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First Steps

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I met my future wife on line almost two years ago.  I have just returned from China where we met in person and fell in love.  Leaving her at the airport was almost unbearable.  Now we are starting all the paperwork.  Any words of encouragement will be appreciated.


Welcome, :P Lots of info here, can get a little confusing at times but you will begin to get it after you read it all a few times! I met my SO online and am going to HongKong on feb. 8th. We're getting married in HK on the 14th. Good luck to you. You came to the right place.



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I'm not familiar with all the forms.  I guess I feel like I'm lost in the woods and don't know which direction to travel.  I'm sure my future wife in China is more confused than I am.  I'm also trying to guide her, but, it's like the blind leading the blind.  I thank you all for your support.  Why does the picture for the I-129 have to be a 3/4 view.  Won't they accept a regular passport picture?  Does she also have to go and have her passport pictures retaken?


Welcome to CFL. First thing to do is relax. You are already ahead of the game by finding this site. Many, myself included, filed papers and then found CFL. By taking a little time you can save a lot of worry about having made a possible mistake.

This whole thing is not going to seem fare at times but remember that you will always have a place to come and vent of laugh with the rest of us. In the end, it is very much worth it. Whether you are in Guangzhou when your love gets the visa or you meet them at the airport as they arrive in the US, you'll find that the end result was worth the time. Until the, I hope you can get the help, and pass the time with us here.

Once again, welcome.

Jim & Jen :wub:

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I am a month or two into the process so please feel free to follow my footprints in the snow....


I would say that the key to the linchpin of clearing the first hurdle (should i mix more into the golash of that metaphor?) is getting your SO's signature on some of the forms. The physical distance is going to be the biggest holdup. Her 325A forms, the four almost exact copies, will need her signature. If you can get them filled out as quickly as possible and in the mail to her then you can get started on everything else. They can be filled out electronically with the free version of Adobe's Acrobat reader, but can only be saved with the purchased version--which is quite expensive. So barring that purchase, sending them to her electonically won't work well.


When you do send her forms to sign i would send extras and maybe some blank one fo rher to sign. just incase you spot an error and need to rewrite the forms or need new forms for RFE (Request for Further Evidence)


Hints on filling out the forms. Definitely don't leave blanks. Use "none" or "n/a" in any box that has nothing else in it--i had 15 or so in a row at one point. I did this and the case flew through VSC quickly. (Vermont Service Center--depends on your state of residency where you will send it) (knocking on wood for mentioning "quickly" with my visa process in the same universe).


Finally photocopy everything you send. Just in case...if nothing else you will be able to reassure yourself that you filled them out correctly when you hit one of the inevitable speed bumps in the process and are waiting to lynch pin the key the the next hurdle to jump.


hope that helps. And this is the best place to look for info. A great support group. Best of luck

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