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Airline Flights Leaving China

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I was going to fly to China to be with my wife for her upcoming interview November 9th, I thought about booking a flight here (one way), and afterwards book a flight from China for the both of us on our return trip home. Does anyone have experience with this? Is the cost compatible with our prices? Can you usally book a flight on short notice? Thanks for any advice.

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For us, it was much cheaper for me to book a 1 round trip (for me) & 1 one way (open ended, for her) . as it was going to cost just about the same for me one way as it would for a round trip.


If you should decide to wait until you get to china to buy hers, be prepared to jump through a few hoops in order to get her on the same plane & a seat hopefully next to you.


Ususally you can book one ways out of china, but then they need at least 30 or more days to book as most flights are usually book slammed full. (Imagine that, I wonder why)


I do not know if your SO can book a one way opened ended ticket there or not, but she can try ;)


Hope this helps a little.

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Let's just suppose we get our notice of the interview real soon, and subsequently, our visa, what is the best/cheapest way to book a flight for my wife from Beijing to the US?


Generally, a round trip for me (Charleston, WV to Beijing) runs about $950. What can I expect for the flight to get her here?

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I expect to pay $1130 for a one-way from Beijing to Houston - pretty close to the round trip price - for a flight where she doesn't have to change planes outside of China. This saves me buying a round-trip ticket for myself to meet her at her port of entry, and gets her here a day earlier, since she can fly while I am still at work.


Except for that requirement, the prices go down to to the $700's, and, like I said, close to the round-trip prces.


Check fly-china and some of the other sites mentioned here. I've only checked Travelocity so far - she will check for prices in China.

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