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Everything posted by MoonCarolCafe

  1. ??? 5 hours? What are you doing, stopping for a 2 hour meal at the BunBoy restaurant? 3.5 hours if you take your time, 2 hours 40 mins if you are in a hurry and driving a GT class vehicle. I lived in Las Vegas for a year. If you are moving there take a look at a nearby master-planned community called "Summerlin". In my humble opinion Summerlin beats even Walnut, CA for community design. The biggest suprise for me is how conservative Nevada/Las Vegas is. Conservative as in "No, we'll be keeping ALL of our guns, and we like our slot machines, indoor-smoking, brothels, no state income tax, and high speed limits just fine thank you-- take your commie ideas back to Kalifornia!"-conservative. Few things are quite as jarring as going into a supermarket and they guy in front of you has a Very Large shooting iron in a holster on his hip. Then you realize, that it must be legal here, and that if he were up to no good, he would not have his gun in a location where everybody can see it. There is much more to Vegas than the casinos. While I lived there I would rarely go anywhere near the strip, there are plenty of restaurants and malls away from the madness. Yes, it does get hot there, but it's a dry heat. And EVERYWHERE has AC.
  2. Her father is correct. Add Rag-Top, Gook, Kaffir, Dago, Wop, Dune-Coon, Spook, Beaner, Dot, Round-eye, Wog to the above statement and it is still correct. And this just in from our news correspondent in China-- The USA does not hold a monopoly on small minded bigots who object to "race-mixing", as I am certain some of those present can attest.
  3. I can sleep most anywhere, any time, as long as you are not repeatedly poking me with a stick. My wife is a light sleeper, and has trouble falling asleep (I'm also accused of snoring). It's a problem the two of us look forward to having to deal with much more often than we do now.
  4. Yep. No pens, pencils, anything. My cellphone (accidentally) made it through the metal detector.
  5. new2004summer (with 1 post under thier belt) says: Oh my. The irony is so thick you can eat it with a fork. Anyhow, danswayne; I apologize if my earlier response came across as accusatory. I did not intend to sound as if your in-laws were trying to cheat thier way into the USA.
  6. IIRC there are a couple of places to eat on the island. The island itself is about the right size for a leisurely stroll around the perimeter while you wait for the goblin^H^H^H^H^H^H good people inside the consulate to interview your wife. Stop and watch the schoolkids playing in the central courtyard, the pensioners playing badminton, read the plaques on the trees, watch foolish old men swimming in the river (Hepatitis? What's that?).
  7. THIS is why it is so hard for Chinese to get a visa to visit the USA, and why they are asked for "proof" that they will return to China. Yes, there is a legal way-- They can go back to China, and apply for a residency visa. IIRC green cards are for employment only; if they don't intend to work then they don't need a green card. If they don't intend to work then no need for a green card. Have you considered sponsoring them? Edit: If for our wives the process is quicker when you get married in HK or Thailand and do things through the HK/Thai US consulate, the same might go for your parents: Move to HK or Thailand, then apply through the local consulate for the visa.
  8. Yup. Been there. Done that. Got the scar. Having an open wound like this on your body can seriously screw with your head. (Mine was only 10% of the size of this one) B) http://www.surviveoutdoors.com/imgs/emergency/spider_bites/spider3d.jpg
  9. If she no speaka the English, and you no speaka the Chinese, then they just might. You can both speak Klingon for all they care. They like to see that you two can verbally communicate. If she does not speak English she may be asked for a 15 minute videotape of you chatting freestyle in Mandarin.
  10. A pie making machine! For making what kind of pies?
  11. Who is poorer? It depends on your definition of wealth. The USA has lots of intangible wealth, green tinted paper symbolic of promises, untouchable numbers held in electomagnetic stasis, a bunch of natural resources, a bajillion hectares of productive farmland, and so much spare room that we can afford to set off nuclear weapons after 10PM without disturbing the neighbors. China has 1.3 billion people. If Chuck Yeager, Benjamin Franklin, Martin Luther King, Fred Rogers, Stephen King, Daniel Boone, Jimmy Hendrix, James K. Polk, & Steve Jobs are one in a million, then China has 130,000 of them. Who is poorer?
  12. Must-- resist-- urge-- to smash monitor!
  13. I have noticed that some women here in the USA will say: "Honey, would you like to have a slice of pizza from that stand?" "Honey, do you want to buy a hot dog?" "Honey, are you in the mood for Mexican food?" When what they really mean is: "Honey, I'm hungry."
  14. It is a little innocent looking brownish spider... That will, pardon my francaise, FUCK you royally. Ask me how I know. Go on, just ask me. Ask me and the large scar I have on my abdomen where the flesh rotted out. Admittedly, I could have sought medical attention a bit sooner, but what did I know, I just got bitten by a little brown spider, it wasn't a black widow or anything. Sure I felt poorly but I thought it would pass. Perhaps I should have taken it as a clue when my urine turned purple. Or when the site of the spider bite went from red and swollen to dark and numb. Chest pains are what prompted me to go to the hospital (per the doctor I had pissed out so much blood the walls of my heart were rubbing together) Doctor pumps me full of fluids, and guess what! I now have enough strength to start vomiting up some green stuff (bile) that I don't ever recall eating! 3 minutes later I'm on my back in the intensive care ward... where I spent the next 7 days. The doctors expected me to die. I expected to die. Liters of blood were pumped into me, so many that they had to remove the IV from my arm, and pipe them in through my neck (I, a needlephobe, was not happy about getting poked in my feet or arms. Imagine my reaction when told about where they wanted to poke me next!) By the way, morphine has a distinctly unpleasant smell. Obviously I survived the ordeal. I spent the next few weeks stuffing cotton strips into the hole in my belly where all the flesh had rotted, to drain the necrotic fats while the scar healed closed. Ick. Like having to stuff mini tampons into an oozing wound every 2 hours. Around the same time I was bitten, a woman in California had a similar encounter. She lost 3 of her limbs. I was lucky. Very lucky. If you have any of these cute little brown spiders in or around your home, you should take the advice of Palpatine Sidious, and "Kill them. All of them."
  15. What the... He must have had two big, shiny brass ones*. I cannot imagine even the most persistant stateside panhandler being so bold as to attempt to reach into my pocket, unless he is holding some sort of weapon... in which case he becomes a mugger, and not a panhandler. * Made at Han Shing corporation brass products factory #3, Heishan, GuangZhou, PRC. 9001 ISO Certified, Export Grade!
  16. Depends (no pun intended). If you put your children first, raise them right, be a good parent they probably will. On the other hand if they know they are second to whatever man/woman you are sleeping with at the moment... Kind of a self-fulfiling prophesy, reap-what-you-sow sort of deal. Edit: My grandfather is 80-something, and I see him several times a month. Usually you get more conservative as you age-- but Karl Marx would call my G'pa "far left" Makes for delightfully lively arguments. He did not raise me, but he raised tha man who raised me, and look how I came out.
  17. The indictment against those responsible Ms. Randall plead not guilty.
  18. That is the sort of act that someone should go to PMITA federal prison for.
  19. IIRC USCIS requested something similar for my I130. I sent them a notarized copy of the birth certificate, notarized copy of our marriage certificate, and a letter explaining why it was not reasonable to request the hokou(sp) because I would not be recorded in it. It seems they accepted my explanation, as they sent me the affadavit of support forms a few weeks later.
  20. And you are NOT reminding her that the rules varies by state, and length of marriage. Why? Well, this might sound a bit cruel... Based upon your description (Only one side of the story) methinks you should do what is best for your children (Child support? So you don't have custody?) Cut your losses. Make this divorce #2 ASAP. I'm going to guess that she does not want to have any children with you. How much do you want to bet you will get divorce papers shortly after the third anniversary of your marriage? Do you want to endure another year with a woman who is using you? When it comes to divorce, the earlier the better.
  21. AFAIK... You CAN go with her inside the embassy. Use the secret handshake (show your passport) and in you go. You can NOT go with her inside the interview room. Does anyone know if smoking is allowed in the courtyard outside the embassy?
  22. It's not a problem with the quality of the manufactured goods. It's a problem with the design of the manufactured goods. As I sit here, I am using a very nice steel desk with a sand-blasted glass top, typing on a durable black IBM keyboard, moving the mouse pointer with a Microsoft 5-button optical trackball, looking at an NEC 19 inch monitor, listening to NPR on a Sony Walkman, charging my Palm Tungsten, and drinking a glass of orange juice. Everything in the previous sentence, except for the orange juice (the glass is made in China) and the NPR radio signal, is made in China. Not all manufactured goods from China are of poor design.
  23. Some day, hopefully in the near future, an avalanche of P4 envelopes will flow from the GZ consulate to eagerly awaiting petitioners and thier loved ones. One of those "P4" envelopes is going to have paperwork for a P3 inside of it.
  24. Guys (Gals)-- I really really dig China. Nice place. Some great people. The nicest woman on the planet happens to live in GZ. But... a place that openly tolerates protests it aint. However-- Americans protesting... in front of the American consulate (Just ignore the nice men in green and khaki carrying the assualt rifles) would probably cause a bit of consternation. Similar to going to PyongYang, whipping out a short dagger and yelling "Die you imperialist pig" while you repeatedly stab yourself in the chest. Bound to get you some attention. Might not be the best idea. Possible that the Party will place a news blackout on the event and deport you for being an inscruitable Occidental. Certain to cause a bit of embarassment to the Consulate General. Not a way to win friends and influence people. If I participated it would certainly lead to interesting pillow talk between the wife and I. Muttered words such as "you" and "stupid" and "idiot", in mandarin. Replies of "sorry" and "never again" and "shopping tomorrow?" in english. Work with the consulate. Not against them. The staff may be angels. The staff may be rat bastards. Eeither way the staff are the sole gaurdians of the visa stamps.
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