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Guest ShaQuaNew

I'm in! There is entirely TOO much emotional abuse going on out there. I DON'T believe it's happening by accident. I'm NOT a conspiracy theorist but I do think that some behind the black doors know that many visa applicants bail out if they just make it hard on them. If they cannot find a good reason to deny, then they just sit there and toy with you.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

There is a lot of support here at Candle on this topic. So, what's a good next step? Perhaps something like a petition filed with the Ombudsman and local congressman?


This petition could be drafted by all of us here and then passed around for electronic or personal signature??

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A while back someone posted a link that would give you all the congress and senate members contact information. If someone could post it along with contact info on Maura Harty and GZ and anyone else we could write to it would make this letter writing campaign easier.

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Hi everyone.


Well, as of 30 days my re-approved petition was on its way to Guangzhou . I had my lawyer contact them, and as of today it was reported it may be ANOTHER month before we hear anything! ..according to GZ my re-approved petiton from NVC has yet to be received.


It really pains me to think I'm sitting in a big pile of mail somewhere...they've already put us through enough s**t..there really ought to be a law that holds these bastards accountable..I mean, how much to we have to bleed for these idiots?


Hi Alex,


Here is what I did and for me, it our case got the attention that it needed.


I wrote a certified registard letter to the following: My Congress woman, Our Govoner, our mayer, and sent copies to 3 of the Big TV Staions.


In that letter, I submitted copies of everything that I had done so foar, including emails to & from GUZ, NVC etc. No matter what it was, (Chat messages, photos, phone records etc) they all got copies)


I explianed my dissapoitment in this entire process and showed them what the Law books showed as to how & what was to be done & showed to them how none of them were doing a damn thing other than collecting a fat health check each month.


I also showed they statistcs (From here) where so many americans were beginning to create an exodist from this country and the reason why. (Also from here)


FELLOW CFL Brothers & Sisiters: If someone can, locate all of the posts, copies of letters and the various posts from about 6 months ago. We were at that time, talking about sending a letter to Mrs Harty. In those posts, are very important information that he can use to get this pushed along.


If you can come up with that, I should be able to help give him a boost.


Good Luck Alex

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Hi everyone.


Well, as of 30 days my re-approved petition was on its way to Guangzhou . I had my lawyer contact them, and as of today it was reported it may be ANOTHER month before we hear anything! ..according to GZ my re-approved petiton from NVC has yet to be received.


It really pains me to think I'm sitting in a big pile of mail somewhere...they've already put us through enough s**t..there really ought to be a law that holds these bastards accountable..I mean, how much to we have to bleed for these idiots?


Hi Alex,


Here is what I did and for me, it our case got the attention that it needed.


I wrote a certified registard letter to the following: My Congress woman, Our Govoner, our mayer, and sent copies to 3 of the Big TV Staions.


In that letter, I submitted copies of everything that I had done so foar, including emails to & from GUZ, NVC etc. No matter what it was, (Chat messages, photos, phone records etc) they all got copies)


I explianed my dissapoitment in this entire process and showed them what the Law books showed as to how & what was to be done & showed to them how none of them were doing a damn thing other than collecting a fat health check each month.


I also showed they statistcs (From here) where so many americans were beginning to create an exodist from this country and the reason why. (Also from here)


FELLOW CFL Brothers & Sisiters: If someone can, locate all of the posts, copies of letters and the various posts from about 6 months ago. We were at that time, talking about sending a letter to Mrs Harty. In those posts, are very important information that he can use to get this pushed along.


If you can come up with that, I should be able to help give him a boost.


Good Luck Alex


Alex, count me in!!! Maybe we should put together a press release to these television news programs. Programs like 20/20, 48 hours or 60 minutes. Like the late Senator Bobby Kennedy said, "Some people ask why? I ask why not?".


Trigg, Sorry for using a quote

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Here is a copy of the cerified letters that was sent out in an attempt to get some resolve. (After this letter hit the main stream, our case mirraculessly gain serious momentum & easy acceptance)


United States Senator Elizabeth Dole


In re the Marriage of:







Nanning, Guangxi, 53002 China

Beneficiary )











I-129 K1 Visa



Dear Senator Dole


If you will notice, on the application when it was originally filed it had an my old address on it of when I was living in Winston Salem NC. (With my Line of work, it is some what required that I be flexible to be able to move so that I may head up various contracts and Projects)


I have written to CIS & NVC, not to mention I have faxed them as well of the new address change (1710 Hedrick Street Newton NC) I have yet to hear from them and according to Liqiu, they have yet to make this change on her application.


So, as you can see in this situation, by their negligence, we are being set up for a guaranteed denial because of the addresses not matching. So you may want to also address this issue as well.




On yet another note:


I spoke to several people from the State Department Bureau of Consular Affairs today, a Public Affairs rep. She told me that she didn't believe that K-1 visas could take AS LONG AS 6 months to obtain (once the packet arrives in Guangzhou).


She quoted "29 days" from the website as if she thought that was the whole time. I explained the average wait times and asked her if they were perceived as a problem or concern by the Bureau. The answer was no. I suggested to her that understaffing at Guangzhou might be the problem. She didn't agree.


It seems that some people in the State Department are defensive, but that many are simply unaware of what a scandal Guangzhou is (as you will see in the list I’ve included below, all of which I have personally contacted and basically got the blow off). Others may be turning a blind eye, but I sure some people would be moved if they knew the truth.


In my opinion, there is really no justification for separating fiancées or spouses for a year while a file sits in a cabinet untouched for most of that time. The inhumanity of that has to resonate with someone in power, someone for whom it really isn't a big deal to say "Hey, Guangzhou, why so damn slow?"


Mrs. Dole, is it possible that you or your offices can assist me in breaking through all of this political B.S. and assist me in Bringing My Future Wife, Liqiu here to NC. If we are unable to achieve this, then it will leave me, like many others have done in the past and many others are beginning to follow, leave & renounce our citizenship of the USA and move all that we have to the counties of where our loved ones live.


I know that this may sound crazy, but it is true. Every year, thousands of Americans find themselves with no other choice but to deport themselves from the USA to a distant country, just so that they too can have a happy future with their foreigner loved one. They are willing to sacrifice everything they have ever known, just for a chance of happiness. If this continues, where is this going to leave the USA as a whole, when it finally realizes that it has driven off its very own life blood.


I do not know about the others, but I can honestly say, it would break my heart to have to say goodbye to my entire family here. To give up a trade that I enjoy so much, not to mention to have to basically give up everything I have grown to know and love, just so that I can too have a happy life with Liqiu. Oh, I know that I wouldn’t be truly happy, as I would always have the lingering thoughts of home stuck in the back of my head, yearning and always wondering, just why wouldn’t my Government Help me to be able to have a happy life in my own country? Why did they force me to leave?


So, once again, I leave all of these questions and problems in your care, hoping that I will wake up soon and realize it has all been mere night mare.



Here is the List of everyone I have contacted and received various excuses as to why they couldn’t assist me or was told it wasn’t their job and passed me around like I was some kind of party Favor.


Deputy Assistant Secretary for Visa Services


Deputy Assistant Secretary Janice Jacobs

Harry S. Truman Building, 2201 C Street, NW, Room 6811, Washington, DC 20520

(202) 647-9584


Managing Director Stephen A. Edison

Columbia Plaza Office Building, 2401 E Street, NW, Room L703-H, Washington, DC 20520

(202) 663-1153


Senior Advisor Diane R. Bean

Harry S. Truman Building, 2401 E Street, NW, Room L703-G, Washington, DC 20520


Bureau of Consular Affairs

Harry S. Truman Building, 2201 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20520

Fax: (202) 647-0341

Assistant Secretary Maura Ann Harty

Harry S. Truman Building, 2201 C Street, NW, Room 6811, Washington, DC 20748

Education: Georgetown BA

(202) 647-9576

Personal Assistant Bridget Kissinger

(202) 647-9576

Embassies and Foreign Service Posts

(202) 647-7948

Staff Assistant Nicole Theriot

(202) 647-7948



Office of Public Diplomacy:


China, People’s Republic of (Beijing)

Country Officer (American Institute of Taiwan-Taipei, China, Hong Kong) Robert Palladino

(202) 647-7059


Internal Affairs/Human Rights Officer Michael Hale

Harry S. Truman Building, 2201 C Street, NW, Room 4318, Washington, DC 20520

Career: Internal Affairs/Human Rights, Office for Chinese and Mongolian Affairs, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, United States Department of State (202) 647-6774



Office of Regional Affairs

East Asian and Pacific Affairs Mark Bysfield

Harry S. Truman Building, 2201 C Street, NW, Room 7418, Washington, DC 20520

Career: Consular Officer, Shenyang Consulate General, Office of the U.S. Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, U.S. Embassies and Foreign Service Posts (202) 647-8729



Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Bureau

Christopher R. Hill

Presidential Appointment Requiring Senate Confirmation

Harry S. Truman Building, 2201 C Street, NW, Room 6205, Washington, DC 20520


Special Assistant Marc D. Koehler

Harry S. Truman Building, 2201 C Street, NW, Room 6205, Washington, DC 20520 Internal Affairs/Human Rights Officer, China, People’s Republic of (Beijing), United States Department of State

(202) 647-4161

Staff Assistant Nolan Barkhouse

Harry S. Truman Building, 2201 C Street, NW, Room 6205, Washington, DC 20520

(202) 647-6921

Staff Assistant Shaana Tolson Day

E-mail: dayst@state.gov

Harry S. Truman Building, 2201 C Street, NW, Room 6205, Washington, DC 20520

(202) 647-6916

Staff Assistant Thomas Hines

Harry S. Truman Building, 2201 C Street, NW, Room 6205, Washington, DC 20520

(202) 647-6921


Office of the Executive Director

China, Hong Kong, Mongolia Post Management Officer Roberto Brady

Harry S. Truman Building, 2201 C Street, NW, Room 4313A, Washington, DC 20520

(202) 647-6222


State Department Chief of Staff Brian F. Gunderson

Non-Career Senior Executive Service (SES) Appointment

E-mail: gundersonb@state.gov

Harry S. Truman Building, 2201 C Street, NW, Room 7234A, Washington, DC 20520


Chief of Staff, Office of the United States Trade Representative, Executive Office of the President, George W. Bush Administration

(202) 647-5548


Deputy Chief of Staff Ruth ElliottSchedule C Appointment

E-mail: elliottre@state.gov

Harry S. Truman Building, 2201 C Street, NW, Room 7226, Washington, DC 20520


Special Assistant for Scheduling and Advance, Executive Secretary, National Security Council, Executive Office of the President

(202) 647-5106


Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Bureau (Acting)

Michael G. Kozak

Harry S. Truman Building, 2201 C Street, NW, Room 7802, Washington, DC 20520

(202) 647-2570


Mrs Dole, as you will notice, all of the aboved depts all have recieved a copy of this letter and yet like I had mentioned above, got the basic blow-off. So, bringing this same matter to you as a last ditch effort before going to the press, I am in hopes that you may be able to bring some resovle to this matter.


If, in 60 days of reciept of this letter to your office, we do not get some sort of satisfactory responce, you will leave us no choice but to authorize the following Media to begin releasing this information and its current state out to the public. Just so that you know, the below entities have already signed a contract in condition of responce of this letter, they will in fact begin airing this matter on August 1, 2005. If you will notice, 2 of the following stations are affiliates with 20/20 and 60 minutes. Both of which carry some major influance on the public in regards to who may or may not continue in political offices.


Please Mrs Dole, we beg of you NOT to turn a blind eye to this matter. Instead, please help us to bring our Immigration process back on tract as to where it was designed to be.




WRAL - CBS RALIEGH, NC (DIRECT TV SAT. CARRIER) nation wide & canada









Edited by jtaylo69 (see edit history)
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Hi friends...your outpouring of support is incredible and I

(if I may say this within proper context), love you guys! I appreciate

everyone who's taken the time to post on my behalf and pm me at various stages of my crisis.


I have not posted anything because recalling the nightmare of the past 19 months upsets me I'm not being melodramatic, but the stress has cost me hours of sleep and thousands in medical bills. I resent what my government has put me through, and wish some heads would roll. Of all the government people I have approached for help (thanks for NOTHING Maura Harty, Sen Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Sen John Cornyn, Congressman Henry Bonilla).... all of you can choose a pitchfork and go straight to hell.


Only ONE person went the distance for me. His name is Congressman Henry Cuellar, and he is a public servant who's actually worth his salary...the rest can choose a pitchfork and go straight to hell.


Without going into longform timelines, I'll give you a synopsis that reads like a horror novel.


--10/23/03...file k-1

--12/08/04...visa interview passed

--12/09/04...visa refused at pick up

--01/15/05...advised case is in fraud unit..in black hole for the next 6 months and case is being returned to U.S.A. for possible revocation..told nothing about what problem was...I sought help from the list of useless individuals listed above...made several calls to D.O.S....no information given..we're stuck in neutral

--06/25?/05..Congressman Cuellar inquiry gets case moving..at first is told case is lost..later told case is at service center..3rd party information claiming we're not real relationship created problem.

07/22/05...Case back on track after submitting overcome documents and am re-approved...now the wait begins as case is sent back to NVC, then GZ.Am told that GZ should have case by end of September.

09/20/05....additional inquiry done by attorney...GZ says they've yet to receive case, and that it may take another month to get appointment for interview...I'm back in a long line and thoroughly pissed off!


I am going to try to be in GZ for her interview..I have a free week, and I am confident employer will give me more time under the Family Leave Act (Thanks Rick)...I'll put what I need in a paper bag and go... I'm ready to s**t all over GZ.


Thanks for your unwavering support!

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Great to hear from you Alex. Now the big question. Do you want us to go forward with our campaign? We as a group here are ready to inundate GZ, Harty, senators, congressmen and anyone else who may listen. Just give the word big guy and we will unleash the hounds.

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For all of you awaiting your SO's interview a bit of advice............I was explaining this mess to my wife and she has heard of this happening before.......jealousy of an acquaintence. It is in your SO's best interest to not discuss her pending visa to America with everyone, maybe only a best friend and family. She can tell everyone once the visa is in her hand.


It's maddening that our good friends in Guangzhou will listen to someone who has no interest in a case, who has no documentation of anything, and just take their worthless words and put people into this living hell. There should be legal guidelines to consider third party information but apparently Gz considers the rumor mill to be valid information.


Good luck to everyone, especially Alex!

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