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Posts posted by BrokenHeart

  1. So I took a trip to the Immigration Office San Antonio to see if I could find anything out about my Fiancee Visa being denied so I could cancel it or something. Just as suspected they are dumber than S---.

    The man told me if I filed the I-130 it would cancel the other out. I said yeah right. ok.


    Then I found out when I sent the I-130 in I sent it to Mesquite, Tx. well they changed the process mid stream. Now if in Texas send to Chicago as of end of Nov. Mine was sent and received Nov 14th so I don't know if it made the cut in Texas or went to Chicago.


    Then I asked about a Humanitarian type visa or something. I need a heart transplant and I want my wife here. He said after I get notice write a letter to the Chicago office and see what they can do.


    Immigration here are hispanic and deal with the Spanish people. What do they know about China.


    Eating all these CHEETOS is bad for my heart.

  2. I did not go with my Fiancee at the time of her interview. You cannot go in with her to the interview which is nuts. So they intimidated my wife and she got denied. It either will be painless or painfull, and it will only take 20 mins to find out.........just the facts

    If it were me and I had to do all over I would be there, These people on here are great and they will give you great advice.

  3. How long can someone wait to hear about a K1 denial "not a bonafide relationship". I called the State Dept. yesterday because thats where they sent the file. The lady was great, she took some time to explain the procedure. She stated, she has never received so many phone calls from people looking into Chinese petitions. Anyway, she said my petition was there 08/2007 and sent onto immigration. I asked well how long will this take. She said she didn't know. I stated I submitted another petition K3 because we got married in Hong Kong a year ago.

    She said go to the nearest immigration office with the documents and get a real answer in person. If you talk to someone on the phone you will get 5 different answers and still then you won't find out anything.

    So I went online and made an appointment for Friday at the San Antonio office.

    The new petition I have been waiting 2 months now.


    What a trip this is become.


    If anyone has any more ideas I'd like to hear them.

  4. Did everyone get the news about the 2 USA immigration officials who were working the Fraud Division in China. Well, they were not the most up standing people. They were caught falsifying documents to get Chinese people into the USA and were getting a "kick back" to the tune of one official of $600,000.00. This is still hot and ongoing.

    And we wonder why we can't get anything done, and who else in on the take!!!

  5. I did get married HK 02/28/07 and from all my conversations with HK and here in the states, the next interview will be in HK. I was turned down in GUZ for not a "bonifide relationship".

    I just sent in all my paperwork I-130 to Mesquite, Tx. and will here something shortly.

    At least I can attend the interview with my wife now. They are very nice in HK.

  6. This hasn't even been implemented yet. This is pie in the sky. It will take them 5 years to set up, and another 5 to get the bugs out.


    Then when the money is in the "LOCK BOX" it will be gone for more pork, just like the Social Security money.

    I was a cop for to long to know how all this is going to transpire. This agency will fight this one for access to a data base. etc. etc.


    Its a good system if it works, I am all for keeping the country safe and secure.


    Thats why the hike in money, to pay for it all.


    This is BIG GOVERNMENT at work.

  7. My wife lives Shenzhen and the last time there she had to get a Visa to take me to HK to fly out. We went a week before and the wife had no problem. I also went in the office, I forget what city. It took about an hour to get there, we had a driver. We were there for 30 mins. and she had the Visa to HK of course with a fee. Every time I fly in I always go HK and she is always there to pick me up. We always take the bus and leave the driving to them back to Shenzhen.

  8. Somebody says K-3 another says CR-1 ?????????

    I was told file K-3, the I129-F is no charge. cost $355.00

    All these abbreviations drive me nuts. I know nothing of the forms since a Lawyer in Vegas filled out everything before. So I am DUH, DUH on all this stuff.

    But I am going to do this on my own this time.

    I thought maybe they would put the other file with this new app because it has all the pertinent data in that file. But maybe not. So I am guessing I will start from scratch. Compile everything again and submit.


    You people don't mix me up to badly........I am Polish you know (smile) :ph34r: :D :D

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