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Happy holidays everyone:


I am a naturalized american citizen filing for parents (CR5), I want to know which hospital (for medical exam) is closest to us embassy in GUZ ? and how far is it from the embassy? and how to get there from the embassy? an other question: I am looking at a copy of GIV-24 forms (family composition form), one item ask: date of entry to US and type of visa ( of petitioner): "the type of visa" means "current status" or "the type of visa when entered US"? (I hold an immigration visa when I entered US and got naturalized about 1 year ago). any information or experience is very much appreciated.

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Happy holidays everyone:


I am a naturalized american citizen filing for parents (CR5),  I want to know which hospital (for medical exam) is closest to us embassy in GUZ ? and how far is it from the embassy? and how to get there from the embassy? an other question:  I am looking at a copy of GIV-24 forms (family composition form), one item ask:  date of entry to US and type of visa ( of petitioner):  "the type of visa" means "current status" or "the type of visa when entered US"?  (I hold an immigration visa when I entered US and got naturalized about 1 year ago).  any information or experience is very much appreciated.


I am not sure about the closest hospital...but what "Type" of visa did you enter the US with. Was it for work or student or what? It it is an immigration visa then someone sponsored you? Was it a family visa?


That is what they want to know.

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Happy holidays everyone:


I am a naturalized american citizen filing for parents (CR5),  I want to know which hospital (for medical exam) is closest to us embassy in GUZ ? and how far is it from the embassy? and how to get there from the embassy? an other question:  I am looking at a copy of GIV-24 forms (family composition form), one item ask:  date of entry to US and type of visa ( of petitioner):  "the type of visa" means "current status" or "the type of visa when entered US"?  (I hold an immigration visa when I entered US and got naturalized about 1 year ago).  any information or experience is very much appreciated.


Check the site for the hospitals on the recommended website. They do have "rush" exams. I would suggest that you or your SO call ahead and check that this doesn't change. My wife did set up an appointment, etc etc. However, it took her the next day to get results. You may have to plan the appointment around the interview.


My wife had to stay two days extra (weekend) since her interview came on Tuesday. Her physical exam was Friday, picked up results on Saturday, and gave herself one day extra, in the case that something screwed up!

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Happy holidays everyone:


I am a naturalized american citizen filing for parents (CR5),  I want to know which hospital (for medical exam) is closest to us embassy in GUZ ? and how far is it from the embassy? and how to get there from the embassy? an other question:  I am looking at a copy of GIV-24 forms (family composition form), one item ask:  date of entry to US and type of visa ( of petitioner):  "the type of visa" means "current status" or "the type of visa when entered US"?  (I hold an immigration visa when I entered US and got naturalized about 1 year ago).  any information or experience is very much appreciated.


Welcome and good luck to your parents. You've got some good info on the hospitals, but I'll take a stab at your other question. I take it that your question on the GIV-24 relates to item 5 on the form. I read the request as asking you to provide


1. The date you entered the US.

2. How you entered the US. I would suggest something like "on (type of visa - student, employment, etc,) through POE at (name of airport or entry point). Others may disagree with this.

3. Type of visa. I would read this as asking for the type of visa shown in your passport (H-2B, CR-1, F-1, EB-1, etc.)

4. Your "A" number. That's your alien registration number. I probably would also add something like "became naturalized US citizen on dd/mm/yyyy" or words to that effect.

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