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Terrible business of being separated

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The more I read the sadder I become, knowing how difficult it is to be so far apart from our loved ones. I have to wonder if the officials that make this whole process so long and complicated; realize how many different kinds of trajedies can happen.


After reading about Carls' stepson, I was reminded of our recent tradedy. One of the only post I had made, when I first joined, I announced that Ai Ye and I were expecting. She had a miscarriage a few weeks ago. It was very hard on the both of us. I will always wonder if it was caused by the stress of this whole ordeal.


As I sit here, I can't help but wonder, how many more of us have had bad things happen. Many people are very private, and would not talk about such things.


Maybe, the people in charge of thismess called immigrations, will come to their senses, and realize they are screwing with peoples lives. Maybe they will realize, many of us know the difference between terrorists, and good decent, kind loving people.


I have twenty years of government service in. I know how stupid, and ignorant, the people that get promoted to lead positions can be. It is hard to find a higher up with good old common sense.


Anyway, just wanted to let anyone else out there, that has suffered, know you are not alone. And appearntly, this is a good place to find answers, help, and support. Thanks for the great site.



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It is tough, Ken, made tougher by life's curve balls. Sometimes, I think the government's the pitcher rather than life. But, having taken a year to get through the whole process, I can certaintly testify that CFL is the best place to vent, to console, to share the joy, to seek comfort, to bitch, to laugh, and to learn that we are not alone in this maze called immigration.


There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it shines brightly indeed.

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Tong Yi!


I do not think the powers that be are very concerned about what happens to us other than possible legal repercussions. We become the casulties in a battle to protect America from illegal and unwanted immigration. Most citizens and the government I believe see it as necessary.


So when we get lonely or mad or sad it is wonderful to have CFL here for us. I think CFL could equally stand for Community of Friends and Love.

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Welcome Ken, and yes this can be very hard at times. I am very sorry to hear of your recent troubles and I wish you both the best. This is certainly an emotional rollercoaster and I myself have spent many a post either crying, laughing or screaming about the hardships of being apart.

Best I can say is if you need to vent, you have found a good place. We all understand here and I can tell you from my own experience that letting it out will make you feel much better. That light is at the end of the tunnel, and hang in there.


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