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Everything posted by natrigon

  1. I am sitting here standing besides myself!! Those quotes crack me up. It is the same in Sri Lanka... "Standard Indian Resteraunt, The Name Says It All" and " Best Bank, We Will Keep Your Money" Great story and great writing.
  2. WOW, a whole new topic of discussion I never opened with my fiance... the bits you mentioned along with confuse a cat, albatross, you think you had it bad aargh this is going to be difficult !!
  3. Doug, I am also sorry for you guys that things did not work out. As you mentioned it is way better for the breakup to happen now instead of another year from now. That is the one reason is am grateful for the unexpectedly long delay in processing our file. It has given Mei an extra 3 months (so far) to study English and given me the same opportunity to try and learn Mandarin. Good luck with your future. Louis
  4. Tigers eat chicken, humans eat chicken... what's the prob?
  5. Sounds great! Let me know if you will be in GQ around Feb. 15/16 or on Feb. 23. If so maybe Dean, you and the girls and I could meet there. Louis
  6. Hey great! Our schedule is not firm just yet but we will be through Chongqing on Feb. 15/16 and again on Feb. 23. I just got your PM and I will be in touch when our plans are firm. Hope to see you there! Louis
  7. I thought my 100th post should start a new thread. After about thirteen weeks at the NVC and some congressional intervention our file was finally sent to GZ. Now of course it is sitting on a shelf or in a pile at DHL waiting for the consulate representative to pick it up and bring it to GZ. Either way I am going to ShenZhen Feb 11. Then off to Dazhou (via Chongqing) and back to Shenzhen Feb. 26 for a March 3 departure. Wondereing if anybody will be around then. Louis
  8. My doctor said I was the first one in the gulf coast area of mississippi with influenza this season. He gave me this prescrition called tamiflu. At the time I had a 103.2 degree fever, it was brutal. But 3 days later I was fine. That medicine really worked for me.
  9. Hey thanks for the info. The results are: 3 packages shipped from NVC to GZ on 12/10 #1 weighs .7 lb - delivered #2 weighs .2 lb - delivered #3 weighs 11.9 lbs - clearance delay Should I assume packet #3 includes our file? Seems like that would be par for this course. Can't find a way to confirm which packet.
  10. Clifford, At first I sent a letter to my congressman, I did get a response from the liason who called the NVC on my behalf. She gave me the same canned response I got. A few weeks later I sent a well written letter that was short and to the point. I mentioned that I am a natural US citizen, that I have been paying taxes for over XYZ years and that something must be amiss. Then I officialy requested a "congressional inquiry". Lastly I closed the letter thanking them in advance and noting I would follow up in 10 days. The result was an approval (from the NVC) in 9 days, interesting timeline huh? So in my case there was a difference when I specifically requested the "inquiry". Louis
  11. I noticed several people talking about getting the actual DHL tracking # to GZ. Where did you get that info, from the NVC? Haven't been able to connect with them yet, just wondering if the NVC is the correct source.
  12. Hmmm, Nine days after the congressman opened the file (congressional inquiry) our file was approved and sent to GZ (12/10/03)! A few questions: How did you guys get the DHL# ? From NVC ? Does GZ know the file is sent before they actually receive it ? Thanks, :-)
  13. You left before the end? wow. .... Ya I did. If you did not see the movie do not read below. ____________________________________________________ Near the final scene when the 300-400 samuri charged I find it unfeasonable that only the two stars remained alive. Reminded me of a stalone movie when he avoids 300,000 rounds of ammo, jumps off a skyscraper, lands in a puddle of water and kills the bad guy with one bullet at 2,000 yards, blindfolded. I just thought the closer to the end the worse the movie got. But I did enjoy the beggining and the middle of the movie.
  14. I just saw the movie last night. I thought the beggining and the middle was good but the story line of the second half became very predictable. I ended up leaving before the actual end of the movie. After the major final scene.... well I won't go into it. Still I thought the movie was pretty decent. Louis
  15. Hell yes any man that can eat Duck and spit out Chicken is very talented. Only you could read that story and come to that conclusion... lol
  16. I guess congressman and their aids are just like everyone else. Mine gained my vote as your rightfuly lost your vote. Probably follows the old 80/20 rule (80% uneffective, 20% effective). So I got the bad ones at the NVC and the good ones with the congressman. I guess it should all balance out and one day we will be with our sweeties, united as it should be.
  17. Hey, Great story. Ya, like you and Clifford I was lead astray by... well we are at 9 months and counting. NVC just sent the file to GZ.
  18. 7- Chicken dish without chopped up small chicken bones 6- Fish dish without chopped up small fish bones Good Luck Things I want to show her in America not China, hehehe. Funny story... so there I was in Dazhou in a kind of formal meeting with Mei's old boss, his assistant, 4 co-workers, bla, bla, bla. The meeting was at of course, you guessed it, DINNER. Before dinner we had tea in the couch area of the room. It was rather fancy and I was not expecting that. We were in a fancy hotel in a private room, sitting at a large round table. So the hundreds (or thousands, lol) of different dishes are being put on the table and the marathon eating session begins. Remember, quite the elegant setting. I notice the boss is preparing his Peking style duck with chopsticks. You know, first the thin pancake, then the sauce, the greens and the duck. I was noticing his high dexterity of selecting and placing the ingredients on the pancake which is resting on the little bowl. Then folding it all up and eating it (one handed with chopstix) without dropping a single speck of food.... Then not more than one minute after his elegantly royal manner witht the duck dish he starts loudly spitting out chicken bones on the floor behind him. I thought.... man I love this guy!
  19. Hey thanks... her heart is gold so I am indeed lucky.
  20. Clifford, TY, man that was such a brutal wait I am actualy looking forward to the next one! Hope you beat me on this next step, really. Louis
  21. Could not agree more. You really summed it all up!!
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