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Everything posted by markimwaiting

  1. Pray someone will do there job at DOS, CA and GZ Accually, I think they are ready to get busy on the J & A bunch.
  2. I dont mind, its cool. No need to to keep adding to it if its done. Thanks for all your help.
  3. Keep these letters rolling folks. every one does in fact count. We are the lost bunch and our cases need to be found and completed with minimum time involved.
  4. The laundry bleach is my favorite part, hehehehehehe
  5. Thank you, I can not emphasize enough, the importance of everyone that is waiting for the clearance in the July and August group to get involved ASAP and send something with there case information on it. Please my format if you like.
  6. Such a great little post! Im sure, very soon ve will all have some cute stories to post. Congratulations!!!!! Im very happy for the both of you.
  7. I would settle for 4 weeks, just know it will be done!!!!!
  8. This is another letter I will send (fax and email) to both, Im not real concerned about it being perfect. we all know Im not good at letters, hehehehehehehe. Folks, knowing what I know as of this morning, I highly suggest we all get to writing a solo letter. please feel free to use this one if you like, make changes as you like but please, if you want your loved one, send some letters. Dear Maura Harty, cc GZ Consulate I would like your help to locate my fiancée’s clearance check. I have waited since 8/22/2002 since the interview, and since 6/22/2002 when the name check was submitted the first time. This is now 6 months since the name check was started. I have talked with so many people and still, I cannot get an answer. So far no one seems to know where our clearance check is at this point. I have heard from the Consulate in Guangzhou it is in the hands of DOS, and I have heard from DOS that is in the hands of Guangzhou. I have heard it needs to be re-entered. I have heard it doesn’t need to be re-entered. I have heard over 5000 name checks were sent to Guangzhou. But still, we have no visa, no answer, no hope and no one willing to help. Is it lost? Was it entered wrong? Was it re-entered? Is it in Guangzhou? Is it finished? If it is lost, what needs to be done to find it? If it has been entered wrong, what needs to be done to fix it? If it has been re-entered, when? If it is finished and in Guangzhou, how long has it been there? If it hasn’t been re-entered, why? And when will it be re-entered. Surely, you understand the pain my fiancée and myself has been through during this change in policy. While we still wait for the clearance, many waiting half the time we have, continue to be moved to the front of the line to receive their visas and be united with their loved ones. Is this fair? I do not think it would be fair, at this point, to get another form letter telling me still pending the name check. The name check should have been finished months ago, before more recent checks were completed. I would be very thankful if both CA and the Consulate in Guangzhou would look into our case and find the reason we have no visa. Thank you,
  9. The powell Letter was faxed yesterday! July and August group, same group as the Harty letter. Thank you everyone. Now, without saying much, again, we all need to keep sending faxes and emails and making phone calls. I think faxes get the most attention, but emails are good also. I have a letter, solo, going to GZ and Harty's office some time today. Please do the same. It is working, I know.
  10. I'm sorry, but no good words here. I do beleave there is a batch of messed up submittals and I also beleave we have been thrown in the ditch. I think once GZ got the motherload of clearances, after the new training on how to enter them into the new and inproved system, we were simply put on the back burner so they could finish the large clearance package they recieved. I hope and pray our letter will help. I think everyone here needs to email or fax an individual copy of the Powell letter to powells office this week, next week, the next and the next. Im going to untill I get an answer that is acceptable.
  11. Im very courious to see what they say. I couldnt get an answer from Andrew Simpkin on this subject. He is one of Harty's assistants.
  12. This is so true. I will make as much noise as I can to try to resolve this situation.
  13. good luck with the rebuilding, i just did one a few days ago
  14. Maybe not so much an accual suit. But the mention of a class action suit might just work.
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