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Chinese Complexity

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Women are complex creatures..... good or bad? a blessing or a curse? or a fantastic mix that makes us want them more than anything we ever knew? What are your experiences...... ????

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Women are complex creatures.....  good or bad? a blessing or a curse? or a fantastic mix that makes us want them more than anything we ever knew?  What are your experiences...... ????





She is my emotional twin.

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She's my missing half... the Good Half; I feel very incomplete being separated from her.


I speak No Chinese and would suggest something to lao puo... That suggestion usually turns out to be exactly what she was already talking about with the family. :( Needless to say the family was very surprised and very pleased that lao puo and I would think of the same things at the same time. :angry:

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That is what makes my wife so wonderful also.... she is tuned into my thoughts and now I only need to do the same as we get closer and closer...

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I'm definitely intrigued by the way she thinks. When I talk to an American woman, unless it's cut-and-dried, I'm suspicious of an ulterior motive in her response. With Wendy, it's more a case of of her viewing the situation from a completely different point of view, then she lays it all out on the table.


66 hours and 34 minutes to go!!!!!

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Women are complex creatures.....  good or bad? a blessing or a curse? or a fantastic mix that makes us want them more than anything we ever knew?  What are your experiences...... ????


If my SO ever asks me if she looks fat in that dress? What do you think my answer is?


I think women are connected in complexity somehow... ha-ha

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I'm definitely intrigued by the way she thinks.  When I talk to an American woman, unless it's cut-and-dried, I'm suspicious of an ulterior motive in her response.  With Wendy, it's more a case of of her viewing the situation from a completely different point of view, then she lays it all out on the table.


66 hours and 34 minutes to go!!!!!


The reverse is also true for me. Initially I tried to anaylyze her words and understand them as if an American woman was talking and it drove me crazy. Finally realized that 1)words spoken by a Chinese not familiar with American idioms doesn not mean the same as when spoken by an American woman, 2) there's a significant cultural difference in the way Chinese think Vs Americans and 3) she is not the least bit manipulative


However, she is definitely a woman and the male/female differences are very apparant

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she is not the least bit manipulative



Gosh does this ever ring true...after having vast experience with the manipulative, passive-aggressive types this feels so good... :huh: To have an SO who is right there with you in her mind, not worrying about the past or the furure, up front, out front, honest and forthright...will it make you crazy occasionally...yes...will you love it almost all of the time...you betcha... :) :blink:

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she is not the least bit manipulative



Gosh does this ever ring true...after having vast experience with the manipulative, passive-aggressive types this feels so good... :D To have an SO who is right there with you in her mind, not worrying about the past or the furure, up front, out front, honest and forthright...will it make you crazy occasionally...yes...will you love it almost all of the time...you betcha... :huh: :D


ding ding... :D


My SO is very direct, and never minces words. Also deals with issues directly and quickly. Then lets it go and moves on just as quickly.

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Women are complex creatures.....  good or bad? a blessing or a curse? or a fantastic mix that makes us want them more than anything we ever knew?  What are your experiences...... ????


If my SO ever asks me if she looks fat in that dress? What do you think my answer is?


I think women are connected in complexity somehow... ha-ha


A great opportunity to make her get the one you liked her in..... all the others make her look fat. ;)

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Oh, right now I am dealing with the fat issue. Even though it is good fat. I always say, "Not fat, baby!! You look beautiful." I make sure and look at her when she is not bringing up the issue. She aks me, "Why you look at me?". I tell her, "cause you're beautiful!!". Seems to work. She was concerned before she started gaining baby wieght, so I know it will come up again later. Not looking forward it.

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Women are complex creatures.....  good or bad? a blessing or a curse? or a fantastic mix that makes us want them more than anything we ever knew?  What are your experiences...... ????


If my SO ever asks me if she looks fat in that dress? What do you think my answer is?


I think women are connected in complexity somehow... ha-ha


A great opportunity to make her get the one you liked her in..... all the others make her look fat. :lol:



oh Dan Dan Dan The answer is always No

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