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Now "a matter of weeks"

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Dear XXXX:


Assistant Secretary Maura Harty has asked us to respond to your e-mail of

January 26 requesting information about the fiancée visa application of XXX

XX. Let me assure you that we fully understand that delays in visa

issuance are seriously complicating the lives of applicants and of those who

are waiting for their arrival.


Your fiancée's case has been awaiting completion of required

security-related vetting through an interagency clearance process. Changes

to this process made in July 2002, together with communications problems,

computer issues, and vastly increased work volumes, had the effect of

delaying many clearances, especially those dating from the period July to

October 2002.


The vetting process has been substantially improved since November. The

majority of new clearance requests are now processed within a matter of



We are working to clear up the older clearance cases so that the visas can

be processed to conclusion. We are taking two separate, overlapping actions

that should resolve the vast majority of the fiancé(e) visa clearances

pending for the American Consulate General at Guangzhou. First, visa staff

at Guangzhou, who recently began working overtime on weekends, have

identified longstanding fiancé(e) visa clearance requests and have

resubmitted those requests, including that of your fiancée.


Second, we are also working with technical experts here in Washington in an

attempt to find new ways to expedite the clearance process using State

Department computer systems.


In addition to these efforts, we have sent additional staff to Guangzhou,

and are working to send more, in order to assist with the heavy volume of

visa work pending there. We have also identified some longer-range steps we

can take to simplify the process for handling future visa cases.


The Department of State, in its visa processes, will continue to carry out

scrupulously all legal and procedural requirements for the protection of the

security of the United States. When Ms. XXXX's clearance process is

concluded, the Consulate will notify her. I hope and trust that the outcome

will be favorable, and will not be delayed much longer.


We hope this information is helpful.





Lisa Piascik


Office of Public and Diplomatic Liaison

Visa Services

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This is almost identical to the letter from Cabral that was posted on Jan 10.


It is interesting that they are still "planning" to send even more help to GZ. How long does it take to go from planning to some actual action?


I was encouraged by the report the other day that as many as 40 people picked up visas in one day. Oh, boy! Since that included new people as well as those stuck in the delay, that means that they should catch up in, maybe a year and a half.


Oh, wait! I forgot about week-ends and holidays. Better make that three years.

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Guest Snowbeast

I am amazed they would even send a form letter admitting they are processing new visas in two weeks while we continue to wait, but they seem to show no hesitation in sending it. I haven't even gotten one of those letters...no reply at all!

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I am amazed they would even send a form letter admitting they are processing new visas in two weeks while we continue to wait, but they seem to show no hesitation in sending it.  I haven't even gotten one of those letters...no reply at all!

This just shows how totally insensitive they are to our situation and how FUBAR this whole fiasco has become. "Two weeks" now becomes "a matter of weeks". This is becoming more hopeless day by day. The post at the beginning of the thread is almost a verbatim copy of one posted at least a month ago, maybe longer. :( :angry: :ph34r:

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What is this Lisa vs Katherine? Seems like Katherine disappeared and Lisa takes over the correspondence so that they don't feel like to have put a foot in the month. It took them over 3 months to come up with a form letter; I believe they are working on another form letter --- don't go away, they will right back after the holiday! :( :ph34r: :angry:

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What is this Lisa vs Katherine?  Seems like Katherine disappeared and Lisa takes over the correspondence so that they don't feel like to have put a foot in the month.  It took them over 3 months to come up with a form letter; I believe they are working on another form letter --- don't go away, they will right back after the holiday!  :huh:  :ph34r:  :angry:

Oh boy !! Can't wait !!!! :(

Yep.. Looks like Kathryn dropped off the mess board....

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