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Chinese Toilets

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My SO says the Chinese toilets are more sanitary then western ones.


When in the hotel she will always wash the seat.


My concept is that since she is a "city girl" and has never been camping;

she will not have a problem when I take her to the high country for a weekend.


Her fears about camping are bears and crazy people with guns.


In fact she was really concerned when I told her I was a gun owner.

That's a seperate topic. <_<

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Now, here is finally a worthwhile topic...


It amazes me that there can be the most unsanitary conditions, but if its on the floor and not in contact with your skin, then it's ok...


My SO finally installed a shower head for me while I was in China, so I could enjoy the modern benefits of some warm water... but since the bathroom was about the size of a closet, the toilet always got a good 'rinsing'... I could sit down and take my shower.. I've never sat on my toilet in the US and showered at the same time.. it's liberating...


As for guns.. um.. shouldn't of brought it up... I talked to a chinese guy and he said, "I cannot figure out why a human would want to shot something at another being "... and he said this and looked down in a very deep gesture... almost like he was offering up a prayer.. I just couldn't speak..

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My SO says the Chinese toilets are more sanitary then western ones.


When in the hotel she will always wash the seat.


My concept is that since she is a "city girl" and has never been camping;

she will not have a problem when I take her to the high country for a weekend.


Her fears about camping are bears and crazy people with guns.


In fact she was really concerned when I told her I was a gun owner.

That's a seperate topic. :o

I liked them and got really used to it. Personally, I don't like the sit down toilets in the west.


Its amazing what one gets used to since I had trouble using a western toilet again when I first came back to USA.


Now, I will not mention the vile bathrooms I haved visited in China. I just really miss the squat part....

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I liked them and got really used to it. Personally,  I don't like the sit down toilets in the west.


Its amazing what one gets used to since I had trouble using a western toilet again when I first came back to USA.


Now,  I will not mention the vile bathrooms I haved visited in China.  I just really miss the squat part....

I kinda got used to it, and didn't mind it... except on the train ride to Beijing.. and later I discovered my 'first time' difficulties had to do with facing the wrong direction... man, bouncing off the wall was not pleasant.


And, I think the constant use makes them very prone to hemorroid issues...

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Now, here is finally a worthwhile topic...


Oh yeah, the great ca ca debate!! This one has been done to death in past threads. We had covered spine alighnment and colon cleansing etc. ad nausea. The bottom line (excuse the pun) is that when I'm a' shittin' i'm a' sittin'!!!!!!!

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Maybe if we practiced more.. and used the 'sqatters sit' ... all over China, I saw both young and old pull up their 'seat' and just 'sit' anywhere in the squatter position. I've noticed that kids in the US, when young will naturally do this. We just get old, fat and lazy...

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