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Happy Dance

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I just got by mail, the letter confirming my approved application being sent to Guangzhou China. This is cool, I did look on the web for the State department in China and it appears, once my wife gets the packet and turns it all in for her interview date, there is a 5 month wait between her turning it all in and her potential interview date. That kind of sucks, but its not unexpected. That would put us around June for her interview but April would be 7 months sinse I turned in the petition. I see a lot of folks getting their wives visa's /K-3 in around 7. Sooo, anyone got some cheetoes I can bum?

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I just got by mail, the letter confirming my approved application being sent to Guangzhou China. This is cool, I did look on the web for the State department in China and it appears, once my wife gets the packet and turns it all in for her interview date, there is a 5 month wait between her turning it all in and her potential interview date. That kind of sucks, but its not unexpected. That would put us around June for her interview but April would be 7 months sinse I turned in the petition. I see a lot of folks getting their wives visa's /K-3 in around 7. Sooo, anyone got some cheetoes I can bum?


What website did you check to see that is appears and what number do I need. Was your case sent from NVC to GUZ? If so........what date was your case sent DHL from NVC on.


Just trying to get an idea of my case that left NVC.



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:toot::redblob::clapping:CONGRATULATIONS! :greenblob::clapping::toot:


Goodness to gracious. I never expected such a congratulations. hehe I guess this is an important milestone in the process, hey i'll take it though, after all this time of seeing others getting congratulatories, its kind of fun to get one directed my way hehe.

god bless

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:toot::redblob::clapping:CONGRATULATIONS! :greenblob::clapping::toot:


Goodness to gracious. I never expected such a congratulations. hehe I guess this is an important milestone in the process, hey i'll take it though, after all this time of seeing others getting congratulatories, its kind of fun to get one directed my way hehe.

god bless


Hey Larry, when I initially called NVC at 603-334-0700, the person I talked with told me my case was cleared and sent to Guz, last friday or 12-09-05. So other than that I can only assume that it is in China at this time, probably being warehoused for the next 30 days.

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:toot::redblob::clapping:CONGRATULATIONS! :greenblob::clapping::toot:


Goodness to gracious. I never expected such a congratulations. hehe I guess this is an important milestone in the process, hey i'll take it though, after all this time of seeing others getting congratulatories, its kind of fun to get one directed my way hehe.

god bless


Hey Larry, when I initially called NVC at 603-334-0700, the person I talked with told me my case was cleared and sent to Guz, last friday or 12-09-05. So other than that I can only assume that it is in China at this time, probably being warehoused for the next 30 days.


Hey Larry sorry, web site www.travel.state.gov

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That is the same day ours was sent from NVC. Although it really didn't leave until the next Monday 12/12/05. Here is where our DHL box is now.


12/15/2005 5:24 pm On Hand. Guangzhou, China

5:24 pm At Gateway. Guangzhou, China

12/14/2005 4:40 pm In transit. Kowloon, Hong Kong

1:57 pm Arrived at DHL facility. Kowloon, Hong Kong

12/13/2005 4:28 am Transit through sort facility. Wilmington, OH

12/12/2005 2:38 pm Picked Up by DHL. Shipper's Door


Does anyone know what the DHL term "On Hand" really means at this point?



Edited by LiandLarry (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew
Goodness to gracious. I never expected such a congratulations. hehe I guess this is an important milestone in the process, hey i'll take it though, after all this time of seeing others getting congratulatories, its kind of fun to get one directed my way hehe.

god bless


Any movement deserves congrats....and yes, it's a major one when your case moves from here over there..... :greenblob:

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I just got by mail, the letter confirming my approved application being sent to Guangzhou China. This is cool, I did look on the web for the State department in China and it appears, once my wife gets the packet and turns it all in for her interview date, there is a 5 month wait between her turning it all in and her potential interview date. That kind of sucks, but its not unexpected. That would put us around June for her interview but April would be 7 months sinse I turned in the petition. I see a lot of folks getting their wives visa's /K-3 in around 7. Sooo, anyone got some cheetoes I can bum?


What website did you check to see that is appears and what number do I need. Was your case sent from NVC to GUZ? If so........what date was your case sent DHL from NVC on.


Just trying to get an idea of my case that left NVC.




There it is again. I keep asking various people who mention this, but never catch the answer.


How do you track the DHL shipments NVC-GUZ?

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CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Here is your Happy Dance....


http://members.aol.com/rakkasan01/dancing.gif http://members.aol.com/rakkasan01/dancing.gifhttp://members.aol.com/rakkasan01/dancing.gifhttp://members.aol.com/rakkasan01/dancing.gifhttp://members.aol.com/rakkasan01/dancing.gifhttp://members.aol.com/rakkasan01/dancing.gifhttp://members.aol.com/rakkasan01/dancing.gif

Edited by Rakkasan (see edit history)
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Guest pushbrk
I think trying to track DHL online is a waste of time since GUZ said the packages are not labled "diplomatic papers".  Only packages I can find on DHL going to Guangzhou are diplomatic.


You have misunderstood. What USGONGUZ said was that DHL referring to or describing the contents of the packages as "diplomatic papers" does not mean what you think it means. Packages unders "embassy protection" are carried by government couriers and are not subject to any costoms procedures.


DHL labels the packages of case files "diplomatic papers".


Still waiting for the answer as to how one tracks these packages.

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