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This site is blantantly racist. I think if the authors of this site could have their way, they end nearly all immigration. Consider the real meaning behind statements like " We don't need immigrants any more" or "We wouldn't have to teach ESOL classes if they spoke English" or "Most immigrants are unskilled and uneducated." These are the folks who want to change US Immigration policy because if things stay the way they are now, Europeans will no longer be the "majority" later this century....


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Gee, what a nice bunch of open-minded, open-armed folks. :huh:


Wonder what would have happened if such an organization existed when their own ancestors landed on American shores? Someone ought to remind them that we are a nation of immigrants and furthermore, that is one of the main reasons that America is the great nation that it is.


BTW Tony: Can I start cussing and bathing yet? New Years Day is over and I would like to show up at GZ clean next Monday. Also, need to get my cussing up to speed before the meeting. :D

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Gee, what a nice bunch of open-minded, open-armed folks. :huh:


Wonder what would have happened if such an organization existed when their own ancestors landed on American shores? Someone ought to remind them that we are a nation of immigrants and furthermore, that is one of the main reasons that America is the great nation that it is.


BTW Tony: Can I start cussing and bathing yet? New Years Day is over and I would like to show up at GZ clean next Monday. Also, need to get my cussing up to speed before the meeting. :D



You can do whatever you want as long your wife lets you. When my honey gets here, I am sure I have to follow some of her belief or rules.


I disagree with FAIR. I was shocked to find such an organization exists. We have to fight with them. I was wondering if their stats are real.

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Please tell me the racist part so I don't have to read it all.


Two points,


1. If we did not have all the illegals here, these groups would go no where.


2. The population of the USA has doubled in my life time. I have always liked the outdoors, hiking, camping etc. I feel the people who want population growth are hurting my quality of life. If you want population growth, tell me how big you want the population to get and how we will be better off with more people. I have great faith in the American people to continue to maintain a great country with a stable population. The US is at about ZPG not counting immigration as are most developed nations. Why should these countries continue to take the other country's over production of people? I do believe that China has acheived or is close to acheiving ZPG.

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Aloha from Hawaii.

That group is dangerous and needs to be watched. It is a Liberal establishment type

of group that uses lies and half-truths to push an agenda. A hallmark of a group like

that is in the name. The use of the word fair when it is anything but fair. I agree that

the immigration system needs to be fixed but not in the way Fair suggests. The problem

is the restriction of people who want to become productive American Citizens through

legal immigration. All of the problems listed by Fair are the result of illegal immigration.

Illegal immigrants cannot get good jobs. Because of this they are involved in illegal

trades and become a social problem.

Myles aka Annakuen'GG

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I am closing this thread because it is taking a turn for the negative and is not immediately relevant to the issue of visa delays. Whether or not you agree with the philosophies of the site in discussion, the bottom line is that they are not causing the delays.





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