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Best Pocket Translator For Learning English

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My wife is trying to learn English, and she wants to find a decent pocket translator.  Does anyone know of a good one that is easy to buy in the States?


I bought one from Franklin electronics 2 years ago for 85 dollars. It has voice function and you can use it for either chinese to english or english to chinese. Still works fine.



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My wife is trying to learn English, and she wants to find a decent pocket translator.  Does anyone know of a good one that is easy to buy in the States?


I bought one from Franklin electronics 2 years ago for 85 dollars. It has voice function and you can use it for either chinese to english or english to chinese. Still works fine.




Thank warp found a viet namese translator on that site. I know where my next buy going



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I too, had researched this subject long and hard back when I was looking for one of these (8 months ago or so), and also found that the site warpbored posted seemed to have the best prices for translators. I ordered it from them without a problem. I got the Besta model CD-75 which it appears they no longer offer. However, I got it for myself to help with Chinese, although it seems to be much more useful to be used to learn English.


Originally I was going to go with either the MD7250 or MD8300 or GD128 because I saw them in Hong Kong demonstrated. I ended up getting the one I got, because when talking with the people at Aim High, they were very helpful in trying to understand the features I wanted, and were knowledgable about all the models they sold at the time, and could clearly explain to me the advantantages and disadvantages of each one ( While taking into account my budget). This is one of those times I have come across a business that I can easily recommend to do business with.

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I have gotten great use out of my BESTA translator. When I travel and have difficulty communicating I just type in the word, translate to Chinese and let them listen or look at it. We sometimes pass it back and forth. The ability to write Chinese on the screen is a big plus. The built in encyclopedia has come in very handy at times for explaining something. Just type in and display the entry in Chinese.


I might even up grade to the new one. It now plays MP3s! This even adds to the usefulness while traveling.


I use it even when using a dictionary if I can't read a character. I just type the English translate and play it. It also allows you to study by showing combined characters and by highlighting these you get the sound and a definition. And you can listen to both Mandarin and Chinese. For your SOs they can listen to the English pronounciation and it can be set to display directory in English or Chinese.


Check them out http://0584.com/e828.htm


Check them out

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I use the LONGMAN 7000.


It translates Cantonese and Mandrian with voice.


Also it has a PC interface so you can add words &

use of the calander.


Search the web for the best deal.


The only problem for me was the instructions

were in Chinese so It took me about 90 minutes

to bring it up in English. Just one button to switch

from Chinese to English, duh.

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David I played that game too. Nice thing is it can be played solitaire or in groups. :draw: Of course if your SO is fluent in English you might think it is not needed. But it still comes in handy for when she wont tell you what she and her friend said. Be very suspicious if there were giggles with it. :angry:

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The current machines are amazing, but basically you pay for what you get. If you want to buy in the US, use ebay. I bought a Besta CD828 for $335 plus postage. One problem, it uses traditional characters, fortunately my wife is old enough to have learned most of them.

This thing has flash movies that teach English, along with a bunch of CDs and extra downloadable lessons. Just too many extras to mention.


However, if I was to do it again, I would buy in China, where the simplified versions are available, you should be able to get one for about 2200 Yuan with all the bells and whistles.

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Try the library, they should have plenty of resources, I am studying a series of CD's that teach Mandarin, it is great, I am sure they have one for learning English..... can do at home!!!

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My wife uses one called a NOAH. It is indispensible with her school work as she reads her text books there are many words she does not know. A friend sent it to her from China.


I bought a Lingo which has several languages but doesn't have so many words in each.

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