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This sucks

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Just talked to wife. She got the blue slip. Information are sketchy. It seems like the officer has doubts about our marriage. Something about that my previous marriage officially ended 6 months before I married my wife. But what they didn't know was that the marriage was ended more than a year & a half before paper work and then that took another 6 months before they send you the official marriage ending paper. Just hired a lawyer in Canton but their office is based in Seattle. I hope this lawyer can help. One thing the lawyer said stranged is that they kept all the pictures. Argh!!!!!!!!!! This sucks big time.



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Just talked to wife.  She got the blue slip.  Information are sketchy.  It seems like the officer has doubts about our marriage.  Something about that my previous marriage officially ended 6 months before I married my wife.  But what they didn't know was that the marriage was ended more than a year & a half before paper work and then that took another 6 months before they send you the official marriage ending paper.  Just hired a lawyer in Canton but their office is based in Seattle.  I hope this lawyer can help.  One thing the lawyer said stranged is that they kept all the pictures.  Argh!!!!!!!!!! This sucks big time.




I am sorry for this news. I know the exact feeling. One thing to keep in mind and this advice was given to me from Donahso, GUZ officials are doing their jobs. These people consider you as just another file, not an actual person. I realized this before but hearing this from him gave me the determination to re-group and gather the needed evidence to overcome. The denial notice should detail all the evidence needed. I hope it is merely an overcome and not for admin review!


As soon as you get more details, please inform this group. There is a grip of advice and support here, as I have found out from our denial. Funny that you referenced Guangzhou as Canton. My fiancee still calls it Canton and she also refers to Beijing as Peking.


It sounds like you have contacted King as I hear he is based from Seattle and practices in GUZ. To my knowledge, from what members say of him, he is very trusting and will do what is required.


Get the info, rally the troops and go get it done...


Best of luck...



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Just talked to wife.  She got the blue slip.  Information are sketchy.  It seems like the officer has doubts about our marriage.  Something about that my previous marriage officially ended 6 months before I married my wife.  But what they didn't know was that the marriage was ended more than a year & a half before paper work and then that took another 6 months before they send you the official marriage ending paper.  Just hired a lawyer in Canton but their office is based in Seattle.  I hope this lawyer can help.  One thing the lawyer said stranged is that they kept all the pictures.  Argh!!!!!!!!!! This sucks big time.




I am sorry for this news. I know the exact feeling. One thing to keep in mind and this advice was given to me from Donahso, GUZ officials are doing their jobs. These people consider you as just another file, not an actual person. I realized this before but hearing this from him gave me the determination to re-group and gather the needed evidence to overcome. The denial notice should detail all the evidence needed. I hope it is merely an overcome and not for admin review!


As soon as you get more details, please inform this group. There is a grip of advice and support here, as I have found out from our denial. Funny that you referenced Guangzhou as Canton. My fiancee still calls it Canton and she also refers to Beijing as Peking.


It sounds like you have contacted King as I hear he is based from Seattle and practices in GUZ. To my knowledge, from what members say of him, he is very trusting and will do what is required.


Get the info, rally the troops and go get it done...


Best of luck...




Just talked to my wife again. She said that the interviewer(white male) didn't even look at the pictures, files or anything else. He asked how we met, how many times I had been back?(By the way she said 3 and he asked 1? She had to repeat 3 again.) and then asked for the pictures which he didn't even look at them. He kept all the pictures and gave her a blue slip requesting more supporting evidence. I am not sure what more evidence they need. We have record of conversation everyday, email... included in the envelope. I hope the lawyer can sort this out. At this point, I am not sure what else I can do. I have a very good income and I own my own house with very little mortage left in my mid 30s. I would think that should be enough to show them that I am not in it for the money. This is so frustrating. The lawyer asked me to send him the digital pictures to him and see if he can figure out why they kept the pictures.

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You scare me. Just married last month in Beijing, about a month after my divorce here. Lengthy seperation finally ended. So I wonder if we will have trouble with such a short time between marriages. I did get the single cert at the embassy in Beijing. I call the lady Stoneface who notorized it. She gave us Hell because we met on the net (CLL) and that she was 15 years younger than me. But she finally notorized it.


I wish you the best. Looks like this whole process is really hard for all. I think I need to push for reassignemnt to Asia. Live there a few years.




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Sorry to hear about this setback, but keep in mind that is all it is at this point, as soon as you get the official letter, they will detail what is required to overcome.... get it done!!!

Best wishes

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Guest ShaQuaNew

Sorry to hear of your setback, and although difficult it does indeed sound temporary. As Frank says you only need to convice the VO that you have a bonafide marriage.


Good luck.... :D

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You scare me.  Just married last month in Beijing, about a month after my divorce here.  Lengthy seperation finally ended.  So I wonder if we will have trouble with such a short time between marriages.  I did get the single cert at the embassy in Beijing.  I call the lady Stoneface who notorized it.  She gave us Hell because we met on the net (CLL) and that she was 15 years younger than me.  But she finally notorized it. 


I wish you the best.  Looks like this whole process is really hard for all.  I think I need to push for reassignemnt to Asia.  Live there a few years.





Well, as many members know we are in limbo waitng for my final divorce to be settle...on or before Dec.22, 05. Our immigration lawyer is ready to rock N roll with the fiancee application as soon as she gets the final divorce papers. She assures me that the actual date of divorce and quick date of the fiancee filing will not be a problem. She has said that she has had many clients like this in the past and it was never an issue. After reading the post above, I wonder if the issue is because of the marriage route or would it be the same possible rejection going the fiancee route? However, if we are denied I have mentally prepared myself to be strong and to give it too them with both barrels loaded. My attitude is I will fight with all I have and do whatever it takes to get my SO here. Of course, after I have gotten off the ground and wiped the dust off. I know any set back is devasting. I certainly can understand and appreciate the difficult time it is at this moment. But, get all the advice you can from this great organization and the help with the attorney you hired and as it is said many times in different situations, "GO GIVE EM HELL!!" I too wish you and all the best. :D

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Chef, you see our timeline ... similar circumstances.


I included a statement in my package to the effect that I asked my ex-wife for divorce in May 2004 and after that date I felt that it was OK for me to think about the possibility of marriage to someone else. I met lao po in July 2004, after I had asked for divorce. The divorce process took some time. After the divorce certificate was in hand we filed the 129 petition.


You may wish to consider including some explanation in your petition as a preemptive measure.


Of course, how smoothly our petition goes remains to be seen. Good luck!

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Sorry to hear of your blue slip. I know how devastating it is, I've been through it. If your attorney is indeed King then you are in good hands. Keep I know of only one case that was denied and never resolved and it may have been and I just never heard about it. A few cases like Alex's is still pending but I think his chances are good to overcome. Good luck and hang in there.

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