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Hi Guys

One of my complaints about this forum is that some people’s posts often do not fit with what I experience. This can lead to great difficulty for some of us. I just read a post that stated the some ones wife could set the interview date for a RFI. Well with us it was not an “interview”. They just took the stuff and told her to go and come back in two days for an answer. Also when she called, they set the date. I do not know if it was the first open spot or if we could have requested a latter time. Now maybe others have had a different experience than me. It would help if people would state that “This is what happened to me” or “This is what I did” instead of just saying this is how or what it is. Thanks. Sorry to sound so grumpy.


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Hi Guys

One of my complaints about this forum is that some people’s posts often do not fit with what I experience. This can lead to great difficulty for some of us. I just read a post that stated the some ones wife could set the interview date for a RFI. Well with us it was not an “interview? They just took the stuff and told her to go and come back in two days for an answer. Also when she called, they set the date. I do not know if it was the first open spot or if we could have requested a latter time. Now maybe others have had a different experience than me. It would help if people would state that “This is what happened to me?or “This is what I did?instead of just saying this is how or what it is. Thanks. Sorry to sound so grumpy.



While I cannot give you specifics to your question James, others will. I have seen the same, and with that in mind, just post something asking more about what you need to know, like you did. Everyone posting can only give their own experience, and we, like you, may not know if our experience is the rule or the exception.

Be patient and reply to those people, ask for clarification, and you will see enough members with more experience post their views to give you more clarity on the issue. Good luck !

Edited by ameriken (see edit history)
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Hi Jim, it seems most of us have had a lot of anxiety at one time or another during this process. If you want to post your timeline with what type of Visa you are applying for maybe we could understand better what is asked. We try the best we can to help and my hope is that we can also help you.





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It is also partly a terminology issue.. when I saw the use of the word "interview" I knew what they meant, but also knew this was not technically correct.


Although one can get picky about terminology, when one is dealing with government agencies and a stressful process then it is good to try and use the correct wording. Some who have not been through a step yet just won't know they are using a word incorrectly...

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Guest ShaQuaNew

As you know, this is a public forum. The background and experience varies greatly from member to member. You should NEVER accept a response given you in this forum as being the absolute truth. You must use your own common sense and investigatory technique to validate any information you receive. There are a wide variety of topics and variables to which you must become familiar. Take your time. Do NOT rush. Read, read, read.....

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I think it should be clear to anybody reading CFL that ANY post should be considered the OPINION of the author! And it is up to the reader to read and evaluate EVERY comment - so that you can then draw your own conclusion as to what is the answer or fact you get out of the ENTIRE LOT of posts with that thread.


Personally I think the information here is very accuate - but I would never base anything of importance one any single comment - But I feel I can trust an answer or fact that is told by several members.


You must decide for yourself how much faith you have in what you read here and act on it accordingly. If you have little faith - go out and hire an attorney or go straight to the source of information (such as the government agency that it may pertain to). If you trust what you have read here - consider it a gift and a savings of your time and money!



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Here's my two cents.


With very few (if any) exceptions, everyone here is offering his or her best opinion based on their personal experience and knowledge of the lamentable visa process. It is not perfect, and one person's experience may not be applicable to someone else's.


Our visa application (granted on December 7, 2005) was approved with essentially no questions regrarding our communication (my wife doesn't know two words of English) and simply a glance at our "meeting" photos. Others have reported being required to bring a video of the two parties speaking together and a pile of photos of the two of them together.


Although each posting is based on personal experience, participants can use the infromation to get a more complete picture of what they might face. One "fact" has emerged from this forum: every case is different.


Anyway, go and check out the alternatives already suggested (a lawyer for thousands of dollars -- and no difference in the time it takes to get the visa, or ask Uncle Sam). I believe you'll find in the end, while the CFL may not be perfect, it is the best game in town.


Post your timeline and get us in on it!

Edited by shyaushu (see edit history)
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Here's my two cents.


With very few (if any) exceptions, everyone here is offering his or her best opinion based on their personal experience and knowledge of the lamentable visa process.  It is not perfect, and one person's experience may not be applicable to someone else's.


Our visa application (granted on December 7, 2005) was approved with essentially no questions regrarding our communication (my wife doesn't know two words of English) and simply a glance at our "meeting" photos.  Others have reported being required to bring a video of the two parties speaking together and a pile of photos of the two of them together.


Although each posting is based on personal experience, participants can use the infromation to get a more complete picture of what they might face.  One "fact" has emerged from this forum: every case is different.


Anyway, go and check out the alternatives already suggested (a lawyer for thousands of dollars -- and no difference in the time it takes to get the visa, or ask Uncle Sam).  I believe you'll find in the end, while the CFL may not be perfect, it is the best game in town.


Post your timeline and get us in on it!


My wife was also an exception to the rule on communication.... She speaks almost no english and I speak no chinese.... But she was not asked to prove our ability to communicate. So I think this comes up only (or mostly) when there are other issues - so the VO just tacks this request onto other requests he has. Again, just my two cents.


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Hi Guys

One of my complaints about this forum is that some people’s posts often do not fit with what I experience. This can lead to great difficulty for some of us. I just read a post that stated the some ones wife could set the interview date for a RFI. Well with us it was not an “interview”. They just took the stuff and told her to go and come back in two days for an answer. Also when she called, they set the date. I do not know if it was the first open spot or if we could have requested a latter time. Now maybe others have had a different experience than me. It would help if people would state that “This is what happened to me” or “This is what I did” instead of just saying this is how or what it is. Thanks. Sorry to sound so grumpy.



As a new member I find the thoughts and comments very valuable. I suppose I can sum up my thoughts in one sentence, "imagine not having the written experiences of Candle members so one can read and having to make decisions of the visa process without this site , wow...........

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The process is continually changing. I believe it is intentional to help prevent visa fraud. When my wife got her blue slip the process was different. You just showed up on the days they were accepting overcome evidence and submitted it. You returned the following day for a decision. In our case when we returned my wife had another interview with a different VO. Now as I understand it you must make an appointment to subit the overcome evidence and come back on a specified date. Some members have reported there being another interview at that time. In at least one case the American petitioner was interviewed in one room and the beneficiary another. I think this is pretty unusual though.

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It certainly doesn't help when someone posts wrong terminollgy,,or for that matterwrong half ass form nuberssss. We aren't even going into the bad spelling. In the Marine Corps, we refered to people trying to help with incomplete, or just plain old bad information as "SeaLawyers"


The people on this site are only trying to help. It is a long hard road, with many curves. All we can do is try to read, and dicpher what we can here.


I am at this point thinking about hiring a lawyer, I was missled by a Consulate officer last November. It could cost me "boo coupe" dollars. All of this is making my wife insane over a couple of notorized copies of her passport. I'm so fed up with the redunancy of the forms it is unbelievable. Yet, if I want my wife here before the year 2007, have to do what it takes to get her here.



Plenty pissed offed

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