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Conducting the interview in Chinese

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I was under the impression that the interview being conducted in English was one of the most important factors in the interview. After all, they are being interviewed to be admitted to the USA.


I think the majority of interviews may be started started in English but were finished in Chinese with no detriment to the interviewee. All that is required is the ability to communicate. So even if her "chinglish" has improper pronouns and improper tenses, I really do not believe it matters. As long as she can show that she has made an effort to learn the language and get some basic ideas across like - where did you meet? how many times has he visited? what kind of family? what kind of work? where does he live? married before? I think she will be O.K. Even if the interview reverts to Chinese after a few questions, she just needs to show that she has made some effort to communicate in English.

My Amy started the interview in English but her interviewer started to speak to her in Chinese after 3 or 4 questions, so she responded in Chinese.

Hope this helps!

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My SO and I both agreed she should answer in English. She felt that she should answer in English, because she had read that some people felt the translator was not doing correct translations (and my SO felt this way herself, that her intent and sincerity would not come across as well as she wanted if she allowed the translator to speak for her). I felt she should so this, no matter what because she can speak English as well as anyone who does not do it every day. It is understanding English speakers she has trouble with. The Interview was conducted in English, but the translator was not dismissed, even though my SO told the VO that she spoke English.

I think cosmiclobster brings up a good point/observation.

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Another thing to consider is if the VO speaks chinese.. that is when I think it is possibly a little better to speak in chinese rather than depending on the translator, given the choice...


For my case, the best scenario will be if the VO can speak chinese.. then Zixuan can revert to chinese if needed , directly...

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I think and hope language is not a problem. I happened to hear a VO asked a gal via a translator how did they two communicate since the gal doesnt know English on my interview day. the VO will definitely ask this question if your SO knows a little English.

Not sure if the gal passed or not, but I am sure you will pass when you have enough evidence for the relationship.

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These responces have really helped. As we sat here going over what she can expect, the relief on her face told the whole story. She really seemed to like what I was showing her here on CFL. If anyone is going to be available, she had mentioned possibly talking with someone here to help get her thoughts together. If there are any SOs here in China, PM me and I'll look into it after breakfast. Once again, CFL comes through in helping our dreams come true. :blink: B)

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