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I'm only a "Newbie"

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Ladies and Gentlemen:

I really am a "Newbie." But, if you read down through the comments on some of these posts, you will see how one contradicts the other. One says x, y z, the other says, a, b c. When you get through reading all the posts and replies, you come out scratching your head and wondering where lies the "true" answer? I know people are posting from their own personal experience and that is appreciated. However, can there really be that much discrepancy in this procecure? If so, we are ALL in trouble. That's just my opinion. As Dennis Miller says, "I could be wrong."

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Ladies and Gentlemen:

I really am a "Newbie."  But, if you read down through the comments on some of these posts, you will see how one contradicts the other.  One says x, y z, the other says, a, b c.  When you get through reading all the posts and replies, you come out scratching your head and wondering where lies the "true" answer?  I know people are posting from their own personal experience and that is appreciated.  However, can there really be that much discrepancy in this procecure?  If so, we are ALL in trouble.  That's just my opinion.  As Dennis Miller says, "I could be wrong."


I meant "read" what you have posted. Sorry, I had three beers.

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Guest pushbrk
Ladies and Gentlemen:

I really am a "Newbie."  But, if you read down through the comments on some of these posts, you will see how one contradicts the other.  One says x, y z, the other says, a, b c.  When you get through reading all the posts and replies, you come out scratching your head and wondering where lies the "true" answer?  I know people are posting from their own personal experience and that is appreciated.  However, can there really be that much discrepancy in this procecure?  If so, we are ALL in trouble.  That's just my opinion.  As Dennis Miller says, "I could be wrong."


Yes, there is often more than one correct answer. Some things are mandatory to do a certain way and others have options.


Sometimes people misunderstand the question or the circumstances. Sometimes the wrong question is asked or the right one is asked in a confusing way.


Eventually you get it sorted out. Both the seeker and the provider of information have a great responsibility to both understand be understood.

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Ladies and Gentlemen:

I really am a "Newbie."  But, if you read down through the comments on some of these posts, you will see how one contradicts the other.  One says x, y z, the other says, a, b c.  When you get through reading all the posts and replies, you come out scratching your head and wondering where lies the "true" answer?  I know people are posting from their own personal experience and that is appreciated.  However, can there really be that much discrepancy in this procecure?  If so, we are ALL in trouble.  That's just my opinion.  As Dennis Miller says, "I could be wrong."


Yes, there is often more than one correct answer. Some things are mandatory to do a certain way and others have options.


Sometimes people misunderstand the question or the circumstances. Sometimes the wrong question is asked or the right one is asked in a confusing way.


Eventually you get it sorted out. Both the seeker and the provider of information have a great responsibility to both understand be understood.


Well said Mike! Understanding comes from effective communication.

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Guest pushbrk
Ladies and Gentlemen:

I really am a "Newbie."  But, if you read down through the comments on some of these posts, you will see how one contradicts the other.  One says x, y z, the other says, a, b c.  When you get through reading all the posts and replies, you come out scratching your head and wondering where lies the "true" answer?  I know people are posting from their own personal experience and that is appreciated.  However, can there really be that much discrepancy in this procecure?  If so, we are ALL in trouble.  That's just my opinion.  As Dennis Miller says, "I could be wrong."


Yes, there is often more than one correct answer. Some things are mandatory to do a certain way and others have options.


Sometimes people misunderstand the question or the circumstances. Sometimes the wrong question is asked or the right one is asked in a confusing way.


Eventually you get it sorted out. Both the seeker and the provider of information have a great responsibility to both understand be understood.


Well said Mike! Understanding comes from effective communication.


We're seeing a perfect example in another thread of just how difficult it is to help somebody who doesn't provide enough information to get a reliable answer. What kind of visa? To what form do you refer? What does it say exactly? No timeline. etc.


A few days ago Ron himself handled a question in an exemplary way. We could see from his timeline that he was applying for a K-1 visa. His question went something like this. "On the I129, how do I answer question XXb about my SO. He got the same quick and accurate answer to his question from multiple sources. The answer was "N/A".


More recently, he asked a perfectly clear question, nevertheless there was no possible helpful answer because nobody could understand why he asked until he cleared it up.


Often the devil is in the details and the details are devils. For instance, a couple days ago I THINK we learned Ron had been using the I-129 instead of the I-129F. I'm not sure because he never confirmed but the expiration dates on the form he was looking at were wrong. Anybody who has recently referred to the K visa form without using the "F" has contributed to the problem unintentionally but skipping one of those devilish details.


As difficult as it is, reading, reading and asking questions until you get a clear picture of the process in your mind is invaluable to success. It is very difficult even for those best equiped (by aptitude) to do so.

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Many, many years ago, when I was just a student in a university, I took a class called, "Philosophy of The Beautiful". It was a very strange course. It was strange because we would come into class and just watch picture, slides and soundless movies of different animals interacting in their particular enviroments. Then the same with people from all different lands. Then just stare at pictures of our world's natural enviroment. There was really no lectures or class discussions. Then our final test came. The test had only one question and the following instructions: Communication at its best....is relatively poor. Please write your thoughts. You have 1 1/2 hours to complete this test. If you need more paper to write your answer, please come forward.

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Yea, yea ,yea, and complicating simple information, confusing the simplistic, detailing that which is detailess, and clarifying the already clear is hardly helpful. Rather, it shows narcissism on the part of the would be helper and frightens off those who would be helped!!!!!

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Ok :o


True there is the matter of the posters accuracy, intent and own experience that shades answers. This can cause great discrepancy. However your question was "can there really be that much discrepancy in this procedure?"


It appears to me that you may not have had much direct dealings with our government's way of handling things in the bureaucratic, ambling, lack of continuity that it is best at. My job requires dealing daily witht a government agency and its inspectors. The company I work for relies on me to know that department's regulations better than the inspectors in order to operate smoothly without interruption. The advantage I have is that this department must supply the company all regulations, internal notices and directives that are issued to the registered companies. (They actually hope we can understand and follow them in order to apply) The immigration process is not as transparent.


This leaves not only many unknowns for us but also great room for error, job avoidance, agency territorial abuse, employee power trip, etc.


This is also an agency that is facing the current political winds of debate to protect our country from terrorism.


So to answer, yes it can be a very different experience for each person depending where paper work goes, who reads it and how their day is going. The best you can do is be knowledgable with many peoples experience and play it out. That is why this website is so important. There never is only one answer when government is involved. But here at CFL you will be well prepared for the occassional unexpected snaffu.


Best of luck on your journey

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Richard is that class still open for enrollment? Let me know how to register. Wow what a professor.


Yea...not to be off topic here. But, you know you forget a lot of what you learned in college. The old adage, "out of sight...out of mind", applies here. But, I will never, ever forget this course.

Edited by chef4u (see edit history)
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Hi Ron,


Yes this appears to be a HIGHLY variable process from the readings I have done here and at VisaJourney. You should read CFL, VisaJourney and the USCIS website at least weekly, daily if you are obsessing like me...


I have email folders that I organize 'knowledge' into. When a topic comes up and there are multiple posters that are experienced, I consider this a consensus and I email a topic link to myself with a meaningful subject line. I then file this in the right folder for easy reference.


Good luck, and keep reading...



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Yea, yea ,yea, and complicating simple information, confusing the simplistic, detailing that which is detailess, and clarifying the already clear is hardly helpful. Rather, it shows narcissism on the part of the would be helper and frightens off those who would be helped!!!!!


Wow. I like this.

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