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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. It may be Carl but once my cookies got together with my ex's foot. Also a get together to remember no matter how hard I try to forget. I'm workin' on it.
  2. Finding a trust inducing chemical is hardly new. if any of you can remember the 60s and 70s you will remember becoming artificialy paranoid, artificialy happy and artificialy artificial. This is obviously the conservative answer to the 60s. Trust me on ths one guys.
  3. Ya best make me and Fang Ling a maybe on the list.
  4. Staying with the jumping up and down theme let me give you a big ole WAHHOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! And congrats.
  5. Mops are a philosophical state of the delusional mind. delusion=good reality=bad
  6. Yea, everyone come to my house. We'll go fishin'. I just called my buddy in the NRA and we have a new supply of bait.
  7. All bets are off on this one. O know two people who had their physicals within the last tree months. Both were asked to take another in America. We had our AOS interview last week. My wife had taken her physical in GZ 15 months ago. We were not asked for the I-693 or the vaccination supplement. I have talked to a supervisor at UCIS and he said that it is entirely up the immigration officer. He can wave the physical if is over a year old or he can make you take five of them. Constancy is non-existent in government work. Jim posted that he passed the AOS interview today and that they put a green card stamp in his wife's passport. After my wife passed her interview last week I asked about the stamp and the immigration officer said they no longer do that at UCIS. Sooo, you so is not only migrating to a new country but to whatever UCIS sub-office you report to. efficient isn't it??
  8. Hmmmm, centraly located in the US. AHHHH, you mean like in Nashville. Good idea, has my vote!
  9. Wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting a long time to give ya a wahooooooooooooooooo!!! Congrats, now get to cleanin' and destroying evidence.
  10. Congrats Jim. We know how you feel. Fang Ling and I went to our AOS interview last Tuesday. It feels great not to have to mess with them agin. Trigg
  11. You can likley save yourself a trip by sending her the financial evidence they want and have her take it to the overcome window. Most of these things are resolved in a couple of days.
  12. Well, they didn't have a Triggionary but SylinChina's husband translated for both of us. 5 hours getting paperwork-and vacciantion suppliment etc together and all they asked for was 2004 taxes, passports, and anything to prove we live together. I gave them a void check that has both names on it. They asked wifey several questions like "do you intend to overthrow the government"-etc. They asked her why she wanted to marry me-Damned if she had an answer for that-not in any language. Anyway, her green card will be here in 2 weeks. Wang Fang has to wait on the FBI check-the lady said they had just forgotten it but after she gets it they will mail her the greencard. I asked the lady how long the two year green card is for . she said two years from today. I also asked about citizenship elligibility. She said three years from today. I-693 and vaccination supplement were never asked for and I damned sure wasn't going to being it up! There is light at the end of the tunnel and it is not a train!!
  13. A HUGE thanks to Syl (Sylinchina) and her husband Hengle (sp). When I asked if anyone knew of a translator in Memphis for out AOS interview, Syl volunteered her husband, Hengle. We met at the interview time. Syl is great-very very beautiful. My stepdaughter said she looked like an angel. Her husband is well educated, articulte and bright. Nice guy to talk too. After the interview we enjoyed a leisurely meal and good conversation. What a great young couple they are. Huge Huge thanks Syl and Hengle!!!! If you ever get to Nashville-you are always welcome at the Trigg homestead.
  14. Yea Carl, watch me close cuzz I'm a born trouble maker. Remember, I am co-holder of the record for fastest to ever be fired from moderating. Stick with me Carl and you will go far-and fast too.
  15. $525 FOLLARS!!!! Dang that's steep!!! What's the exchange rate from follars to dollars? Anyway, my fee will be around $270. I just now got off the phone with UCIS. I bypassed the phone flunky and went right to a supervisor. At first I was told theta the physical is good for one year. Then I asked why I was told a month ago I didn't need it by a UCIS phone flunky. No response. Then I asked why some are being forced to take the physical again even if they had it months ago and some are not??? She said that it is 100% up to the INS officer who reviewd the case and the one who you have your interview with. She said that they can demand a physical even if you had one yesterday and that they can wave it even if you have never had one. So, my real question to her-'will I be driving 500 miles tommorrow just to get rejected' remains unaswered. She did say it is common for them to waiv the physical if it has become outdated because of a long UCIS wait-but then she said that the INS officer may not do that for me if he doesn't feel like. Fence walking b!%$#
  16. This I-693 thing is very confusing. I did not get my wife another physical. My papers cleared Memphis and then Chicago with no problems. Having heard a few others say that they were forced to get another physical (one in houston I think) I called UCIS and asked them. They told me that I do not have to take my wife for another physical but I do need to prove she came her on a K1. Do you think this is up to the local office??? Why are some being asked to take another physical that is very expensive,In TN it would cost $525 follars for my wife and stepdaughter, and others get by without it?? OR. when I go for my AOS interview tommorrow will they thank me for the 500 miles round trip and tell me to come back after I get the physical that they told me I don't need??
  17. Nope, I'm I am only thing that they will not accept a copy for (but do remember what got cloaned first). But wifey has already told me to say as little as possible.
  18. Just tell them the Civil Surgeon already made the copy. If it's not there when they open the envelope, curse the Civil Surgeon, claim ignorance, and give them 25 cents to make the copy for you. Actually, my Civil Surgeon gave me a copy of something when we went, but I don't think it was a copy of the I-693. If I had to bet, I'd say it's not a big deal Trigg, but I'm not speaking from experience. Good luck tomorrow. I got a copy from the civil surgeon also. I was just pointing out how silly UCIS can be. I'm guessing when they said make a copy-they meant bring the original in a sealed envelope. that was oh so clear!!
  19. Uh yea Carl. I called UCIS to ask what document they consider 'proof' of relationship. I haven't put things in her name except the checking account. They said that's all I will need. Believing in the UCIS I also have a statement form the VA saying they are my dependents ( a real gov agency has already recognized it) and Dr. bills sent to my wife at my address and a statement from the school principal stateing that Wang Fang was enrolled in school from my address by me and and and and and.
  20. In one place on the instruction it says to bring originals AND copies of everything-another place says "bring copies of the I-693 and vaccination suppliment" Should I just copy the sealed envelope??? Never mindof course I should. It would make no sense to do so-soooo of course I should. Damned UCIS-just a bunch of smelly goat herders!!
  21. If you follow the instructions you will find a catch 22-It can not be done I'm in the process of organizing and double checking every thing I will need for tomorrows AOS interview. I-864 and all supporting documents (same that I sent when I filed I-485)-Done. All IDs and every bit of paperwork UCIS has ever sent me (same as when I filed) Done. Vaccination supplement in envelope sealed by the civil surgeon-Done. Proof she is a K1 for the department of redundancy department. (UCIS told me to bring this??? Don't they already know?) Tons of other crap that I have already sent them several times during the proccess-Done. And copies of everything INCLUDING, as per written instructions sent from UCIS, a copy of the I-693 vaccination supplement. So, this is the catch 22. How can I make a copy of something in a sealed envelope without opening the envelope thus rendering it an unsealed envelope. Way to go UCIS-once again you have amazed me!!!!!!!!!
  22. SROP???? Sould this word go into the new wordarama book?? Is this a neologism?? What is the definitiom?? Oh, congrats J. Now maybe the boys will get the hint and stop drooling! Sr = abbreviation for sister op = last half of stop ergo nothing stops a sister. Ok so maybe it was the result of trying to type in the dark while half asleep. Besides I don't drool or even salivate. J is like a daughter to me. Hey J what's Mom like. This forum is off limits to SOs, isn't it? ooops this is a jgrier topic so I forgot I wasn't in the LL. Don please don't send me to that room. Ooooo oooo can we get a crying emoticon, Don? There were times I could have used one. Daughter??? Me thinks not. So you are saying that SROP is not a neologism but rather an artifact of one handed typing?
  23. SROP???? Sould this word go into the new wordarama book?? Is this a neologism?? What is the definitiom?? Oh, congrats J. Now maybe the boys will get the hint and stop drooling!
  24. I had the great fortune to talk with Carl (warpedboard) on the telephone earlier today. Carl and I have traded philosophy, laughed, cried and told lies back and forth on Candle for over a year now but this was the first time I was able to put a voice to the words. I have to say that the Warpedboard (Carl) is a class act all the way. Hell of a genuine guy and a damned site brighter than most. If there is any way possible for me to get to Portland to meet up with him and others in June, I won't miss it. Nothin' like meeting people to see what they are "really" like. Carl, it was a real pleasure talking with you. Trigg
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