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Chinese Women....not slaves

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Hi all. I work with a couple of men that have Chinese wives. I just want to say how sick it makes me that alot of men marry chinese women to have a servent around. They are a person with goals, dreams, and values. My wife and I have an understanding that when we have children she will be a home mom until they start school. After that its up to her. I know alot of men that dont let their wife drive, work, or sometimes even leave the house alone. So if there are any of you out there that read this post and consider yourself a supreme ruler and never let your wife do anything or place such strict demands on them then you should be ashamed of yourselves. Thats all I have to say!!!!

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Guest ShaQuaNew
Hi all. I work with a couple of men that have Chinese wives. I just want to say how sick it makes me that alot of men marry chinese women to have a servent around.




Yes, this goes on, but thankfully it would not be tolerated on this site. Certainly there is a perception amongst some western women that the reason a western man chooses an Asian partner is because he is controlling and only able to control a meek, timid, and non-thinking woman.


Well, to be sure..........Asian Women ain't that!


;) :bangin: :toot:

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Not sure there are many or any on this board, but I do know that this is one of the rumors that permeates 001 website. It would be hard to say if the number of men with Chinese wives are more likely than the general population to treat their wives like slaves or not. My feeling this is anecdotal and blown out of proportion.

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Not sure there are many or any on this board, but I do know that this is one of the rumors that permeates 001 website. It would be hard to say if the number of men with Chinese wives are more likely than the general population to treat their wives like slaves or not. My feeling this is anecdotal and blown out of proportion.


again so far the people i know on here are great however i know a few i would say 2 or 3 from work that are of the demanding nature...and this post is not to single out anyone its to make people take a second look at how they may be conducting themselves. but i completley agree that its most likley not a majority

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Guest ShaQuaNew
again so far the people i know on here are great however i know a few i would say 2 or 3 from work that are of the demanding nature...and this post is not to single out anyone its to make people take a second look at how they may be conducting themselves. but i completley agree that its most likley not a majority


There are Richard Brains (aka.....Dick H***) everywhere. There is nothing that gets my blood boiling faster than a controlling sick man that hurts a woman by physical and verbal methods.


I personally will remove the lungs from such....

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Guest ShaQuaNew
Control my wife??? HAHAHA, I don't care who you are, that's funny. I'm sure there are a few who marry Asian women for such purposes but I doubt they are very successful--If mamma ain't happy--nobody's happy!!


....indeed, keeping one's partner happy is always the best plan .....

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Read into this actual conversation between me and my wife and guess who's REALLY in charge...


her: What's this? :huh:

me: Root Beer. :)

her: BEER???!!! :angry:

me: It's not really beer...it's Root Beer... :unsure:

her: Then why does it say BEER?!!! :angry:

me: I don't know.... :(

me: ....try it! :D

her: ...it tastes like beer! :angry:

me: No it doesn't!?! :(


Later that day:

her: I checked with my friend's husband, and he said that Root Beer isn't really beer. :rolleyes:

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Maybe some still think that Chinese women have bound feet and walk single file with their heads down. (My brother wanted to know how the rick-shaw rides were during my visit!).


My brother, and any other man with that perception, has a rude awakening coming! There may be a little separation between within the home and outside the home...but don't bet on it. When my children visited with me and met "their future stepmother (lol)" their first impression was - WOW- she is a real spitfire - full of energy, and love and happiness...literally glowing!


Has anyone heard the Bud Light commercial taunting the "mail order bride catalog orderer"...while most men look in catalogs to buy furniture; these REAL MEN OF GENIUS search for someone to clean the furniture?


Yes Adam, there are certainly stereotypes out there. Too bad that they are so misinformed.


My only question is, how come she is always right? And I sincerely mean it...she always seems to have it figured out! Damn, I love it!



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Hi all. I work with a couple of men that have Chinese wives. I just want to say how sick it makes me that alot of men marry chinese women to have a servent around. They are a person with goals, dreams, and values. My wife and I have an understanding that when we have children she will be a home mom until they start school. After that its up to her. I know alot of men that dont let their wife drive, work, or sometimes even leave the house alone. So if there are any of you out there that read this post and consider yourself a supreme ruler and never let your wife do anything or place such strict demands on them then you should be ashamed of yourselves. Thats all I have to say!!!!




My own Wife would kick your butt if she met you!


We have already agreed that the second she can start to walk after having children, I will spend at least 50% of the time with them.


It is about advancing and enjoying life as much as we can, together!


We are a team, and everything is equal.


In fact, I think not, I prefer delegating as many important responsibilities to her, since I know that she is at least as good as I am, if not better, at getting things done!!! But, if she naturally wants me to ever do any work, large or small, I am so happy to do it, since it means allowing us to share everything...


In short...I think that you are asking too much of her too! Why not you take off to home-raise the kids (except for breast-feeding, which she alone must do)????? I am cool with it...

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