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early shots of pepto

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well im getting ready to jump the puddle once again for the 3rd time this year for christmas and (western) new years...

i'll fly into beijing stay a few days then fly to Shanghai with Chun for new years evening.

i am going to try to play it smart this time and start taking pepto bismal, normal doses of it before i leave the states or something.

maybe find a cork of somekind... :o

gotta do something

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I get the chewable tabs and start with a half dose on the plane.  I take 6 -8 tabs a day the whole time I am there.  It takes about two weeks to get back to "normal"


:lol: :lol:


i really have to try soemthing this time.

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I get the chewable tabs and start with a half dose on the plane.  I take 6 -8 tabs a day the whole time I am there.  It takes about two weeks to get back to "normal"


:rolleyes: :o


i really have to try soemthing this time.


no, no go with your SO to the local medicine shop and buy what they take. One of 'em has creosote in it, I think. It's called Fishing Pills- He Wei Zheng Chang Wan. Hey, if they can pave streets with that stuff, it'll stop anything.


Also, my SO just told me that smecta brand smectite powder is better. The pinyin is si mi da meng tuo si shan ji.


don't drink the water, use the ice, eat any salad (or anything washed) or ice cream and don't rinse your mouth in the shower or wash basin.

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Only problem I've every had in that area was after

eating at McD's in Beijing.


I eat all the local food and follow up with a large

Tsing Tao before bedtime.


Having somewhat of the oppisite issue; I have two

cups of coffee and a smoke to get things moving in

the morning.


My advice; stay away from western food while in China.

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One caution with pepto and immodium...


You simply won't go with any regularity. regardless of what you eat. This is probably ok in the winter and fall, but you'll be pretty devastated in the Summer with all that extra...


Just being blunt, and basing it on actual experience!


On the other hand, I never felt sick or anything, until I had some beer and wine at the wedding celebration. Then I was sick for three days!

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i could not go far last time her dad handed me some toilet paper. i thought he was goving it to me for a joke. i usually dont frequent the public bathrooms so i didnt know about the squat thing and the case of the missing toilet paper....whats with the toilet paper on the outside of the bathroom?

after a while i just took the entire roll in with me :(


Chunyan gave me this pill we stopped at this strange store she called a pharmisist...ill tell you that stuff put a stop to everything for like a week.

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Wow, sorry for your discomfort. I figured no one got sick over there.


Only as a precaution in 2000 and in 2002 I took the little Immodium pills, one every morning as precautionary and drank Cokes and juices. Like said above I never rensed with the local water, just used bottled. But then I was all over the China map back then. I experienced slight constapation but never got sick, except a bad infected throat from too much work and not enough sleep, both times.


This 2005 trip to meet and marry I decided to take nothing. I was in Beijing the whole time. I used the tap water for rensing, and never got sick. I was still a little cautious about drinking a full glass of tap water. I bought the local bottled water, which I hear isn't much better, don't know, but never got sick.


Also agree about staying away from Western food. Why anyone would want it I don't know, but it sure isn't good. Best food on earth is Chinese. Man I really feel for you, thats a shame.

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i could not go far last time her dad handed me some toilet paper. i thought he was goving it to me for a joke. i usually dont frequent the public bathrooms so i didnt know about the squat thing and the case of the missing toilet paper....whats with the toilet paper on the outside of the bathroom?

after a while i just took the entire roll in with me  :redblob:



I don't know but did anyone else notice how stout the paper is? Man a little goes a long way. One wind around the hand per application and your good. Do that here and your...well, you know :(


We ought to market that paper over here.

Edited by SheLikesME (see edit history)
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