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Somewhat worried about upcoming interview

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Ok my fiance's interview is coming up on June 17. and I read some posting on here that stated that hand written letters were needed. This is somewhat of a problem for me and its getting me somewhat worried. I think that one post even mentioned the VO wouldn't accept emails, and wanted hand written letters instead.


Between my fiance and I, we have a total of about 12 hand written letters and post cards. We have about 1000 emails between us, and hard copies of telephone logs for the past 12 months. We have pictures, and we also have a receipt of the engagement ring that I purchased.


I am planning to be out there with her in GZ for her interview, so I will also register at the US Consulate when I get there, and I will also give her my passport to show to the VO if the VO requests it.


Will my lack of handwritten letters be a big problem?


Thanks for any help.

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Between my fiance and I, we have a total of about 12 hand written letters and post cards.

That's more than I had, and it's probably more than most had. I wouldn't be too worried. Sounds like you've got your bases covered.


Besides, by the time your fiancee goes for her interview, GZ will have focused on something else...like "what's the ring size of your fiance's big toe, in American measurements please?" :rolleyes:

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Will my lack of handwritten letters be a big problem?

My fiancee and I wrote more than 12 but she only took 5 or 6 to the interview as an example. The visa officer never looked at them.


I don't think you'll have a problem. Just pick a few of the 12 that demonstrate your relationship.

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I agree don't worry- that's also the only choice I have. I could not (in my non-GUZ, non-fraud trained brain) imagine that in the day of Internet, hand written was considered more important.


Today I was reading OF-171, K-1 Appointment Packet No 16 posted here:




Not only does OF-171 recommend handwritten letters, it recommends they be dated prior to the application date.


I guess that is nonsense.


Note: I was reading it here, but is not part of my SO's P-4 packet.

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Ok my fiance's interview is coming up on June 17.  and I read some posting on here that stated that hand written letters were needed.  This is somewhat of a problem for me and its getting me somewhat worried.  I think that one post even mentioned the VO wouldn't accept emails, and wanted hand written letters instead.

What is required at the application time and at the interview is "evidence" of the meeting and of an ongoing relationship...


In this view, I would say that hand written letters are not 'required'... I think of them as 'brownie points'.... they are better than email.... and whatever you might have is better than none.


I agree that they might not even ask for it at the interview... but if they ask for some correspondence, you could have ready both a hand written examples and emails in the same folder for review.


Good luck and let us know how it goes !! :rolleyes:

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Let me add my agreement as well. Jun and I only took about 5-6 hand written letters to the interview. The VO glanced at our emails, but only barely and didn't even ask for the hand written ones. I'm sure everything will be fine.


All those things are just elements used to create a bigger picture. If any one is lacking or missing entirely, as long as you're good in the other areas (as you are) there doesn't seem to be a problem. Assuming the VO even looks :lol:

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From what I've seen, it really comes down to your lady's confidence at the interview. If the VO is satisfied, they may only look at the pictures and the I-134. Do you plan to be there? Some have said that helps but many have gone through with out the petitioner there and had no problems. But then main reason for asking is Jen and I will be there for interview the day before and would be happy to meet up with aby cflers. :lol:

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I think you will be fine. I included some handwritten letters in I-129F to show that we have/can communicate in English.


I have not seen this in awhile, but not so long ago, how you communicate seemed a possible issue. Video tape requested, etc. Just trying to avoid/deflect any VO concerns :lol:

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Do not worry. We had few handwritten letters and even few emails in that we corresponded by instant messaging alot. Just bring what you have and pictures together will be the most important. Also I went to China for the interview. I waited outside and handed my now wife my passport. This was my second visit to China.

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