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Yes she had a noterized copy of my passort (ever page) i was there once for 10 days. I would have gone for the interview but im on a very fast paced Consturction

job where im the night Superintendent, cant leave untill its done (end of june)


here is one i have never seen


"Original canceled paychecks for the past six months" (Not pay stubs)


wtf is this? i dont get these, the COMPANY DOES. Called my Girl in Payroll and she is going to try and find a way to get them.

She had my pay stubs but for some reason this was not good enough for them.

Anyone see this one before?


We expected the best, but we planned for the worst. So i will get my tickets this week and just fly to China to hand deliver the paperwork myself

He didnt even look at the paperwork, because most of what he asked for he had in his dirty little mitts.


i think he didnt like the fact i was only there once, well, this is one thing i can fix


Bull in a china shop



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sorry to hear of the outcome.. can you answer a few questions:

1) What questions was she asked?

2) Did she speak in english or chinese ? (is her english good enough)


Here is the best advice from past members: Give them what they ask for...



I'm going to concur with Frank on this one... about GUZ and fraud issues. My gut says that the VO 'felt' something amiss with the relationship very quickly (I'd like to see the answers above to help understand)... but picked the financials as a means to apply the relationship pressure. SO, it's less about the financials and more about your ability to prove the relationship by gather the materials and submit them.


You said you only only visited once... so, to me, this is the first tip that he suspects the relationship (coupled with his bad day), and by not looking at anything he is saying he suspects something. If the VO suspects something, they will either ask a few more questions (usually pressure point type) or quickly issue the denial without looking at anymore. Since they don't believe that what's on that paper is going to change their mind.


The good news is that these types of situations are usually remedied with the overcome evidence being submitted... if you submit it and get the visa, then you'll know for sure it was not really about the finances, since they sound like they were already in order.

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sorry to hear of the outcome.. can you answer a few questions:

1) What questions was she asked?

2) Did she speak in english or chinese ? (is her english good enough)



She was asked how many times i was there. and then he shuffeld through the paperwork. Apears he didnt even look since most of what he said she needed

was there and in order. Total time 2 minutes


She spoke in english, her english is very passable


Problem is, most of the new stuff he wants will take more then a week for me

to get, so her staying there is not an option. so we will take our time and i will

just take it with me to china.


Now i got to get to workm, and stop and get some glasses so i can read lol



Thanks for all your help people. Dont worry chin is up (both of them) and so are

my hackels.



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sorry to hear of the outcome.. can you answer a few questions:

1) What questions was she asked?

2) Did she speak in english or chinese ? (is her english good enough)



She was asked how many times i was there. and then he shuffeld through the paperwork. Apears he didnt even look since most of what he said she needed

was there and in order. Total time 2 minutes


She spoke in english, her english is very passable


Problem is, most of the new stuff he wants will take more then a week for me

to get, so her staying there is not an option. so we will take our time and i will

just take it with me to china.


Now i got to get to workm, and stop and get some glasses so i can read lol



Thanks for all your help people. Dont worry chin is up (both of them) and so are

my hackels.



thanks for the response...


There was in this year a VO who pointedly asked the SO , why the USC has only visited one time... and then issued the denial.


Since your SOs english is good, he is not going to ask her for a video. The next most common item to request is the financials, even if they looked at them once or not. I think they ask for the financials because it is not the easier to do... in the sense that it takes time and EFFORT to do it..


I think that you'll see your effort to go over there and bring the papers, as proof enough... and ok the overcome evidence... So I think this all sounds fairly 'standard' denial so far.

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I too am sorry about the outcome and can understand your frustration with the process. But I agree with David. I think the problem was the one visit and you not there for the inteview. If you had made more visits, then your presence there may not have been as critical. They are looking for fraud and the proof of the relationship now is in the effort you spend to show that it is valid. So they raise the financial bar on you as one way of showing that it is a serious relationship. Your going there and providing a certified copy of your passport along with the extra financial info should be more than enough. Sure it is inconvenient, but that is the game and we have to play by their rules and not what we think is fair.

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Sorry to hear the bad news Jim, but you have the right attitude.

The problem is, as stated by others, the lack of time spent with her, and the vo's bad mood.

I think if you had been there for the interview it wouldn't have happened.

She would have come out with that BS and you would have gone in with a full head of steam. :lol:

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Given the time line of your total relationship and single visit, it looks as if they are being cautious.


The request for more financial information is just a tool and they are trying to flush out an illegal visa attempt; drugs, prostitution etc.


Things should be fine if your comply with the request in an expeditious manner.


Good Luck

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I agree with early assessment. I think something tipped him off. Maybe he felt that only 1 trip to China to see your SO was insufficient. I think your going to China personally trying to overturn this case will be helpful.


How many pics did your SO have with her during her interview? Once you're there in China, take lots of pics with both of you and SO's family members.

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Guest Gene
:o Sorry to hear about the delay Jim. Go over there and stir things up, but don't make them mad, it could make things worse, like MikeXiao said in another post " don't want to piss off the cook" :blink:
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Sorry to hear about the delay. The good news is they are asking for things that are possible to get. My opinion is they are just putting up hoops to see if you will jump through them. Kind of testing your commitment to the relationship. Give em what they want. If you can go to China it will be added evidence of your commitment to the relationship. Above all don't piss them off. As our glorius leader Don told me when we got our blue slip "use a lot of mouthwash to get the taste out of your mouth while kissing their ass" Good luck.

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"Original canceled paychecks for the past six months"  (Not pay stubs)


wtf is this? i dont get these, the COMPANY DOES.

WTF indeed! My pay is by direct deposit.


Also called the lawyers office today (new paralegal now) and heard about W2s for the first time!

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