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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Trigg, is that a wahoooer in your pocket or are you just a happy man? Yes!
  2. 3???? Well it looks like time to dust off the old wahoooer. Wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  3. Dishnet has Chinese tv stations. There is one that teaches English from Mandarin everyday for an hour. My wife has been learning from this and I am amazed how much she can and does say. All day, all night yak yak yak--Hmmmm, maybe you are better off with status quo!!!!!!!
  4. she didn't buy it but that won't stop me from trying to pull off anything-Ouchyyyyy!!! (damned new mop anyway)
  5. Despite the language barrier, she knows you really well Paul don't make fun of Trigg because of his speaking and listening disabilities He is from the South you know yea.. they are still waiting for annexation to the US... Annexation??? Not hardly, we are still hopin' for succession!! Trigg, We tried it once brother, didn't work out so well, remember? Chaaaa!!! It ain't over till it's over!!!
  6. Despite the language barrier, she knows you really well Paul don't make fun of Trigg because of his speaking and listening disabilities He is from the South you know yea.. they are still waiting for annexation to the US... Annexation??? Not hardly, we are still hopin' for succession!!
  7. WF is passed the interview but because she was only 14 when we applied the FBI didn't do the security check. They will mail us her green card when they get it done. 1-5 months is what they said.
  8. March 19th -2004. Yea, is seems like a long time to me too!!
  9. Well, the old mop slappeer, Fang Ling, recieved her green card yesterday. Thirteen days after the AOS interview. All she asked me was "Husband!!! Why green card no green?" Uh, because Uh-er, well it , ummmmmmmmm-I dunno "Husband, you no to smarty"
  10. Oooooooo, Paul, i only sent in one I-134. Will I have to give the visa back???
  11. It's pretty simple. Just be sure you include the child. Usualy you only need the divorce decree stating that she has custody.
  12. I have always believed that emailing GZ help your case!!!!!!! What could it hurt-unless you are honest and tell them what you really think!!!!!
  13. She is a K1-she will still be legal after 3 months but you need to marry and apply for AOS. the reciept they send you will be sufficient if she is ever asked for papers. she will remain a K1 until you get the greencard even if the I-94 has expired. Remember a visa only gives the right to ask for permission to entere the US at POE. Once she has entereed the US her visa is experied as it is a one time entry visa!!
  14. None. Although there are those that say you should send in the vac sup with the I-485, I did not. I took it to the interview with me. The instructions read like an either or thing but If you send in the supplement now she may need a booster by the time you get your interview so it may be best to wait until you get an interview date to get an apointment with the civil surgeon. Also be warned that most civil surgeons receptionists either don't have a clue or are trying to push a complete physical. You may have to call a few to get what you really need without having to pay for an entire physical.
  15. You should only need the I-693 vaccination supplement. you have to find a civil surgeon. Take her shot records to him and he has the correct forms. he will put them in a sealed envelope for you to bring with you to the AOS interview.
  16. Thank you. Does the designated civil surgeon need to sign the form I-693 for the shots? Yup, he will give you the vacc supplement form in a sealed envelope for your interview!
  17. Danny boy, d'ya think they will mistake me for a CA dude??? Is it the thong that makes me look that way?
  18. There is mass confusion on this issue. I know of at least two who had there exam in China less than three months ago and were required by their local UCIS to get another. I called UCIS and talked to a supervisor that said the exam is only good for one year-regadless of when you applied. she also said the individual immigration officers can request as many exams as they see fit and can waive an exam if they see fit. she did finnaly say that if they did not request it that it probably was not needed again! The rule is there are no rules. i recently went to the AOS interview with my wife. her exam was 14 months old. All we brought was the vaccination supplement with us. They never asked any med questions and never asked to see the vacc supplement which I still have in a sealed envelope from the civil surgeon. so, the law reads one way and the reality reads another? We got the green card with no problem!
  19. It's the last three on the list that she had to get. The others I believe are for Children as my stepdaughter needed all of them.
  20. I'm trying to remember. I think hep B, some pneumonia thing and????? If it is really important to you I will dig up her vac record and tell you for sure!
  21. Make copies, you will may see them again.
  22. Hey Frank, do you really want the southern contingent represented soley by me??? I sure wouldn't!!. Can you imagine the stereotyping that will go on after this event??? I honestly think you need to reconsider. If for no other reason think about the good name of the south being placed in my hands. There is a possibility that CFL will disallow any and all southern members if I am to be the only representitive.
  23. I checked out the map and know excactly where that is. Hmmmm, seems like we are getting a growing chinese population-maybe our next national get together needs to ne in TN. Either that or we can soon start our own street gang.
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