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the hardest time

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I feel very much for you...  And I think you alread know that part of your depression is related to your time of the month --- and the changes that we men don't go through, and can't fully understand.....but I also think that you know that when your period passes, you will be strong again!  I wish and hope that some of our women members can help you with this----    But of course ---- your angst is totally valid! 


Perhaps the only reason that your husband is doing a little better at this long wait is simply because he knows he must ---- he has a good general understanding about how slow our government works in these areas...


This is a trial for the both of you.  And while I won't say its pleasant, it is an opportunity to try to do your best.  Almost no one here has it as bad as someone else ---- I have been through the Guangzhou visa process three times, each had delays, but none of them were as long or as unfair as some that are well documented here ---  the only thing that I can say for sure---- once you go through the long dark tunnel ---there is beautiful sun light! ---- and the sad memories of the long wait quickly fade under that bright light...\


We are all pulling for you both!


Ok, at the risk of sounding all preachy and stuff. Its very easy for me, and I'll break it down for you. I truily belive that all my life God, as I see him and call him, has had someone special in mind for me and that all the years that I have been single, have been learning and growing modes. I have often struggled with pangs of lonliness, and depression as i see all my good friends settle down. I know how hank Jr. felt when he wrote, all my single friends have settled down!!. The prime lessons in life in battleing your EGO is letting go of impatience, and learning to trust in that higher power. I think you need to look very hard at the karma in your life and try to understand and slay some dragons within you. It is never how much someone can love you, it is how much you love yourself.

Hey, hang in there, it isnt easy, but God is the wind blowing my K-3 visa so quickly in the ocean of my life. I choose to trust and be patient.

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I feel very much for you...  And I think you alread know that part of your depression is related to your time of the month --- and the changes that we men don't go through, and can't fully understand.....but I also think that you know that when your period passes, you will be strong again!  I wish and hope that some of our women members can help you with this----    But of course ---- your angst is totally valid! 


Perhaps the only reason that your husband is doing a little better at this long wait is simply because he knows he must ---- he has a good general understanding about how slow our government works in these areas...


This is a trial for the both of you.  And while I won't say its pleasant, it is an opportunity to try to do your best.  Almost no one here has it as bad as someone else ---- I have been through the Guangzhou visa process three times, each had delays, but none of them were as long or as unfair as some that are well documented here ---  the only thing that I can say for sure---- once you go through the long dark tunnel ---there is beautiful sun light!   ---- and the sad memories of the long wait quickly fade under that bright light...\


We are all pulling for you both!


Ok, at the risk of sounding all preachy and stuff. Its very easy for me, and I'll break it down for you. I truily belive that all my life God, as I see him and call him, has had someone special in mind for me and that all the years that I have been single, have been learning and growing modes. I have often struggled with pangs of lonliness, and depression as i see all my good friends settle down. I know how hank Jr. felt when he wrote, all my single friends have settled down!!. The prime lessons in life in battleing your EGO is letting go of impatience, and learning to trust in that higher power. I think you need to look very hard at the karma in your life and try to understand and slay some dragons within you. It is never how much someone can love you, it is how much you love yourself.

Hey, hang in there, it isnt easy, but God is the wind blowing my K-3 visa so quickly in the ocean of my life. I choose to trust and be patient.


Amen to that. Carl

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I've been delaying replying to this thread because nothing I can say is going to make it better.  The wait sucks and why some people have to endure it longer than others will always be a mystery.  It is grossly unfair that some can breeze through the system in 8 months or less and others have timelines of 2 years or more. I sympathize greatly.  I guess in the grand scheme of things you can only consider the alternatives.  Wait for an agonizingly long time or give up.  Good luck Paula I hope the nightmare ends soon.


I, too, have delayed writing something. I for one cannot advise you to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Sometimes it helps to "just let it out."


But it is true soon you have to come back to reality and accept that this incredibly long and dehumanizing process must be accepted. What the Japanese called "enduring the unendurable" when they accepted unconditional surrender at the end of World War II.


It will be over someday.

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It is hard paula we all know that but stay strong and soon it will be over.




I'll keep you and your husband in my prayers. I hope you are with him in the USA very soon.



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I feel for you, even though I cann't say that I fully understand what you have been through. When you have anger and impatience, vent it here instead of venting it towards your SO. He has to endure the same if not more. I wish GUZ speed your process up.

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I feel for you, even though I cann't say that I fully understand what you have been through.  When you have anger and impatience, vent it here instead of venting it towards your SO.  He has to endure the same if not more.  I wish GUZ speed your process up.


Good point Joanne!! It is just as hard for your SO... Paula I remember what you are dealing with. I hope your time will pass better in the future.

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