advise regarding jealous colleagues of my SO.  This also fits in with the prevous posts on keeping things quiet over in China.  If you are seen over there hy people your SO knows it is best, if asked, to say you are Australian.


A little background.  My SO was a teacher at the local elementary school. When her female colleagues found out, they made things extremely difficult for her (all the guys wanted was for me to hook them up with American women).  Her colleagues told lies to the principal and treated her extremely bad to the point where she quit.  She is doing well tutoring presently.  Eventually a new principal came  to the school (female who worked there was promoted and a male vice principal) and fired the women who were telling the lies because they knew they were bad.  However, they have relatives at the school who are now mad at my SO.  Her male colleagues told her that the women there took great pleasure in talking about doing things so she would never go to America.


Now we are worried that her colleagues sent letters to GUZ claiming she is a bad person and a member of the communist party.  She is neither and she has many students presently to prove how good she is.  The parents of her students know she is leaving for America and because she is such a good want her to stay.


My question then:


Should we write to GUZ explaining the cercumstances of leaving her employer and that there are people making up stories so she will not be able to go to America?  She was reviewing a Chinese site and a recommendation to a similar situation was to write GUZ and explain this.  Otherwise when they are doing the background you will run into problems.  Our P3 for the K-1 was already sent in.  What do you guys think?





I think I wrote a similar post asking a similar question, however the issue was more pertaining to some family members. The reponses I got were that it is better to NOT raise the issue with GZ. Let GZ raise the issue as a blue slip (if indeed someone did write to GZ), then you can present overcome evidence proving otherwise.


However, if you raise the issue, that could raise red flags with GZ when none existed prior.

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Rule of thumb--NEVER give GUZ more than they ask for. You may be creating a problem that does not exist.


Exactly the advice Trigg gave me. Thus, we never raised the issue, and a third party issue never arose with GZ and she passed the interview.


Here is the forum I referred to about 3rd party correspondence:



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1. I don't believe your SO's colleagues can do anything harmful to her case. School teachers know almost nothing about the procedures of immigration. I had been a high school teacher for 8 years!


2.GUZ is busy with thousands of cases each month.

Who cares small gossip in big China? :angry:


3.Your SO's needs birth certificate, police certificate (no criminal records)....for all those stuff, she has to deal with police office, notary public, but NOT the school where she is teaching.


Relax, dude!

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I am glad to hear the responses, we think alike. I also reviewed this subject in the past with other posts but the Chinese recommendations seemed to be contrary to what was being said here.


My SO seems to think that Chinese site is a good one, I am not so sure. Sometimes the wrong advice can create potential problems. Is it also possible that wrong advice is given on the Chinese end, I do not know the actual site but it is not CFL, to make things more difficult? Something to watch out for then.


Thanks everyone,


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Is it also possible that wrong advice is given on the Chinese end, I do not know the actual site but it is not CFL, to make things more difficult? 


Rick, it is possible to get both right and wrong advice from either site. Regarding many of the visa issues, especially the interview, only the Consulate knows the sure answer, and they understandably keep it to themselves.


We are all giving advice based on views, speculations, and experiences, and what works for one person in an interview may not work for another.



But, the right thing to do is what you are doing, read what everyone says, weigh the information, and make a judgment and decision about the info. I will say, that I do trust CFL more than any other site for the information I get. I think you are on the right track! Ken

Edited by ameriken (see edit history)
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I've seen two B1 visa applicants whose cases got killed by two crazy secretaries at their company, who gave incorrect information when the consulate staff called.


Never have I seen a denial of an immigrant visa was caused by a jealous colleague. I've met around 90 applicants in person and helped 69 applicants to overcome denials with success since 2003.

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Is it also possible that wrong advice is given on the Chinese end, I do not know the actual site but it is not CFL, to make things more difficult? 


Rick, it is possible to get both right and wrong advice from either site. Regarding many of the visa issues, especially the interview, only the Consulate knows the sure answer, and they understandably keep it to themselves.


We are all giving advice based on views, speculations, and experiences, and what works for one person in an interview may not work for another.



But, the right thing to do is what you are doing, read what everyone says, weigh the information, and make a judgment and decision about the info. I will say, that I do trust CFL more than any other site for the information I get. I think you are on the right track! Ken




Also as far as my concern, I do remain cautious on the Chinese side because of what has happened and problems others are facing. Much of my concern is actually coming from my SO who is getting worked up over what she hears and reads. This is generally the case and other opinions are very helpful!


I just got off the phone with her and it is now after 2am there. She gets worked up and has trouble sleeping. When she talks to me (and usually I talk to you guys first) I am able to relax her and she falls asleep.


I come from a research background. I hear what others have to say and do my own research. That's what we all should do (not buy trim spa, for example, because the people selling say it works). That's also why CFL includes external links to information. When you talk to people long enough, you develop trust, and this group has been incredibly good!


Thanks everyone,


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Your SO gets stressed by her work.

It's time to change her job or relocate.


I am sorry for not clarifying more.


My SO is concerned mostly about letters her previous collegues may send or have sent telling GUZ that she is a bad person. She quit her job in July 2005. She now tutors students where she lives and is doing well there, she likes what she does, although has complained about stress on occasion. I help relax her, tell her not to give her self any stress, do not worry about anything, if she needs money or wants to quit I can give her money. She does not want to quit and her students and their parents don't want her to quit.


She also loves her home very much, it is a very nice 1 bedroom apartment in a lovely garden. Right now I believe if there is any damage it is already done, I hope.


What I fear is that she may be harmed physically. People automatically think americans are rich. Plus people have seen what a nice place she has. Most of the female teachers do not have what she has and they are jealous. In stead of a good for you attitude, the people in question hate her for it.


Someone has also followed her before. Someone that was not a teacher but worked at her school. He wanted to see her apartment and would not leave her. Her former male colleagues, who she has a good relationship with, just feel that he is looking for sexual relations. (Oh, is that all? What a relief!!! :) ;))


My fear is not to the point where I feel she is trully in danger. She lives in a safe and guarded area. She is surrounded by students and their parents and her parents are nearby. By the same token, I don't want to let my guard down so I like her to be careful. There would be decent problems with the visa application if she moved now also.

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I think you are over-reacting, we have seen similar cases before, relax, and follow the process.... next year this time you will be looking back at this and wonder why you and her got so worked up over it....


good luck

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Guest ShaQuaNew

As much of the advice corroborates, keep your hand close to your vest. While we all like to share our happiness with others, some others are not so happy to share it. Be cautious and wary, but yet let your heart fully experience the joy of these times....

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