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Visiting my SO

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Hello Gang

I am on my way to visit my SO on 1/19. We are in the start of the process. Is there anything I should bring to help her prepare for the process? Do I need to down load any forms and do them with her so we can be ahead of the process? Does she need me to have signed anything, tax records, W2s? Any advise will be greatly appreciated.



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Carl ... you're basically waiting for the P3. See our timeline for setting your expectations. You don't need to bring anything as I see it excpet maybe the sample P3 from Visa Journey and the interview questions, in Chinese, which I think are in the CFL FAQ. You can review these things with your SO to begin to acclimate her to what will happen.


Be warned ... it's very very cold in China this time of year. Many homes and places like retaurants have NO heat. Chinese keep windows open year round. You cannot dress too warmly. I routinely wear normal underwear, thermals over that, trousers and shirt, sweater on top, and down parka over all ... this is indoors. Really.


If you don't have a lot of cold weather garb and are not over about 6-1 it's much cheaper to buy in China.


Have fun!

Edited by jim_julian (see edit history)
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Not in any way to contradict what was said about the cold, China is a very large country and a great deal of the southeast, south central and southern portions are quite temperate. Especially for a West Virginian (like myself).


Changchun is definitely arctic, and I'd bring anything you could if you are going up that-a-way. Beijing is also a really cold (and windy) place in winter. However, Chengdu and south, and most of the central coast southward are not too bad. Shenzhen, Nanning, etc., are very nice in January: almost like northern Florida.


The photo of my wife in Ganxia, Shenzhen was taken in mid-January. She has on a light cotton coat; I was in shirtsleeves.


You might want to bring copies of e-mails, photos and such now, so you don't have to figure out a way to send them when the P-4 crunch arrives. As has been much-discussed here, USPS, UPS, DHL, etc. are not certainties when shipping stuff to China.


Finally, I'd make sure to bring any medicines you generally (or even sometimes) take with you. It can be a god-send to have a zantac with you after a red-hot peppery meal! And my wife was always happy I brought some aspirin with me (there's plenty in China -- you just don't have to go out and buy them). Film is also generally a lot cheaper here, although it's much cheaper to have the film developed and printed while you're in China.

Edited by shyaushu (see edit history)
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In case I missed something... is this your first time meeting? I see you have filed 129-F so that step is complete. That would have been my concern in that the line for her native alphabet is completed correctly on the 325-A.


I recommend packing clothes for the weather but keep it simple. You can buy almost anything there for so much less. Check out a brand name called E-Pair. My wife was a buyer for this mens accessory brand and the wallet I have is top of the line and only $3 USD. Buy your SO an electronic English-Chinese translator while you're there. The one we used cost us around 500 RMB. You don't want too cheap of one because it may be limited on words.


I advise that at this point in your relationship and timeline, to just enjoy each other and explore. Get her set up to keep records of all your future communications after you leave as this seems to be a hot topic with V.O's doubting relationships. Take pictures with time and date stamps. Maybe keep a daily journal of your activities. People's names and her friends and family names as well. We went through the denial process and it would have helped tremendously if I would have had this done.


Kitchen sink, my friend, Kitchen sink...


Good travels... Happy New Year!

Edited by esun41 (see edit history)
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Hello Gang

I am on my way to visit my SO on 1/19. We are in the start of the process. Is there anything I should bring to help her prepare for the process? Do I need to down load any forms and do them with her so we can be ahead of the process? Does she need me to have signed anything, tax records, W2s? Any advise will be greatly appreciated.






All of the three prior postings (Jim Julian, Shanysu and Esun) have very good points. Most especially about your SO. I did another posting not directed to paperwork at http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12659.


The E-mails, excess paperwork and tax records is adsisable due to the money that you would spend in US Mail/DHL/FEDEX feesl


A large problerm that I had was finding a place that has PDF program in the case that you need download forms. I don't know too much about your SO's hometown. You might want to locate a place that has PCs that have this capability. That way your SO knows where it is in the case that she might have to download forms by herself. Visapro has many fillable/downlownable forms that are in PDF format!


BTW, have your SO find the hotel for you nd have her negoiate the fee. Don't try to get an Internet price. It will still me more expensive than what you can find! You will come out far ahead monetarily!


Other than that, have an enjoyable trip.

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Hey Guys

Thanks alot for your help. This will be my second time there. I was there in October for 2 weeks. My SO lives in Weihai City in the Shandong Province. The city is located on the sea next to Korea and japan. I will bring a light coat and a down jacket. I guess I have to wait till the process leaves Vermont Center and see what happens after that but will be bring copies of tax records other paper work. My SO, Haixia, speaks pretty good english and has own her personal computer. As far as buying clothes, I am build like a Washington Redskin Nose Tackle so I know there will be no stores that carry my size......(6'3 285lbs..hahahah) :rolleyes:



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Guest pushbrk
Hey Guys

Thanks alot for your help. This will be my second time there. I was there in October for 2 weeks. My SO lives in Weihai City in the Shandong Province. The city is located on the sea next to Korea and japan. I will bring a light coat and a down jacket. I guess I have to wait till the process leaves Vermont Center and see what happens after that but will be bring copies of tax records other paper work. My SO, Haixia, speaks pretty good english and has own her personal computer. As far as buying clothes, I am build like a Washington Redskin Nose Tackle so I know there will be no stores that carry my size......(6'3 285lbs..hahahah) :rolleyes:




You better pick up some long underwear, warm socks, gloves and a ski mask. ;)

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Hey Guys

Thanks alot for your help. This will be my second time there. I was there in October for 2 weeks. My SO lives in Weihai City in the Shandong Province. The city is located on the sea next to Korea and japan. I will bring a light coat and a down jacket. I guess I have to wait till the process leaves Vermont Center and see what happens after that but will be bring copies of tax records other paper work. My SO, Haixia, speaks pretty good english and has own her personal computer. As far as buying clothes, I am build like a Washington Redskin Nose Tackle so I know there will be no stores that carry my size......(6'3 285lbs..hahahah) :blink:




Watch some old Korean war footage if you want to see what it is like to be unprepared for Winter weather that far north...


That area is like the Bay Area in terms of longitude, but Korea is notoriously cold. Beijing has seen colder than usual weather, I am told, and from what I can decipher from CCTV4 news :huh:


Pack for the 40's, with contingencies for the 30's and 20's (imho).

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I know this isn't the kind of thing you are looking for.............but I wish I hadn't cashed in all my U.S. currency. I would have kept some U.S. coins to hand to the children that seemed VERY excited to see a foreigner. At last they could say "Hello, how are you" to an American. I wanted to give them something small from the U.S. but I had none.



Edited by LiandLarry (see edit history)
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Hey Guys

Thanks alot for your help. This will be my second time there. I was there in October for 2 weeks. My SO lives in Weihai City in the Shandong Province. The city is located on the sea next to Korea and japan. I will bring a light coat and a down jacket. I guess I have to wait till the process leaves Vermont Center and see what happens after that but will be bring copies of tax records other paper work. My SO, Haixia, speaks pretty good english and has own her personal computer. As far as buying clothes, I am build like a Washington Redskin Nose Tackle so I know there will be no stores that carry my size......(6'3 285lbs..hahahah) :smartass:




I'm just a bit taller than you but not as bulky.


My wife was a clothes buyer in China prior to coming here and I can pretty much guarantee you that no clothing store will accomadate a man of your build!!!


Dress warmly! Korea and Japan are in the dead of winter and the last time I changed planes in Seoul last winter... 25 degrees and dropping!


Be prepared or be cold! Keeping your feet warm is most important! :shutup:


Have a great time...

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Hey Guys

Thanks alot for your help. This will be my second time there. I was there in October for 2 weeks. My SO lives in Weihai City in the Shandong Province. The city is located on the sea next to Korea and japan. I will bring a light coat and a down jacket. I guess I have to wait till the process leaves Vermont Center and see what happens after that but will be bring copies of tax records other paper work. My SO, Haixia, speaks pretty good english and has own her personal computer. As far as buying clothes, I am build like a Washington Redskin Nose Tackle so I know there will be no stores that carry my size......(6'3 285lbs..hahahah) :smartass:




I'm just a bit taller than you but not as bulky.


My wife was a clothes buyer in China prior to coming here and I can pretty much guarantee you that no clothing store will accomadate a man of your build!!!


Dress warmly! Korea and Japan are in the dead of winter and the last time I changed planes in Seoul last winter... 25 degrees and dropping!


Be prepared or be cold! Keeping your feet warm is most important! :shutup:


Have a great time...





Thank you, Yes I am prepared for the cold. I can't wait to see my SO. She did tell me to bring some warm clothes too. I will let you guys know how the trip goes.



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Carl ... you're basically waiting for the P3.  See our timeline for setting your expectations.  You don't need to bring anything as I see it excpet maybe the sample  P3 from Visa Journey and the interview questions, in Chinese, which I think are in the CFL FAQ.  You can review these things with your SO to begin to acclimate her to what will happen.


Be warned ... it's very very cold in China this time of year.  Many homes and places like retaurants have NO heat.  Chinese keep windows open year round.  You cannot dress too warmly.  I routinely wear normal underwear, thermals over that, trousers and shirt, sweater on top, and down parka over all ... this is indoors.  Really.


If you don't have a lot of cold weather garb and are not over about 6-1 it's much cheaper to buy in China.


Have fun!


Hello, I basically have the same questions, Can't seem to find the P3 on visa journey. Nevermind, found it!



Edited by Matman (see edit history)
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