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Everything posted by timb

  1. I am looking for a calling card that can be used calling from china to usa, and usa to china. It would be for only occasional use. Italkbb looks good for future, but I only need it on rare occasions. I use Skype now, when I am home, and when away, from my mobile phone, use sms (www.talk2china.com) Talk to china sms service works about 95% of the time, but sometimes there are service interruptions. I can use it from my mobile phone just like sending an email, and it goes to her mobile phone. This is great, expect when it does not work. So I am looking for suggestions for a good calling card I can use from my mobile phone in usa, or she can use in China to call usa. I think the call quality is the most important, since it will be seldom used. Any suggestions?
  2. I registered when I stayed in Shenzhen. They were actually surprised that someone did it, and it took some time because so few people do it. I remember they saying I was a "good man" for doing it. Perhaps some day I will be glad I did it, If I ever need to prove the authorities I stayed with the woman who committed fraud.
  3. What if I just get my phone unlocked, Pop in a china SIM. Couldn't I still use Wireless, assuming I could find an unlocked Data access point? On another thought, if I didn't get a chinese sim How could I turn off data roaming And just rely on wireless? I already have another unlocked world Compatible phone I could use.
  4. I've read horror stories about data roaming Charges from USC taking their iPhones Aborad. Anyone take their iPhone to china? Timb
  5. Regarding masks, what's the concensus as to the effectiveness? Need a special type? May gf voiced her concern about this Today. Put the mask on once you go through the gate in the usa. Take it off when the plane takes off. Wear it as you walk around the cabin (restroom breaks, etc) Put it on again when the plane is emptying. Take it off again when you get OUTSIDE of the airport. Double points for wearing a pink mask (can be had from your favorite maternity nurse suppliers). I'm not so worried about YOU, as the carriers AROUND YOU. i am not afraid of catching the flu, i am afraid that i will be held up in a "hotel" for a few days and miss everything i have to do in GUZ.... You should be afraid, as they are CONNECTED. If you have some indications of THE FLU, you will be 'held'. Get some masks - wear them - protect yerself from the carriers around you..
  6. My trip will be in July. There does not seem to be anything one can do as a precaution. Even if your pre-tested before your flight, if you just happen to be on the same flight as one person who as a Fever (regardless if it's swine flu), you could find yourself stuck in quarantine at a hotel until everything has been checked out. Obviously if anything that can be done, should be done within reason.
  7. I will be interested to see responses here. I am planning a trip sometime in July. I have also heard stories of them putting arriving people who were Infa-red warm in hotels for 10 days. I would not want to be stuck in Beijing. Please keep this updated....
  8. That would certainly determine if the woman had a sense of humor.... Even in China, it's hard for people to know what you're thinking, unless you speak up and tell them what's on your mind. Find the right moment and put a sign on her back that says: "KICK ME!"
  9. I just wonder if that woman whom yelled at you would cut you some slack if you explain to her that you took the initiative to come to China to learn about China and your heritage. You are making the effort to do it. You didn't grow up in China, so should you be expected to know every nuance of the culture? I agree with what someone else said, you will need a thick skin and stand up for yourself. In my view you did the right thing, you tried speaking with them, but they gave you the cold shoulder. Please someone correct me if I am wrong because my limited understanding of Chinese culture, I thought everyone needs their "Social credits" to be accepted. Would you not have to do some favors or gift giving to be accepted into the local group?
  10. My guess is they feel resentment. You are considered a banana, Yelllow on the outside, white on the inside. As a American teacher, you make more money then they do, but you do not understand the culture or are not true Chinese. I could be wrong, but that's my guess.
  11. Interesting. I just dumped vonage and was curious if others are using Skype and how they are using it. I use it now to make calls locally and to china. Timb
  12. If I were Al, I would want to know the truth. If he shows up there and they try the bait and switch routine, he is likely to feel deceived. So much so, he might just turn right around and give up on the idea of Chinese woman.
  13. Well, I'm in the preliminary stages of planning a springtime trip to see my gal. Can anyone update me on the latest steps involved to get a tourist visa? I'm thinking late March or April timeframe. Thanks! Tim
  14. I think I agree with the psychological premise on this. When you don't really want to do something yourself, do it poorly, so your wife will take over.... Actually I live alone now, so all the cooking and cleaning I do myself. I keep a clean kitchen and wash all the fruits and vegetables I use. I make juice from fruits and vegetables too, so a quick spray of Apple Cider Vinegar and then a water rinse.
  15. Not sure what the problem would be. Others seemed to be able to see it. Are you trying to view in in your web browser, or downloading first? What operating system and browser you using?
  16. On the advise of my gals elder sister (actually just her friend), she suggested getting her some cosmetics (lipstick) and such for a gift. She send me a scarf and tea for Christmas. So now after purchasing a good amount of this stuff, I discover today, you cannot ship such things to China without a special import permit. So I cannot send these (legally) Anyone have any experience with sending this to China? According to Fedex International shipping adviser, China will not allow any products that are for skin care (touches the skin) to be imported without special permit. Timb
  17. This was show on a short program shown before the Olympics called Made in China. The host is a Vietnamese guy named called Anh Do. I extracted this short clip. Have a look and tell me what you think. I know I don't have big ears. Matchmakers Market Timb
  18. Jeff, Take China out of the picture for a moment... Your relationship is still new, and you have not met her in person. I encourage you not to send her any money, that's a real bad sign. Gold digger exist there, just like they do here. Treat the relationship the same as you would treat one here. Take it slow and don't let her looks influence you. Think with your big head. There is no substitute to meeting her in person. I suggest the book available from asianpromise.com. In there, you read about warning signs. Being rushed is one of them, asking for money is another. Falling in love too quickly is yet another. There is plenty of time to meet her, and if all the right signs are there, you can help support her with English lessons. I've been down this road, so take it slow and think things through. That's my $.02 Good luck Tim
  19. Recently I visited the doctor for some lower back pain complaints and one of the suggestions of treatment was some anti-inflammatory medicine. I happened to pick up some herbal formula anti-inflammatory stuff from the health food store today, and among the instructions, it suggested replacing any pro-inflammatory Omega 6 fatty acids found in cooking oils (corn, safflower, cottonseed, peanut, and sunflower) and replacing with extra virgin olive oil. Well I cook with those bad oils all the time when I stir fry. I have never tried to stir fry with Olive Oil. I am curious if anyone else is having inflammatory issues now that they are having more stir fry foods in their diet? TimB
  20. One thing I am curious about is Chinese humor. Story and joke telling. Does it exist? I get a sense from the Chinese movies I watched that Chinese and Westerns views of humor can be same, situational things that I thought were funny and were meant to be funny. Anyone have any examples of stories or jokes that translate well to show that Eastern humor is similar or different than Western humor? I know that some humor you must have a deep understanding of what the humor relates to, or there is no foundation to understand why something was supposed to be funny. For example, my ex-wife was Russian,and they seem to love to tell Chuckcha stories. Kinda the way Western born Americans might pick on the immigrate polish. Some translated well, others, you had to understand something about Chuckha to know why it was funny. I remember sitting down and watching Jerry Sinfield with her when she was here for a year or two, but she didn't laugh once. Then after about 4 years or so, she was laughing hysterically. She just wasn't fluent enough to get the subtle humor. TimB
  21. I seen this last night. Good Chinese family movie, and it had me laughing pretty hard. Mix of comedy, sci-fi and drama. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0940709/
  22. I was curious if this was a romantic song, sad song, or what it mean. <»ØÔù> Õ½Õ½ÕùÕùתÉí ͵͵´­Ï¢ Éí±³ÏòÃÍ·çÂÒ¿ñ ÎÒÔÙÉîÉîºôÎü·½¿É¶Ô¿¹º§ÀË ºÄ¾¡ÎÒÕâÒ»ÉíµÄÁ¦Æø ²»Í×Э²»Ð­ÉÌ ·ç·çÓêÓ궼×ÜËã¿ÉµÖµ² ÔÚÈÕÕյĶ«·½ ½ô±ÕÉÏÑÛ ¹âÏßÕÕÎÒµÄÃæÅÓ ÂýÂýµÍÒ»Éí²ã²ãµÄ·ÀÓù µ«ÔÚ¾¹ÕùÖаý±áÊÜ´ì ²»ÃâÓе㴴ÉË Ò»Éú×ÜÓÐÆðµø µ«Ôõ¿çÊÀË×µÄÍø ´ÓÇ°»òÎÒÖ»¶®µÃÔõ×·¸ÏÃÙÑ° ½¨Á¢ÎÒµÄÃû×Ö Ò»ÐÄÖ»ÏëÕÒµ½µÃµ½Ðí¶à »¹ÐÒÊÇÎÒÖÕ¶®µÃ×Ùʹ¶¼µÃµ½»òÎþÉüµÄ¸ü¶à woo...... µÃ²»µ½µÄËãµÃÉÏʲô ÊÔÊÔ·Å¿ªÐؽó ÉîÉî˼Ïë ÓµÓиü¶àÓÖÈçºÎ ·¢¾õÒ²Ðí½ñÌìÓ¦¿Ì»ØÔù°ïÖú ÓÖѧ»á¹ØÐÄÖÜÔâÇé¿ö ¸øÓëοÎÊ·öÖú ´ò¿ªÕâ¸öÐÄËø ÐÄħÎÒ×Ô»÷ÆÆ.
  23. Thanks Richard, Things are ok. I am still in financial recovery mode, but corresponding with some ladies. Trying not to rush into anything too fast. Stay tuned.... Tim Welcome back, hope all is well with you. Richard
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