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Are you all proud of our CIS system?

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Are you all proud of our CIS system?


It finally worked for us!...............:D


Yes, after 3 years.

And how many MILLIONS of illegal aliens are there currently in the US??


To answer the original question, the whole procedure sucks!!!


The squeaky wheel gets the door theory is not for me and neither is it finally worked. Maybe you were treated honestly and forthright by our government in this process but I nor my wife was not. I personaly was told many mistruths, treated with indifference and sometimes disdain by the people working in the immigration departments (whatever the departments are called today). I have also read numerous posts on this forum of equal and worse treatment.


At one time I had 15 employees and of course I could not monitor everyone all the time. I for one was grateful if a customer of mine was squeaky and told me of troubles with employees, otherwise I probably would never find out. Correcting problems is very difficult if the boss doesn't know they exist and the immigration process is riddled with problems.

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Guest ShaQuaNew
The squeaky wheel gets the door theory is not for me and neither is it finally worked.  Maybe you were treated honestly and forthright by our government in this process but I nor my wife was not.


Agreed, it's always important to speak up when your rights are being impinged. As difficult as it may be to remain in control, that's also important. Losing control and becoming indignant with others in the Visa offices can have the opposite of the intended effect..... :D :D

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Guest ShaQuaNew
Unfortunately finding someone that gives a **** is the hard part of giving a complaint that will do good. In government the direction is to insulate from complaints rather than act on them.




This is the reason that it's extremely important to log every communication and include a name and time of day with a note about the topic. I'm not opposed to surreptitious recording either. Keep envelopes, cancelled checks...all of it. This is your ammo, and may well be needed at anytime not only during the process but even years after..... :D

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The process we go through is full of bosses and supervisors who keep their doors closed.


Their attitude torwards us is much like that of an parent who allows his a child to "cry himself out" , till he calms down on his own and shuts upl


The real lesson here is tenacity. You've got to become a total pest till someone listens Also, is so much misinformation on this journey that one must use a certain degree of crapshoot mentality to get things done. Case in point...my attorney told me that involviong a congressman with my case would most likely jeopardize it......the opposite was true. My case has progressed BECAUSE of his involvement..I am not a lawyer, so I relied on my reps advice...but then I became impatient and contacted the congressman anyway and things improved dramatically within 3 weeks. My lawyer received his copy of the approval notice..he thinks HIS work resulted in the quick turnaround..doesn't know I had extra help...(lol)..I'll let him bask in the glory, the stupid s.o.b...I may tell him the truth once my so is over here.


. I have been bombarded with advice throughout my experience, and some of it has been useful. The fact is that no two cases seems to be alike, and while advice may clue you in to the next step, you've got to also rely on your own creativity and passion.

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My latest email to CIS Ombudsman.


I don't expect anything good for my stepson's CR2. I am pursuing CR1 for laopo and K4 for the child. I already mailed registered letter to GUZ with the official request, per DOS suggestion. DOS told me GUZ cannot ignore K3/K4 because the K4 is still in effect, i.e. no better substitute. This is contrary to GUZ's email response I received, which makes me think the GUZ person(s) responsible for replying emails is (are) donkeys or at best they are rookie visa officer(s).


As far as CSC, and USCIS overall, there needs to be changes , drastic one at that too. Or else the problem will continue. Worst yet, it's the apparent clueless and lost sheep direction of CIS office with their investigations - not knowing how to differentiate the different strata and categories of the applicants (both USCitizens and recipients). It needs to improve its efficiency in light of its being under Homeland Security and should put more efforts on identifying and recognizing the different category of potential terrorists versus those who are peaceful people who are in pursuit of better life, family values, and the greater freedom to pursue better life and prosperity.


No need to be nice to CSC. I wrote polite letters and emails for a month but got nothing. I have since wrote criticisms. Criticisms are supposed to inspire them, to make them aware of their own deficiencies that they cannot and will not know unless someone else from outside tells them. I don't know how most of you would react if you get criticized. As for me, I would grumble but humbled while evaluating the validity of the criticism. If valid, I would look for corrective ways and work hard to bring out greater positives. If CSC cannot change, then it's time for CIS Ombudsman to know and perhaps he will force changes in the organization. Good Americans want to bring out greater positives for their country. It's no time to be lax and accept things as they are.




Dear Mr. Khatri,


In reference to my I-130 petition (WACxxxxxxxx) currently on its 120th day at CSC, I like to report CSC's retardation processing and lack of accountability. Furthermore there is a great discrepancies in the processing times among the service centers.


According to the USCIS's processing dates at various service centers, the Vermont Service Center has completed I-130's with NOA1 dates of late April 30, 2005. On the other hand, California Service Center has only completed I-130 with NOA1 date of March 7, 2005. There is a huge discrepancy in the efficiency between the two service centers.


I believe there exists huge problem with the structural organization of USCIS processing department, as well as in the procedures and implementation of the review process in its accountability to the petitioners. For one, CSC's phone call responses do not and cannot provide anything substantive. The replies I have received were "assigned to an officer" and "they are different on case by case basis".


I inquired further with the following questions and comments:

1. When was it assigned to an officer?

2. What does the officer do with the petition?

3. Can I talk to the officer assigned to my petition?

4. How much time does it normally take an "officer" to review and adjudicate a petition?

5. What does it take to adjudicate a petition?

6. Can you inform the reviewing and adjudicating officer(s) to call me if they want additional information or data?

7. How can my case be so unique and different to be in retardation mode compared to the one I submitted for my wife last November?

8. What are so special about those petitions that recently got adjudicated with approval in only 40 days?

9. What are special case with a few other petitions whose NOA1 dates were later than my petition's NOA1 date?


The response to my questions were deficient, insubstantial, and devoid of any accountability, i.e "canned" or "scripted". In short, the persons who answer phone calls to CSC are implying "Don't bother us, Don't know, don't ask why, don't know when, don't know what, just because, and each case is different".


In conclusion, USCIS should be ashamed of itself of its inefficiency and problematic discrepancies. It should be an embarassment for any Federal agency to function in such retarded deficiency. If it were any other organization or corporation with similar unaccountability, retarded responses, and didactically uninformative attitude and incompetency, such company or organization would have been abolished or gone defunct a long time ago.


I trust your office will continue to strive to demand higher accountability from your USCIS agencies. My current experience with CSC and previous one with MSC (I-129F) have been nothing but embarassment for any American citizen to associate oneself with a country that has such an inept government agency.



"[Our] country has always benefited from the dreams that others have brought here. By working hard for better life, immigrants contribute to the life of our nation." - GWBush


"..as a nation that values immigration and depends on it, we should have immigration laws that work and make us proud." - GWBush

Edited by bubbafred10 (see edit history)
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The process we go through is full of bosses and supervisors who keep their doors closed.


Their attitude torwards us is much like that of an parent  who allows his a child to "cry himself out" , till he calms down on his own and shuts upl


The real lesson here is tenacity. You've got to become a total pest till someone listens Also,  is so much misinformation on this journey that one must  use a certain degree of  crapshoot mentality  to get things done. Case in point...my attorney told me that involviong a congressman with my case would most likely jeopardize it......the opposite was true. My case has progressed BECAUSE of his involvement..I am not a lawyer, so I relied on my reps advice...but then I became impatient and contacted the congressman anyway and things improved dramatically within 3 weeks. My lawyer received his copy of the approval notice..he thinks HIS work resulted in the quick turnaround..doesn't know I had extra help...(lol)..I'll let him bask in the glory, the stupid s.o.b...I may tell him the truth once my so is over here.


. I have been bombarded with advice throughout my experience, and some of it has been useful. The fact is that no two cases seems to be alike, and while advice may clue you in to the next step, you've got to also rely on your own creativity and passion.


Sounds like prostitution to me Alex. You payed $$$, to get screwed. Don't feel too bad, me too. The $$$ doesn't bother me as much as the time he (my lawyer) cost me. If not for the timelines here on CFL, the nightmare would have lasted even longer. CFL shortend my learning curve. When I saw what he was doing, not doing. I took my paperwork back and canned him. It's depressing to think that anyone in a position to help you from lawyers to congressmen or immigration only provides more difficultys and roadblocks. Truth is, it's not their problem that we are without our better halves. explicatives go here _________.

PS. What ever language those words were from your in your earlier post, it must have been difficult for you to say them , let alone type them. unless you got a loaner spell checker from you know who.

Peace Alex, I hear you man. http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons6/67.gif

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Unfortunately finding someone that gives a **** is the hard part of giving a complaint that will do good. In government the direction is to insulate from complaints rather than act on them.




This is the reason that it's extremely important to log every communication and include a name and time of day with a note about the topic. I'm not opposed to surreptitious recording either. Keep envelopes, cancelled checks...all of it. This is your ammo, and may well be needed at anytime not only during the process but even years after..... :lol:


It reminds me of this "demotivational" poster I used to hang in my cube.


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Unfortunately finding someone that gives a **** is the hard part of giving a complaint that will do good. In government the direction is to insulate from complaints rather than act on them.




This is the reason that it's extremely important to log every communication and include a name and time of day with a note about the topic. I'm not opposed to surreptitious recording either. Keep envelopes, cancelled checks...all of it. This is your ammo, and may well be needed at anytime not only during the process but even years after..... :P


It reminds me of this "demotivational" poster I used to hang in my cube.



great poster... and appropriate!!!!

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Unfortunately finding someone that gives a **** is the hard part of giving a complaint that will do good. In government the direction is to insulate from complaints rather than act on them.




This is the reason that it's extremely important to log every communication and include a name and time of day with a note about the topic. I'm not opposed to surreptitious recording either. Keep envelopes, cancelled checks...all of it. This is your ammo, and may well be needed at anytime not only during the process but even years after..... :D


This is supposedly a representative democracy, "of, by, and for the people"......etc. That is mostly propaganda for the school kids, not the reality of our country. My question is who is in control? Who can change the system? I imagine every State's congressmen and senators are asked for help with immigration matters all the time. They are ALL aware of the problems of the immigration process. But why is nothing done to change this? Is Congress afraid to re-make a bureaucracy that has grown so large as to be uncontrollable and even dangerous to mess with?? I think this is the case. It seems NO ONE can really change the immigration quagmire we are all familiar with, and that is the saddest and most discouraging part of our government "of, by, and for the people" GUZ tells my Congressman when to call, when to expect (meaningless) replies, etc. It should be the other way around. It is incomprehesible how the entire Congress can accept this state of affairs without recognizing the dysfunction and doing something about it.

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Unfortunately finding someone that gives a **** is the hard part of giving a complaint that will do good. In government the direction is to insulate from complaints rather than act on them.




This is the reason that it's extremely important to log every communication and include a name and time of day with a note about the topic. I'm not opposed to surreptitious recording either. Keep envelopes, cancelled checks...all of it. This is your ammo, and may well be needed at anytime not only during the process but even years after..... :D


This is supposedly a representative democracy, "of, by, and for the people"......etc. That is mostly propaganda for the school kids, not the reality of our country. My question is who is in control? Who can change the system? I imagine every State's congressmen and senators are asked for help with immigration matters all the time. They are ALL aware of the problems of the immigration process. But why is nothing done to change this? Is Congress afraid to re-make a bureaucracy that has grown so large as to be uncontrollable and even dangerous to mess with?? I think this is the case. It seems NO ONE can really change the immigration quagmire we are all familiar with, and that is the saddest and most discouraging part of our government "of, by, and for the people" GUZ tells my Congressman when to call, when to expect (meaningless) replies, etc. It should be the other way around. It is incomprehesible how the entire Congress can accept this state of affairs without recognizing the dysfunction and doing something about it.


You have echoed the sentiments of many here, and raise important concerns that doesn't have an answer as you so eloquently point out! Perhaps a petition would be a way to raise awareness beyond the hallowed halls of our elected officials......


Thanks for your comments and welcome to CFL, at least here you will find "soul-mates" that suffer the same as you, but with the experiences of those that have gone before us, the sharing of their suffering, it makes it easier to cope.... it is here where I found some peace and re-assurance....

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They all have their own kingdoms. The government keeps adding but not reorganizing. Even recent changes in response to 9/11 which were supposed to reorganize became bogged down in the politics. Ours is a government of the powers that be. Luckily they must do a little more than lip service to the principles of government by representation or imagine where we would be.


It is our taxes that support this sluggish and unwieldy bureaucracy. Resist it by refusing to pay in and you go to jail.


Thomas Jefferson - "I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Unsuccessful rebellions, indeed, generally establish the encroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions as not to discourage them too much. It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government."


Since the 1940s to 1960s civil rights movement and late 1960s to early 1970s war protests, when was the last successful rebellion?

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They all have their own kingdoms. The government keeps adding but not reorganizing. Even recent changes in response to 9/11 which were supposed to reorganize became bogged down in the politics. Ours is a government of the powers that be. Luckily they must do a little more than lip service to the principles of government by representation or imagine where we would be.


It is our taxes that support this sluggish and unwieldy bureaucracy. Resist it by refusing to pay in and you go to jail.


Thomas Jefferson - "I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Unsuccessful rebellions, indeed, generally establish the encroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions as not to discourage them too much. It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government."


Since the 1940s to 1960s civil rights movement and late 1960s to early 1970s war protests, when was the last successful rebellion?


rebellion? protest? information-sharing?


Dan, as always, I enjoy reading your well reasoned posts... it gives us pause for reflection!!! Thanks.......

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May I Please Vent a little here, Please!!


Not only am I totally POed at our entire system, but after being here in China, it has just made matters worse.


After spending so much of our tax dollars there in the states to "help to support our Rights", after looseing many family members to wars fighting for our country,(I can trace them all back as far as 1760) And for WHAT does this get us?


Not a Damn Thing!! other than each and every year, we are forced to give up more of OUR hard earned money just so that those FAT PIGS we call Political leaders can have their Fancy $200/plate dinners, have big fancy houses and steal, lie cheat & sleep with who ever they so choose, while We, the average American are fighting each & every day just to survive.


I have tryied so many times to get answers from at least a dozen Political leaders as to just as to why we are being stonewalled with so much Bull crap of red tape, but also as to JUST WHY?? Why in the world would they Strongly refuse a Fellow Natural Born American into one of OUR Embassies or Consulets? This is BS!!! These places are on "AMERICAN SOIL" yet are beign protected and Guarded by FORIGEN local people. What is wrong with this picture here?


In the USA, all of the foriegn emabssies there, they are each Guarded by Military members of thier own Nationality. Refuesing any american who tries to enter them, Yet come to China, & WE STILL GET TREATED LIKE *&@!. WT*


And if that isn't enough, Trying to find out any information reguarding US Gov websites like travel.state.gov, or uscis.gov etc via the web, you might as well forget it. It is not going to happen. The chinese Gov Filters EVERYTHING and especially if it has ANYTHING to do with the US Governement. & If you try to send an Email that has anything that contains "Key Words" that may appear like it may have anything to do with US gov information, well, that gets filterd & scrambled too.


How I know this is I am a computer /Network / Telcom engineer, and after months of trying to try & find out as to just what the heck is going on with our case, I decided to make a call, (which was filtered - using a reg cell phone) so I ended up using my Sat phone to speak to a co-worker. We discovered that Both the US & China are doing all that they can to keap anyone from knowing about the other.



When you try to connect to a US Gov Website from Nanning CN, It goes from Nanning to GUZ, to Bejing. Gets Filtered there, then onto Hong Kong, Gets double Checked & Filtered again, then Onto Los Angles, Checked & Filtered, then onto Denver CO, Filtered & trace routed, Onto Langley, Checked for Key Words, onto Chicago, checked again, then onto Arlignton VA, Final Check, & if all passes, then it is dispersed out to the Net domain.


The Same with the Cell Phones.


The Only way to work around this is if you emlpoy an IP Spoofer onto your machine or if everytime you want to go to a US GOV site or Page, Turn off your Modem, make it obtain a new IP, and Clear your Internet Cache. (THIS is the LONG & HARD WAY)


The only way I have found to get a hold of a Senators office or anything like that via the Phone, was to use my Sat phone, because although you may be trying to reach CIS or DOS there in the States, you are actuall being rerouted back to GUZ, being forced to think you are tallking to someone in the States, when you are not. When you use a Sat phone, there is virtually no way to intercept it to reroute it so in essance, it is permitted to connect the call. (Ever wondered as to why when ever you called DOS while in the states, the people were more friendlier and willing to help, vers when you tried to call from China?) Now you know.


With all of this, It just blows my stack and make me So freeking furrious that Our very own Gov would allow its own citizens to be treated like this. It would not surprize me one bit if somewhere in the near future that the American people decide to stand up & say NO MORE!! We have had enough.


Don't get me wrong, please!! I love my SO with all that I have & would do this again 100 times more. I do not regreat in any way of having to go through this process. But I do Feel that as Paying Law Abiding Americans, we DESERVE to be Treated Far better than what we are being treated like now.


& They think we are so Stupid!! UNCLE SAM, We the People are beginnig to wake up & smell the BS that you have been pouring down out guts. If you do not wise up and treat us Better, you may become nothing more than our pet who lays at our feet. :huh:


Wheeew!!! It feels soo good to get this out of my system. Thanks all for bearing with me. God I need Some Good Ole American Food----Hmmm Italian, Mexican, Oh God, where is there a Taco Bell When You need it?


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May I Please Vent a little here, Please!!


Not only am I totally POed at our entire system, but after being here in China, it has just made matters worse.


After spending so much of our tax dollars there in the states to "help to support our Rights", after looseing many family members to wars fighting for our country,(I can trace them all back as far as 1760) And for WHAT does this get us?


Not a Damn Thing!! other than each and every year, we are forced to give up more of OUR hard earned money just so that those FAT PIGS we call Political leaders can have their Fancy $200/plate dinners, have big fancy houses and steal, lie cheat & sleep with who ever they so choose, while We, the average American are fighting each & every day just to survive.


I have tryied so many times to get answers from at least a dozen Political leaders as to  just as to why we are being stonewalled with so much Bull crap of red tape, but also as to JUST WHY?? Why in the world would they Strongly refuse a Fellow Natural Born American into one of OUR Embassies or Consulets? This is BS!!! These places are on "AMERICAN SOIL" yet are beign protected and Guarded by FORIGEN local people. What is wrong with this picture here?


In the USA, all of the foriegn emabssies there, they are each Guarded by Military members of thier own Nationality. Refuesing any american who tries to enter them, Yet come to China, & WE STILL GET TREATED LIKE *&@!. WT*


And if that isn't enough, Trying to find out any information reguarding US Gov websites like travel.state.gov, or uscis.gov etc via the web, you might as well forget it. It is not going to happen. The chinese Gov Filters EVERYTHING and especially if it has ANYTHING to do with the US Governement. & If you try to send an Email that has anything that contains "Key Words" that may appear like it may have anything to do with US gov information, well, that gets filterd & scrambled too.


How I know this is I am a computer /Network / Telcom engineer, and after months of trying to try & find out as to just what the heck is going on with our case, I decided to make a call, (which was filtered - using a reg cell phone) so I ended up using my Sat phone to speak to a co-worker. We discovered that Both the US & China are doing all that they can to keap anyone from knowing about the other.



When you try to connect to a US Gov Website from Nanning CN, It goes from Nanning to GUZ, to Bejing. Gets Filtered there, then onto Hong Kong, Gets double Checked & Filtered again, then Onto Los Angles, Checked & Filtered, then onto Denver CO, Filtered & trace routed, Onto Langley, Checked for Key Words, onto Chicago, checked again, then onto Arlignton VA, Final Check, & if all passes, then it is dispersed out to the Net domain.


The Same with the Cell Phones.


The Only way to work around this is if you emlpoy an IP Spoofer onto your machine or if everytime you want to go to a US GOV site or Page, Turn off your Modem, make it obtain a new IP, and Clear your Internet Cache. (THIS is the LONG & HARD WAY)


The only way I have found to get a hold of a Senators office or anything like that via the Phone, was to use my Sat phone, because although you may be trying to reach CIS or DOS there in the States, you are actuall being rerouted back to GUZ, being forced to think you are tallking to someone in the States, when you are not. When you use a Sat phone, there is virtually no way to intercept it to reroute it so in essance, it is permitted to connect the call. (Ever wondered as to why when ever you called DOS while in the states, the people were more friendlier and willing to help, vers when you tried to call from China?) Now you know.


With all of this, It just blows my stack and make me So freeking furrious that Our very own Gov would allow its own citizens to be treated like this. It would not surprize me one bit if somewhere in the near future that the American people decide to stand up & say NO MORE!! We have had enough.


Don't get me wrong, please!! I love my SO with all that I have & would do this again 100 times more. I do not regreat in any way of having to go through this process. But I do Feel that as Paying Law Abiding Americans, we DESERVE to be Treated Far better than what we are being treated like now.


& They think we are so Stupid!!  UNCLE SAM, We the People are beginnig to wake up & smell the BS that you have been pouring down out guts. If you do not wise up and treat us Better, you may become nothing more than our pet who lays at our feet. :P


Wheeew!!! It feels soo good to get this out of my system. Thanks all for bearing with me. God I need Some Good Ole American Food----Hmmm Italian, Mexican, Oh God, where is there a Taco Bell When You need it?



Ya , your rollin' man. I have busted gaskets many times. It is good to get it out. Not even to make a change but just know that you were heard. Ya, I know what you mean. You left out the new retirement age and the fact that by the time that I am old enough to retire, that SS $$ will be completely gone. I'll have paid into it for over 50 years and never see a dime.

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