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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Jingwen was very disappointed that the Las Vegas national thing fizzled out. Might have to consider going to Portland. Besides, someone's got to keep the Southern contingent balanced and in check. That'll clinch it. If jingwen goes then Fang Ling will make my decision for me. Oregon may never be the same. 'Tween Frank and I we will have you all speaking southern!!
  2. #3 is no problem as I can't keep it up for a week anyway-Uh, the plane that is! I'm infamous for my abilities to land on, in, around and through barns. SHE WON"T fly with me. She won't even watch me fly. I'm thinkin' that if life has no more negative suprizes between now and the end of the month and if airfare doesn't rise anymore than I do-I'll likley book our tickets after our interview at the end of the month. Alert the local ranchers and sherrifs department-call DHS and for god sakes hide your barnyard critters. You have been warned!!!!!!
  3. Kim, have you forgotten that I have my own plane?? Now all I have to do is talk her into flyin 2500 miles wiht me in a plane that only travels at 60mph and is open cockpit and is piloted by someone who may be in the record book for surviving the most low speed plabe crashes ever!!! OK already, ya'll are close enough to Montana that I can get my bait there!!
  4. I'm fixin'' ta book my tickets so's I can put a stop to this needless waste of the proverbial sacrificial lamb!!!!! Be wary, I'm coming with my fishin' gear in hand!!!
  5. Say it ain't so Kim, say it ain't so! Don't forget the neck and shoulder are the best parts. Oh naive one, the best parts are the BLEEEEEEEEP and BLEEEEEEEP BLEEP!!! oops, censored again.
  6. Just tell us where to go.. Being it's in late June maybe we can hope to see Trigg??? Sure would be nice.... Us western Oregonians could use some pointers on sheep... Pretty good chance of it.
  7. Ya gots it crect Kim. I'm gonna be 'splainin' my ass off. They may never wanna have nothin' 'splainded agin!! Oh, David, it's Frank that speaks laogonghua. I speak Chicobilly!
  8. I wonder if the medical exam for the P4 does a blood test for AIDS? Although the prostitution question cuts to the chase about 'carrier' concerns. I agree that the question should not be constructed as offensive.. it simply is part of their job to ask certain questions. I have a copy of my wifes med exam. I'm not sure why they gave it to her but if you are really interested in knowing what they test for I can translate it (not from Chinese but from Latin/medical language.
  9. They make something for people like you ... what's it called Viag something Allow me to re-phrase. Standing back up is difficult. Shheeeeezzz, tough crowd!!
  10. Uh huh, but I worked real hard so I could be. I could squat just like when I was a kid-getting up may be the hard part.
  11. Oh yeah, the great ca ca debate!! This one has been done to death in past threads. We had covered spine alighnment and colon cleansing etc. ad nausea. The bottom line (excuse the pun) is that when I'm a' shittin' i'm a' sittin'!!!!!!!
  12. Oh, the I-94 is a small card that I think they fill out on the plane or something like that. It becomes very important later-don't lose it!!!
  13. Passport with visa stamp and I-94 and sealed envelope is what they will want. . The yellow med booklet is her vaccination thing and they don't want the chest xray.
  14. On Jingwen's AOS, we did the following: Family Name - We showed her Chinese family name, not mine. This was the same name as shown on her passport/visa/I-94. G-325A - We showed the same number twice, once at the top and once at the bottom. G-325A - We marked the box "Status as Permanent Resident". Although Frank and I did it differently and my way worked, you might want to listen to Frank. He had the shortest interview in history!!
  15. When I sent mine in I put her new name i.e. my last name for fasmily name as that is the name on her SSN and marriage cert. staus for perm. resident is correct.
  16. Now this is the kind of info I needed. AOS interview in three weeks and you listed at least three things I would not have brought. Good stuff man!!
  17. Goats ain't cute!!! Sheeps is cute-goats is ugly!!!!
  18. Could that be because you are in Tennessee? Hey...I'm in Tennessee, too! You tell 'em Mick!!! What part of TN??????
  19. The Civil Surgeon I called said he will put the original vac sup in a sealed envelope and give me a copy. It is sealed so you don't chnage it. Under the 1975 buckley amendment you have every right to see any and ALL OF YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS. Except for certain psych things. Then again, maybe she isn't covered by Buckley.
  20. I sent my I-485 in last April-2004. The wording was confusing as to wether or not to send in the vaccination supplement so I called UCIS. At that time they said it only needs to be brought to the interview. I haven't heard of any changes since then. Best to call UCIS and ask-if you can find anyone who knows. Oh, I did call UCIS last week to make sure what to bring to our interview this month. They said bring the vac sup and PROOF she is a K1!!! Don't they know???
  21. I think Marty did a K-3, his timeline shows he was married and then he filed, so I assume( theres that word again) he brought his daughter over on a K-4 from his wife's K-3. Doesn't he also have to file a I-130 his daughter along with everything else? Then he would have a A# number for his daughter. In a word-I dunno!!!
  22. In a truly communist country there is little need for efficiency. As china slowly but surely progresses deeper into capitalism, they will indeed become more efficient. Costs of doing business and competing on the international market will demand this. Predicting huge amounts of unemployment would seem obvious-Although, the Chinese have a dogmatic approach to things and seem to be planning this well. Russia had missed the renaissance period and actually had no word in their language for efficiency. My wife assures me that the Chinese do-though she isn't efficient enough to tell me what it is???
  23. for K1 you MUST file the I-485 either before or at the same time you file for the EAD. They will not allow you to file EAD before you file I-485!!!!
  24. If she is K1 she has already had her physical. You get the vacination supplement from a civil surgeon. You do not need to send it in with the I-485. Rather, you need to bring it with you to the AOS interview. The civil surgeon will put it in a sealed envelope for you to take to the interview.
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