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Everything posted by yyp

  1. OK, here are interview questions and answers. MM felt that they had actually already approved her visa and the interview was a formality. Whoever said practice makes perfect, she made a few mistakes in her answers because she was nervous but it did not bother the VO at all. My belief has always been that they know the applicant is nervous at the interview. Also believe that the VO must be trained similar to the border officers in the U.S. to be able to read a person's reactions and body language. It is human and normal to be nervous and make mistakes. I believe the whole process of approval basically boils down to two issues, that there is a relationship and the ability to support your spouse. The Interview: Me: Hi morning! (With lovely smile) VO: Hi morning! (With big smile) VO: You can speak English? Me: Yes VO: Good, because I cannot speak Chinese well, we can talk in English then. Me: Sure VO: Where do you meet your fiancé? Me: We met each other on a Christian Matchmaker web-site. VO: Oh, Good, are you a Christian? Me: Yes, we both are Christian. VO: Good, where do you go to church? (I did not hear what he said this time because his voice so low) Me: Excuse me? VO: where do you go to church? Me: I went to church twice in Shanghai. (Did not think he asked me this question, felt a little shock, after I answered, I thought maybe he thought I went to church so little, then maybe he thought I am not a real Christian. Then I began to feel nervous) VO: Where does your fiancé work? Me: (She answers with the city I live in – when MM told me this I laughed so hard I almost fell off the couch – after all our interview practice) (too nervous to answer correctly) VO: Ok, do you have his company's letter? Me: Yes, (began to open the big folder to take paper out) VO: What does he do? Me: He is a ###########. Me: This is his job letter, and here are his income tax forms, passport (show him the papers) VO: Oh, good. VO: How many times did he come to China to see you? Me: Five times. (In the middle of his question, I knew what he was asking me, so I answered so quick this time) VO: Oh, five times. Me: Yes, there are his passport's copies. (I pointed at the passport's copies before him, and he looked.) VO: When will you plan to get married? Me: in the middle of April (I was not sure he asked me when or where) VO: Where? Me: (She again answers with city where I live – but we plan to go to Tennessee to have our wedding) (I quickly realized that I made mistake) Me: But we plan to drive to his mother's home to visit his mother first. VO: Oh, where does his mother live? Me: #######, Tennessee VO: which city? Me: ########## VO: Oh, great, very beautiful place can see so many trees. Me: Really! VO: Yeah, ok, you come back Monday afternoon at 4:00 pm to pick up your visa. (Taking out a white slip to hand it to me) Me: Thank you! VO: You are welcome! Have a nice day! Me: Thank you! Have a nice day! We have waited for two and half years. VO: We are so sorry to keep you waiting so long. Me: That's ok. (Taking back all my documents and put them inside my bag) Me: You have my passport, right? VO: Yes, we need your passport to make visa on it. Me: Ok, Thank you. Have a nice weekend! VO: Have a nice weekend! MM arrived early for the interview at 6:30 and there were already 25 others in line waiting. When they went inside she was called first to the window to give them her documents. Then she was given a number 15 for the interview and a lady next to her received number 80. Of course they do not go in order and was called much later then the lady with number 80. So much for getting in line early. MM said the officer was about 30 and average build, a very nice and polite man. Hope this helps others headed to GZ for their interviews, and Good Luck. B)
  2. Was watching TV last night thinking it would be late when MM has her interview....then the phone rang so early and heard a happy voice on the line. MM had her interview early and had her white slip in her hand already She told me there were many white slips being issued on Friday while she was waiting for her interview. We will post a description of the interview later for everyone. Now we can get on with our life and stop collecting all those frequent flyer miles B)
  3. My understanding is that only the I-134 requires a notary, though my feeling is that it does not hurt to notarize additional important documents. My attorney told me to include three months of pay-stubs. When filling in my I-134 the attorney office said I only need to enter the amount of salary due to the rate, and said I could ignore the additional information, i.e., stocks and etc. I did enter additional financial information on the I-134 as again I feel it certainly does not hurt. The moral of the story, if the attorney is correct, is if you have a high income then that is all you need to show....this would mean you are ok. We received our P3 the middle of September and my MM is having her interview today, which appears to be the normal wait presently. Maybe you will be lucky and have your interview sooner. Good luck.
  4. We are hours away from our interview on Friday. MM says that time seems to go by so fast now after all the time we have waited for this moment. We talked on the phone last night and I encouraged her and tell her to go to sleep early to be rested for the interview in the morning. A friend asked me yesterday if I was excited or nervous. I told her no I am feeling fine. But this morning I had to ask myself why I am not sleeping the whole night the last few nights. I told MM that Friday must be a good day for the interview as people are typically in better moods on Friday just before the weekend. What impresses me is the courage we all put forth, to vest our time in a long process of obtaining our visa to start a family. Then so much weight is placed on the point in time of our interview, when our immediate future is just before us at the interview window. Hoping my phone rings this evening with joyful news from MM. Maybe then I will rest the whole night….or maybe get up and start cleaning the floor before she arrives next week.
  5. Hi everyone, we have so many different documents to take for the interview, and we need to use some metal clip on the documents. Does anyone know the GZ allow us to use metal clip for interview when we go through the security check? Thanks! We are praying that we will get our white slip smoothly! Good luck to all!
  6. I do not see the link for the P4 forms on CFL. Does someone have the link to the P4 forms?
  7. MM wants to know how others have filled in their P4 documents, if they were filled in by hand or completed the forms with a computer? She says there is too little space to fill in the forms by hand. Are there posted P4 forms on CFL that can be completed on a computer and printed. Thanks
  8. That is all true Trigg. A Notary Public will charge $20 (in California) per document/signature. Where the County Administration Notary Public will notarize several documents (I believe it was 5 or 6 documents in the complete packet) for $10 total. In my original post I did explain that the “Apostille?was intended for submission to a foreign government. Again it boils down to having your document(s) notarized then having the notarization certified by the County and the County certification certified by the Secretary of State (state level secretary, not federal.) It is more than is necessary, but I think it will reflect the effort to prepare the documents professional. Besides, as I said the golden state seal looks way cool, and shiny too. So even if you do not go for the whole “Apostille?process you should at least save yourself a few dollars by visiting your local County Administration for the Notary Public service. Actually, the price for a notary in CA is fixed by the state at $10. Somebody got ripped off big time!!! You are correct.....it was $10 per signature.
  9. You two are very funny. It is also funny that I live in California, and will be traveling in April with MM to have our wedding in Tennessee with my family. I do not appreciate the tone of the previous messages and would suggest that CFL is not an appropriate forum for your discussion.
  10. That is all true Trigg. A Notary Public will charge $20 (in California) per document/signature. Where the County Administration Notary Public will notarize several documents (I believe it was 5 or 6 documents in the complete packet) for $10 total. In my original post I did explain that the “Apostille” was intended for submission to a foreign government. Again it boils down to having your document(s) notarized then having the notarization certified by the County and the County certification certified by the Secretary of State (state level secretary, not federal.) It is more than is necessary, but I think it will reflect the effort to prepare the documents professional. Besides, as I said the golden state seal looks way cool, and shiny too. So even if you do not go for the whole “Apostille” process you should at least save yourself a few dollars by visiting your local County Administration for the Notary Public service.
  11. That would have been my post - here is an extract from that post: "At County Administration I discovered they would notarize up to six items (including passport and visa copies) under a “California Jurat with Affiant Statement” for a grand total of $10. This notarized and sealed statement is attached to the top of the packet of six documents. Next they sent me to the County Clerk office where they attach for $2 a “Certificate of Proof Acknowledgement,” which certifies the Notary Public, to the front of the growing packet. The packet of documents is looking more official as I move from office to office. Now I head back to the California State Department where for $26 this office attaches a statement from the Secretary of State certifying that the “Certificate of Proof Acknowledgement” from the county is authenticated. The term for this is “Apostille” which is how you can create a notarized document that is recognized in a foreign country." I can tell you that MM was very happy when she recieved the documents, it is an impressive packet and should show that a person has taken extra steps in documenting the visa application....at least that is our hope.
  12. To quote Monty Python; I love beating my head against the wall..... Because it feels so good when I stop.
  13. We sympathize with you; we are closing in on two years since our application. During our extended wait we have looked for what is positive and continue to look forward together. We take solace in knowing that which is costly is most treasured in life. Our long wait has been our challenge to us which we accepted and have grown together with. This sentiment does little when you were so close only to be sidetracked at the last moment. But thought I would share with you that you are not alone and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck, chin up….good things come to those who wait.
  14. I agree, I prefer to use one of these shiping companies and not depend upon the mail system. It is worth the few extra dollars to have these very important documents arrive safely and on time. Looks like the shipping charges are similiar between DHL and FedEx. Good Luck
  15. I shipped our final documents for the interview via FedEx on Saturday February 12 from California and they arrived and cleared customs in Shanghai on the 15th. FedEx had the documents on the delivery truck the next morning and called my MM for delivery. They were very quick, but also a bit expensive as I paid $91.00 for five pounds of documents. It is a nice feeling knowing the documents arrived safely and it certainly made MM very happy.
  16. We have used FedEx in the past and our packages were delivered. A bit expensive though, I just paid over $90 to ship 5 lbs of documents to Shanghai for our interview. A small price to pay to get the documents there safely.
  17. I am preparing to ship our final documents (I-134, etc) to Shanghai. Has anyone had any problems with documents clearing customs? Any suggestions on mailing? I will be using FedEX and will note on declarations that the documents are for K-1 Visa Application. Yes Sping and romance is in the air.
  18. Place the red banner paper around the front door with the appropriate wording for good fortune good luck.... Lots of good food goes along way to staying out of trouble.
  19. Could you tell me how your SO's new single certificate write? I included copies of my single certificate when I sent in our I129F. Now we have interview date, so we get a new single certificate, but they write different words ( state contents differently ) I mean the expression on my new single certificate is not the same as the first one I got. So I would like to know how your SO's new single certificate express to make sure that my new one is no problem. Thanks.
  20. Sitting here on the back porch in shorts and sandals enjoying the sping in the air....
  21. One thing we have hoped for was that MM would be home in time for my birthday this year....and that wish GZ seems to have granted. If the interview goes smooth she will arrive four days before my birthday. Plenty of time for me to show MM where the malls are so she can load up with cool birthday gifts for yours truly. We had planned on going to Hawaii for our wedding..... When talking with my mother yesterday she asked me who was buying her dress for our wedding. I asked her of she was going to fly to Hawaii with us for the ceremony. She said she was not going to Hawaii and not to worry about it, she would discuss plans with MM this morning when she called her from China. Get the feeling that my mother and MM are making up my mind for me....which is a nice feeling to see the two ladies in my life sharing their joy together. Suppose I will have to settle for a two week honeymoon in Maui....life is tough.
  22. Not that I know...but the varying times we are seeing for P4's to be delivered that have been mailed could reflect the area to where they are being mailed. Guessing the larger cities may recieve the packets a little quicker than a remote village or smaller city inland. But this is only a guess
  23. DOS advised me that our P4 was mailed Tuesday from Guangzhou to Shanghai, and it arrived on Friday.
  24. My understanding from past posts on CFL is that when you make the video you both must have your hands on the table visible at all times in the video. The posts also mentioned that there are businesses around the consulate that can provide this service. I am sure someone here who has gone through the video process can give you a clearer picture of what is required. I would make the video before the interview. Good luck.
  25. Heeeeeeeeeee Can add us to the list now....finally!! Our P4 was mailed out today and our interview is on March 11th. Thank God after our long wait. Here's to White slips
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