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The candle lives on

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I'm sure you have all read Don's announcement to keep the candle lit. first let me thank PJ for starting Candle and for all the work he has done and for allowing the candle to stay lit. Thanks PJ I hope the best for you and yours and I hope you will continue to be a the huge part of our lives that you have been.


For what it is worth Don has 100% of my support in his endeavor to run the candle. I can think of no one else who is any where near as qualified to keep the candle lit. Not only because of his already long term commitment and the work that he has done but also because he is Don and Don and CFL are synonymous. I have the utmost respect for Don and will do whatever is in my powers to support him during his reign.


There is NO WAY that we, the members can allow Don to pick up the tab for this. I beg all of you to contact Don and donate donate donate. I'm sure you all felt the same way I did when we feared we were losing our extended family. A donation will be a very small price to pay to keep the candle burning'


Having said all this the only thing left to say is WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! :redblob: :unsure: :redblob: :blink: :redblob: :greenblob: :redblob: :greenblob: :redblob: :greenblob: :greenblob: :redblob:

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I'll second that wahooo :unsure: :greenblob: :blink: :greenblob: :greenblob: :redblob:


I'd like to suggest that a donation button be added to the front door. Paypal and Amazon would cover most people that use internet for pay. The two buttons would make it easy and it can be done to any selected email address.


I just hope this place wont get too sheepish. :greenblob:

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I agree with all that Trigg has written. In my view, PJ and your work is a labor of love that I believe we all appreciate. I would be lost with out this.


For example: my wife's CR1 case was forwarded by the NVC to Guangzhou on April 1, 2005. I e-mailed the Consulate two days ago and got their response; They have not received my case yet. After 5+ weeks and still no sign of the case.


CFL has taught me that it takes from 4 - 6 weeks for Guangzhou to receive the case. So, I knew when to contact them. Selfishly I thought, what will I do without CFL if it is gone. How will I know what to do now, or how long to wait until I really panic !!! So CFL really does make a difference!!!



What we as CFL members can do to support Don is:


1. For those members who can afford to support CFL financially, please do to the best of your ability.


2. For the "tech" savy members, answer Don's call for help for technical help.


3. If and when Don asks for Admin support, those members who have the time answer the call.


4. Last but not least, we should all try to make our posts both friendly and positive while being faithful to our thoughts. I try to follow this old saying (I am not always successful), "Discretion is the better part of valor".


You can count me in !!! Again great job to those brave souls running CFL now.



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I agree that no single person should be burdened with as much as Don has taken on.. but frankly, there's no one better.


As for the donations, the members have to pick up this tab, particularly if it remains non-commercial.


I like the idea of using paypal.


I would recommend that we also be able to see what is the current financial need at the moment, which means it is updated at the same screen as the paypal button.


The donations might start coming in very easily at first, but over time, it will settle down and a 'reminder' of the current need is a way to keep people aware that donations are needed.


Some sort of goal should be set, like always be financed 6-8 month ahead.. the more the better. So, if the goal is 6 months, and we only have finances for the next four months ahead, there could be some sort of barometer which shows where we are to goal...


Anyway, PJ and Don, thank you.

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I've read the suggestion of a membership fee and I think that is an idea worth considering. There is lots of valuable information here. Could be set up like the on-line dating services - you can look for free but have to pay if you want to post questions. Just an idea.


Anyway thanks to Don and all the members who worked behind the scenes to make this happen. I am quite grateful to you all.


:rolleyes: :unsure:

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I've read the suggestion of a membership fee and I think that is an idea worth considering. There is lots of valuable information here. Could be set up like the on-line dating services - you can look for free but have to pay if you want to post questions. Just an idea.


Anyway thanks to Don and all the members who worked behind the scenes to make this happen.  I am quite grateful to you all.


:rolleyes:  :unsure:

I think this is a very good idea.. but it's unclear if the code behind the scenes supports this easily or requires a lot of changes.


I would think that if a donation basis cannot get people to pay [over the long haul], then membership would be necessary to keep a few from having to 'foot the bill'...

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I've read the suggestion of a membership fee and I think that is an idea worth considering. There is lots of valuable information here. Could be set up like the on-line dating services - you can look for free but have to pay if you want to post questions. Just an idea.


Personally I dont think it is a good idea for paying to post, that will make some people refrain from posting, which is not good for a public forum. More posts, more people will come, more people come, more posts....

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Most Excellent!


This is a wonderful outcome!


It represents trememdous continuity, and I personally want to thank all who have been working behind the scenes to bring this about ! There have been so many heart-felt messages here, and i know I am one of many who, ultimately, return to the TRUE old timers --- those of the Black Hole days ---- to issue a special vote of thanks --- it was your passion that brought this site to conception..


Robert S. ... want to thank you for your comments about that... and congradulate you regarding the more literal meaning! (I'm sure he does have your good looks..)


Don, I have complete confidence in your leadership!


I would add this: There is a younger faction, and yeah, maybe not always the most tactful (not like Trigg, for instance...) JP probably falls into that category, but he also is smart, and one of the strongest supporters of the Candle... I personally would like to see him become an administrator ----- shoulder the burden, and some of the responsibility --- learning experience on his part, and the Candle (in my opinion) would benefit greatly too...

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I've read the suggestion of a membership fee and I think that is an idea worth considering. There is lots of valuable information here. Could be set up like the on-line dating services - you can look for free but have to pay if you want to post questions. Just an idea.


Personally I dont think it is a good idea for paying to post, that will make some people refrain from posting, which is not good for a public forum. More posts, more people will come, more people come, more posts....

And what if the costs to run the webpage cannot be kept up. What would you recommend then, shutting down?

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And what if the costs to run the webpage cannot be kept up.  What would you recommend then, shutting down?

Surely you can disagree or ignore my word, if you dont like the idea. But why are you in such an irritable manner? I was just giving my personal opinion, to help CFL to be a better site.

You are the first one that talk to me in such an unfriend way on CFL. :) :angry:

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This isn't the time to argue. We WILL fund CFL. Now let's all pull together and contact Don so we can get the money rollng in. Moving the site to a new host and set up fees will be rather large. Time for talk is done-now is the time for doing. We can always argue latrer!!

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